Friday, 16 January 2009

Documentation : Sample shoes in the wild


Documentation : Sample  shoes in the wild

Location : (special place not to be told )  , Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
sebenernya saya ngak boleh photo ini, karena mereka ngak mau kena ciduk, tapi saya diem- diem photo. Ini photo sepatu-sepatu bocoran yang di jual di pasaran (toko tidak boleh di infokan ) culture bocoran ini sangat di kenal di negara yang punya pabrik sepatu. concept barang extra di curi dan jual di publik 

Actually I wasn't allowed to take this photo, because they didn't want to be picked up by police, but I took the photo quietly. 
This is a photo of leaked shoes that are sold in the market (stores may not be informed for their safety). This leaked culture is very well known in countries that have shoe factories. concept of extra goods stolen by their workers thrown outside the wall and sold to the public