Monday 31 July 2023

Sunday 30 July 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Hanging out with the fellas


DOCUMENTATION : Hanging out with the fellas

Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Hari ini saya bersenang-senang, dari menghabiskan QT dengan ayah saya makan es krim di tempat es krim favorit kami Cold moo setelah makan siang. Saya diundang untuk datang ke tempat lama favorit kami Benediktus. sayangnya itu adalah hal yang wajar bagi mereka, karena restoran tutup karena tempat Pasifik bukan tempat yang baik untuk membuka restoran, sayangnya lalu lintasnya lambat. Tim Toko Gen 1 selalu dekat dengan tim Benediktus, ini adalah hubungan kakak ke adik di mana kami saling mendukung. selalu memiliki layanan terbaik untuk kami dari mereka.
kemudian dilanjutkan dengan acara trifting dimana Tommi ikut serta membuka booth pada acara tersebut.
ada banyak gen baru yang jarang terlihat disana menjelajahi dunia trifting .over all adalah pengalaman yang baik hari ini.
pelajaran yang saya pelajari hari ini, chandi borobudur tidak dibangun dalam sehari, Anda harus bekerja keras untuk menunjukkan tindakan lebih besar dari kata-kata. dan saya sadar, Anda harus masuk ke dalam budaya untuk mengetahui masa depan, memang butuh usaha untuk memulai dan sejak saat itu Anda mengenal orang-orangnya dan menjadi bagian darinya dan dari situlah kita bakal dapet inside scoop of apa yang terjadi.  
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Today i have a good time , from spending QT with my dad eating ice cream  at our fav ice cream spot Cold moo after brunch. I was invited to come to our fav old spot benedict.the sadly it a fairwell to the them, as the retaurant is closing down cause Pacific place is not a good place to open restaurant , the traffic are slow  sadly. Gen 1 Store team were always close with the Benedict team, its a big brother to little brother relationship where we support each other. always have the best service for us from them.
then we continue to trifting event where Tommi was taking part opening booth at the event.
there were lots of new gen that not often see were there exploring the trifting world .over all was a good experience of the day.

lesson i  learn today, chandi borobudur was not build in a day, you have to work hard to show action is bigger then words. and i realize, you have to be emersed in the culture to know the future,  it does take efford to start and from then u get to know the people and be part of it and know the inside scoop of what is happening. 

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos

Friday 28 July 2023

Saturday 22 July 2023


Back again to regular schedule !!!.

" The reward of good work is more work "

Still testing the comfortability and endurance with the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function. There are more wear and tear on certain parts and it gives more character

As they said, this canvas is for use to tell our story

Continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration. This time is a bit different. Full cardio work out.
Tredmill all day long.

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8.5 - 30 minutes
Cardio incline 5.5 / speed 5 - 30 minutes
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 40 minutes

Special shouts to @aaronehankins @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity. Art is a sport
Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars #ARTISTAREATHELIET

Thursday 20 July 2023

Challange : walk where you normally drive.

 Challange : walk where you normally drive.

In indonesia no matter how close it is, people use to drive to the location. This challange break that barrier . Go places that you usually go by car but instead u walk there !!!....
Enjoying the scene and art on the wall +
fullfill my 10.000 steps a day.

Still testing the comfortability and endurance with the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function. There are more wear and tear on certain parts and it gives more character

As they said, this canvas is for use to tell our story

Special shouts to @aaronehankins @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity. Art is a sport
Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars #ARTISTAREATHELIET

Tuesday 11 July 2023


 Back again to regular schedule !!!.
Its not easy coming back from a month of holiday, To point zero . But the good thing is, the only way is excell up

Still testing the comfortability and endurance with the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function. There are more wear and tear on certain parts and it gives more character

As they said, this canvas is for use to tell our story

Continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration.

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8.2 - 20 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Push up 30 x 3
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @aaronehankins @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity. Art is a sport
Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars #ARTISTAREATHELIET

Sunday 9 July 2023

EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali ( Part 2 )

EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali  ( Part 2 )
Location : Yogja to Bali, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Explore : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali
di Part 2, kita mengexplorasi area berikutnya, "Bali ".
dari Yogya ke Bali, kita mengunakan pesawat. trip tersebut sejam setengah jatuh temponya.
Di Bali kali  seperti di yogya , kita meng exlpore culture , music , makanan dan architecture.
ini  adalah story exporasi kita

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Continue Explore: Other Earth - Yogja + Bali

in Part 2, we explore the next area, which is "Bali ".

from Yogya to Bali, we use the plane this time. the trip is an hour and a half due.

In Bali, just like in Yogya, we explore culture, music, food and architecture.

this is our exploration story in the picture form

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos

Wednesday 5 July 2023

EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali ( Part 1 )

EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogjakarta + Bali  ( Part 1 )
Location : Jakarta to Yogja, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.ran mengambil waktu untuk explorasi Other Earth. Yogya & Bali.buat Part 1.
 kita explore Yogyakarta. kota tersebut berada di Jawa Tengah. 
untuk menuju dari sana Iam.Ran memakai Transportasi kereta api untuk ke tempat tersebut. jatwal kereta berjaan sangat pagi, waktu travel adalah 6 /7 jam. dari jakarta sampai yogya.
buat trip ini saya akan memakai sepatu Nike tom sachs GPS selama EXPLORE : Other Earth -  Yogja + Bali dan mendokumentasikannya.
Explorasi yogyakarta, Iam.Ran akan melihat culture yogyakarta dan mengexplore makanan, architecture dan experience. 
Salah satu acara di exporasi yang menurut saya sangat seru dan harus di coba adalah dimana kita pergi melihat gunung merapi dan melihat peninggalan dari kejadian gunung meletus. 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This time Iam.ran going to do another Exploration. and we name it  " Other Earth. Yogya & Bali ".
there will be 2 part of this exploration. 
as Part 1 goes , we explore Yogyakarta. the city is in Central Java for 3 days 2 night..

to get from there Iam.Ran use train transportation. train schedule runs very early and the travel time will take  6/7 hours. from Jakarta to Yogyakarta.

for this trip it will be perfect foe me to explorea and wear Nike tom sachs GPS shoes during EXPLORE: Other Earth - Yogja + Bali and document them and tell the story of the event.

part 1 - Yogyakarta Exploration, Iam.Ran will see Yogyakarta culture and explore food, architecture and try to find experience and see what yogya can offer.

One of the activities for the exporation which I think is very exciting and must be tried if you ever go to Yogya is to see Mount Merapi and explore the remains of the volcanic eruption.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos