Wednesday 31 May 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Behind the scene of Sneakerpeak after event


DOCUMENTATION : Behind the scene of Sneakerpeak after event

Location : Kemang Village Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Sedikit Photo2 behind the scene abis Sneakerpeak

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Some behind the scene after event Sneakerpeak

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Tuesday 30 May 2023


 Tueday mode :

Stay focused on your mind and body at the same time.
It's so easy nowadays your mind wonders while your body is on a task. Your mind and body need to be synchronized to finish each task every day, to make good judgment.
When ur not in tune between body and mind, it's when u can make mistakes and have accidents or injuries.

Stay focused everyone ! And have a wonderful day.

todays regiment : 

Prep to go to mars and the right shoes on feet is my @tomsachs @nike GPS . #ownlessdomore #nikecraftweartester

Special shout out to the crew @sachsiansyndicate
@marsyard_overshoe @bgv4 @skap_ande and everyone who are always on attack mode each day !!

DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Peak Vol 11 - Part 02

DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Peak Vol 11 - Part 02

Location : Kemang Village Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan article Acara Sneakerpeak 11 yang diadakan 4 hari (kamis sampai Minggu). 
Part 1 di hari kamis dan jumat, di Part 2 kita membahas vibe hari Sabtu dan Minggu. 
saya mencoba datang tiap hari buat research  dan dokumentasi culture sneakers. sepertinya saya infokan part 01 mood acara sneakerpeak  agak down dari acara biasanya. 
Di Part 02, menurut saya mood sabtu  dan minggu lebih baikan sedikit dimana ada sedikit penambahan dari hari kamis dan jumat di traffic dalam acara tersebut. sayangnya cuma di jam tertentu saja. Di mall tersebut ada acara aktivasi lain di area luar juga oleh maybeline, yang bisa di bilang sangat ramai karena mereka bawa tamu2 papan atas indonesia untuk menghibur acaranya mereka dan bisa dibilang ramai, sayangnya menurut saya tidak ada transaksi perpindahan masa yang di harapkan.
acara berjalan lancar, sayangnya menurut saya bisa lebih baik lagi dengan push media dan gimic -gimic untuk lebih banyak orang menghadiri untuk datang supaya penjualan bisa lebih baik buat para tenant yang mengharapkan adanya transaksi. kenapa saya share pendapat ini seperti ini?, sneakerpeak  terkelan adalah acara yang sangat di tunggu2 karena base acaranya dari communitas dan salah satu acara yang keren dengan culture + edukasi tanpa harus bayar.  
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Continuing the article Sneakerpeak 11 event which was held 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

Part 1 is on Thursday and Friday, in Part 2 we discuss the vibe of Saturday and Sunday.

I try to come every day to research the culture of sneakers. It seems that I informed Part 01 that the mood for the Sneakerpeak event was a bit down from the usual event. In Part 02, I think the mood on Saturday and Sunday is a little better where there is traffic at the event, unfortunately only at certain hours people are crowded. in the mall there was an activation event in the outside area also by maybeline, the event was very busy, unfortunately in my opinion no mass transfer transactions were expected.

the event went well, unfortunately in my opinion it could be even better with push media and gimics for more people to attend and come so that sales can be better for tenants who expect transactions. Why do I share this opinion, Sneakerpeak is an event that has been eagerly awaited because it is the base of the community and one of the coolest events because of culture + education

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Monday 29 May 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Peak Vol 11 - Part 01


DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Peak Vol 11 - Part 01

Location : Kemang Village Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti biasa, Sneakerpeak event selalu di adakan di Mall Kemang Village. 
salah satu acara di mana event ini adalah garis nutral buat culture sneakers san salah satu bench mark di Indonesia. saya bilang seperti ini karena event organizer acara ini  mulai dengan berbasis comunitas  pecinta sneaker.
Acara Sneakerpeak 11 diadakan 4 hari (kamis sampai Minggu). saya mencoba datang tiap hari buat research culture sneakers. sepertinya di volume yang kesebleas ini agak berbeda dari yang kemarin2. terlihat lebih rengang dan area lebih besar 2 seperti lagi di waktu covid, dimana tenant 2 yang ikut tidak terlihat sebanyak yang lalu.
part one dokumentasi ini saya bagi per dua hari. dari acara volume terkahir- terakhi  hari pertama (kamis ) dan kedua (jumat) saya dapet info bahwa acara agak terassa sepi dan  banyak tenant berbicara tidak ada traffic. saya juga setuju dan sangat kawatir kenapa kok mall dan acara ini agak terlihat sepi dari biasanya, tapi saya berpikir kali karena orang baru aja dapet gajian dan masih di hari biasa ,dan bukan pekan hari. dari info yang saya dapetkan, banyak tenant2 di hari pertama tidak ada jualan sama sekali dan maximun 5 pair keluar atau di bawah itu.selama 2 hari berjalan acara. saya strategikan untuk hari pertama kedua mengambil banyak stock shot dan crowd shoot. buat photo sepatu2 menurut saya sangat gampang karena banyak sekali sepatu2 ajaib terpajang dengan baik . buat photo crowdnya itu sangat susah untuk menunjukan bahwa ada traffic orang rame di acara ini di kamis dan jumat.
saya mengharapkan sabtu dan minggu  crowd lebih banyak supaya teman2 tenant juga dapet sales dan saya juga bisa mengambil photo 2 crowd buat menulis blog ini.
buat part one dari 2 part series vol 11 sneaker peak , ini saja report saya mengenai acara tersebut.

To Be Continue to Part 2 !!!!
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


As usual, Sneakerpeak events are always held at the Kemang Village Mall.

one of the events where this event is a neutral line for sneakers culture and one of the bench marks in Indonesia. I say this because the event organizer for this event started with a community-based sneaker lover.

The Sneakerpeak 11 event is held 4 days (Thursday to Sunday). I try to come every day to research the culture of sneakers. It seems that the fourth volume is somewhat different from the previous ones. it looks more stretched and the area is bigger 2 like again during the covid period, where the 2 tenants who were involved were not seen as much as before.

part one of this documentation I share every two days. from the last volume event on the first day (Thursday) and second (Friday) I got information that the event was rather quiet and many tenants said there was no traffic. I also agree and am very worried why the mall and this event look a bit quieter than usual, but I think this time it's because people just got paid and it's still on weekdays, and not weekends. from the info I got, many tenants on the first day had no sales at all and a maximum of 5 pairs came out or under that. during the 2 days the event was running. I strategically for the first two days take lots of stock shots and crowd shoots. Taking photos of shoes, in my opinion, is very easy because there are lots of magical shoes that are well displayed. for the photo crowd it is very difficult to show that there is a lot of traffic at this event on Thursday and Friday.

I hope Saturday and Sunday there will be more crowds so that my tenant friends can also get sales and I can also take 2 crowd photos to write this blog.

for part one of the 2 part series vol 11 sneaker peak, this is my report about the event.

To Be Continue to Part 2 !!!!


 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 



Saturday 27 May 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Gray Day 2023 New Balance

 DOCUMENTATION : Gray Day 2023 New Balance   

Location : SCBD, Jakarta


Iam Ran di Undang oleh New Balance ke acara mereka di Titik Temu SCBD area. 
Nama acara adalah " Grey Day 2023" .
New Balance mengadakan privet event, acaranya di mulai jam 4 sore. 
karena saya ada kerjaan dokumentasi di tempat lain, saya agak telat  untuk datang mbaru sampai jam 5am. Acaranya sangat seru dan design tempatnya dan vibenya yang sangat classy.
 menurut pandang mata saya, formula marketing concept New Balance menyatukan lifestyle dengan coffee shop sangat cocok buat mengedukasi market dengan produk produk mereka. Salah satu detail design yang menurut saya sangat keren di dalam acara ini adalah new balance memassang LED lights "NB Gray day 2023 " di Exterior building Titik temu, jadi para tamu dan orang2 yang jalan bisa melihat ada acara NB yang mewah. salah satu Gimic- Gimic kecil yang keren  juga  di acara ini yang menurut saya keren juga seperti roti burger berwarna abu abu, dan minuman2 coffe yang berwarna abu- abu jadi para tamu undangan dan  KOL bisa merasakan full vibe Grey day.  
didalem Coffee shop dibikinan display area buat tamu bisa melihat the future collection yang NB akan keluarkan ke market. sepatu2 seperti 2002R , 990, Apparel dan banyak silouete sepatu lain juga yang di display di area tersebut. di tengah2 acara tamu di suguhkan makanan2 snack yang cantik dan enak.
acara sangat seru, di isi dengan games, product knowledge dan Dj to end the night. 
banyak anak sneaker head datang untuk melihat dan tamu  VIP NB  terlihat sangat senang 
TERIMA KASIH KHUSUS : Tien Tamzil telah mengundang saya
( click di "read more " untuk melihat dokumentasi photo photonya ) 

Iam Ran was invited by New Balance to their event at the SCBD Area.
The name of the event  is "Grey Day 2023".
New Balance is holding a privet event for viewers of their and  the event starts at 4 pm.
because I had documentation work elsewhere, I was a bit late to come until 5am , but luckely the event just started. The event is very exciting and the design of the place and the vibe are very classy.
 From my point of view, New Balance's marketing concept formula unites lifestyle with coffee shops, which is perfect for educating the market with the level that they are looking for , for their products price point. One of the design details that I think is very cool at this event is the new balance big LED lights "NB Gray day 2023"  that are heavily Displayed in the Exterior  of the building just for this event for people to see.Guests and people that walk around in the area  for sure can see it.  Another one of the cool little gimics at this event (which in my opinion is also cool that i like ) the gray burger buns, and gray color coffee drinks so the invited guests and KOL can feel the full emersion  of Gray day vibe.
Inside the coffee shop, New Balance made a display area for guests to see the future collection that NB will release to the market. shoes such as the 2002R, 990, Apparel and many other shoe silhouettes are also on display in the area nicely for people to see and touch. 
In the middle of the event guests were served beautiful and delicious snack foods.
the event was very exciting, filled with games, product knowledge and DJs to end the night.
lots of sneaker head came to take a look and the VIP NB guests looked very happy as well with the event.

SPECIAL THANKS : Tien Tamzil for inviting me  
(click on "read more" to see the photo documentation)


Exercise / preparing for Mars Exploration

" The reward for good work is more work !!!"
Continuing my exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration.
With in healthy body , there is healthy mind !! So remember that.

As u guys know, I've been testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
Pushing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance. There are slight wear and tear.
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.
As i was given the Tom sachs nike down fall shorts, i think the design looks amazing and very comfortable.

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8 - 20 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) 20 rep x 3
Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @marsyard_overshoe @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity.

Stay safe guys, and stay creative.

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars 

Wednesday 24 May 2023



" Be affraid and do it anyway "

The reward for good work is more work.

Excercise / Prep going to Mars

Focus and still continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration. As u guys know, I've been testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).

Pushing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance. There are slight wear and tear.

The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.

As i was given the Tom sachs nike down fall shorts, too. i think the design looks amazing 

Todays regiment 

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8 - 20 minutes

Russian twist 20 rep x 3

Heel touch - 20 rep x 3

Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3

Plank 1 minutes x 3

Clap under knee 30 rep x 3

Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) 20 rep x 3

Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3

Machine weight 20 kg x 20 x 3

Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @marsyard_overshoe @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity. 

Stay safe guys, and stay creative.

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars

Friday 19 May 2023


Exercising Prepare myself to go to Mars.

" Be affraid and do it anyway "

" The reward for good work is more work !!!"

Focus and still continue exercise my physical form  for future Mars exploration. As u guys know, I've been testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
Pushing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance. There are slight wear and tear.
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.
As i was given the  Tom sachs nike down fall shorts, too. i think the design looks amazing 
Todays regiment 

Cardio  incline 0 / speed 8 - 20 minutes
Cardio  incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) 
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Clap under knee 30 rep x 3
Saturn ring (5kg ball around your weist) 30 rep x 3
Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3

Special shouts  to @marsyard_overshoe @bgv4  @skap_ande and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate  for always giving motivation and creativity. 

Stay safe guys, and stay creative.

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting  #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars


Thursday 18 May 2023


 "The reward for good work is more work !!!"

Exercising Prepare myself to go to Mars.

Continue pushing and exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration. As u guys know, I've been testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS)

Testing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance. There are slight wear and tear.

The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.

As i was given the Tom sachs nike down fall shorts, too. i think the design looks amazing and looks cool. (Special thanks to Aaron Henkins for sending the shorts straight from portland )

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0.5 / speed 8 - 20 minutes

Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Russian twist 20 rep x 3

Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up )

Heel touch - 20 rep x 3

Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3

Plank 1 minutes x 3

Clap under knee 30 rep x 3

Sled push - 80kg x 15

Special shouts to @marsyard_overshoe @bgv4 @skap_ande and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity.

Stay safe guys, and stay creative.

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars

Edited · 



Wednesday 17 May 2023




KEJUTAN yang bagus!!!! Sebuah paket dateng kenyataan tanpa saya tahu siapa yang mengirimnya. agak takut juga, soalnya di Indonesia ada orang yang melakukan pengiriman palsu dan penipuan. tetapi ketika saya memeriksa nomor pelacakan, itu dikirim dari portland. dan saya bertanya kepada tukang pos, dapatkah saya melihat nama pengirimnya dan pas saya check MarsYard Overshoe .

saya tidak tahu apa yang ada di dalamnya. tapi aku tahu ini akan menjadi gila dan menyukainya!
TERIMA KASIH kepada Aaron henkins buat paket surprisenya.
( click di "read more " untuk melihat dokumentasi photo photonya ) 

A good SURPRISE !!!!
a mail came true with out me knowing who send it. was a bit scaraed too, couse in Indonesia, there is this  people who does fake sending and scam. but as i check the tracking number, it was sent from portland. and i ask the post man, can i see the name who send it and its MarsYard Overshoe.
i dont know what are inside. but i know its gonna be crazy and loving it ! 

SPECIAL THANKS : Aaron Henkins for giving me this surprise box !  
(click on "read more" to see the photo documentation)

Sunday 14 May 2023

ART : Nike xTom Solar Soft Sandal

 ART : Nike xTom Solar Soft Sandal

Bahasa Indonesia

Sudah lama sejak saya menggambar di Adobe Ilustrator. ive telah memiliki jadwal sibuk sejak proyek terakhir saya. tetapi karena saya tahu memiliki lebih banyak waktu luang, saya menyadari keterampilan saya telah diturunkan dengan tidak menggunakannya. 
jadi ini saya fokus untuk mengasah kembali keterampilan saya dalam menggambar AI.
ini adalah gambar ke sepuluh saya  mencoba  Nike xTom Solar Soft Sandal
(click on " read more " to see more documentation)

Its been a while since i draw on Adobe Ilustrator.
 ive been having a busy schedule since my last project. but as i know have some spare time.
 i realise my skill have been down graded by not using it often. 
so this is me focusing on resharpening my skills on AI drawing. here are my tenth attemp of doing another Tom Sachs Shoes., this time is the Nike xTom Solar Soft Sandal 
(click on " read more " to see more documentation)

Saturday 13 May 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Adidas "House of Classic " at JD Sport

 DOCUMENTATION : Adidas  "House of Classic "  at JD Sport  

Location : Senayan City , Jakarta


Iam.Ran diundang untuk menghadiri Adidas House of Classic di JD Sport store. acaranya luar biasa!
Banyak 3stripes Lovers dan JD sports VIP diundang untuk menghadiri rilis adidas classic silouete ini di toko JD sport Senayan City.
 acara dimulai pukul 6 sore, para tamu berbaur dan melihat 3 adidas silouete yang dipajang di pintu masuk. P Double open acara sebagai pembawa acara.
seinget saya Ini pertama kali Adidas melakukan aktivasi dengan Jd sport.Di area tengah, ada seorang seniman yang melukis secara langsung. lukisan itu akan dilelang di akhir acara, dan tawaran tersebut akan digandakan oleh tim JD Sport dan dilum[pulkan untuk amal.
isi acara pertama adalah  break dancer yang memulai acara untuk menghipnotis penonton dan mengangkat vibe croud. Dilanjutkan dengan live band lokal untuk menghibur penonton dan menjaga kemeriahan acara. dan setelah pelelangan langsung selesai, untuk menutup acara, DJ mulai mengisi hiburan. selama acara berjalan tamu di sugukan di bar
acaranya keren dan saya merasa terhormat sekali lagi diundang untuk mengabadikan adegan dan menghadiri acara Adidas yang indah dan melihat teman-teman Adidas Indonesia saya dan kru  JD sport.

TERIMA KASIH KHUSUS : Chris Liebert telah mengundang saya
( click di "read more " untuk melihat dokumentasi photo photonya ) 

Iam.Ran was invited to attend Adidas House of Classic at JD Sport. the event was amazing !
Many 3stripes  Lovers and JD sports VIP were invited to attend this release of Adidas classic silouete at Jd sport Senayan City store..the event started at 6pm, as guest minggle and and checking out 3 adidas silouete that were display at the entrence P Double open the event as the master of the ceremony.  
this was Adidas first time doing activation with Jd sport.
on the center area, there is an artist that does live painting. the painting will be auction off at the end of the event, and the bid will be doubled by JD sports team and give them to charity.
there were break dancer starting the event  to hypen the crowd, and continue with local live band to entertain the crowd and keep  the vibe of the event as weel. and after the live auction finish , to closed the event , the DJ start as guest are entertain with drinks as well to end the night
the event turn out cool and i was honored once agian to be invited to capture the scene and attend the lovely Adidas event and see my Adidas Indonesia friends and the crew of JD sport.

SPECIAL THANKS : Chris Liebert for inviting me  
(click on "read more" to see the photo documentation)