Tuesday 27 June 2023

INVITATION : Vans " This Is Off The Wall " After Party


Thank you for the invitation...

I will for sure drop by and check the event out

Im always amaze how vans educate the culture. They have always have beautiful activation and creativity. A string present in indonesia culture !!

Thanks, @vans.indo @michael.kienzy
For the invitation 🙏

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Sneek Prev : EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali

Exporation : Other Earth.

Nikeacg short
Nike acg vest
@nike @tomsachs general purpose shoes (GPS).

Todays exploratios is exploring the terrain of mountain merapi, see the landscape, and check out the local scene.
Tasteing the snacks and experience and embrace the vibe that the local offers.

I think people should go out of their comfort zone to experience many things. From taste, smell, touch, sight...
This will bring all of us closer and broaden the view on how big the planet is. The many cultures and ethnics, the many traditions

So be afraid and just do it anyway.

The general purpose shoe is perfect for every occasion. The more u wear it, the more characters of the shoe that comes out

Special shout out to @aaronehankins
@bgv4 And the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always inspiring me to be more creative !

#exploring #nike #nikeCraftweartest #generalpurposeshoe

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Sneek Prev : EXPLORE : Other Earth - Yogja + Bali

The exploration of other earth with the Rover to see the landscape of the land with the team.

A 4x4 experience outside of Yogyakarta 1 hour drive. I think this is a fun experience that everyone should try !!!. And i think its a good activation for outdoor clothing and sneakers brand to to do in my opinion while u bring VIP to go and experience the fun things in life with the product. 

Saturday 17 June 2023


 " The reward for good work is more work !!!.

Pushing the shoes to extreme. And still testing the comfortability and endurance.Continue testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.. There are slight wear and tear on certain parts and it gives more character

Continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration.

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8.2 - 20 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) + Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @aaronehankins @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity.
Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars

Thursday 15 June 2023



Location : Plaza Semanggi , Jakarta


Iam.ran akan balik ke sejarah di artickle kali ini. 
Selama ini saya meliput culture sneakers di indonesia sudah mencapai puncak dan sangat update dari sisi mata saya, tapi tidak begitu sering mengangkat article history lama, di mana  salah satu scene atau era mulai  sneaker culture di Indonesia.  Jadi maka itu saya berpikir untuk melihat balik dan mencari tahu waktu-waktu sneakers culture masih di hitung gerakan underground dan tidak komersial seperti sekarang. memperdalam untuk data siapa  aja orang- orang yang membangun culture sneakers di indonesia dulu visioair2 yang menaruh bata-bata dan  membangun culture yang  yang bermain sneaker  retail atau resell di masa itu.

       Salah satu nama yang sering bergema adalah toko yang sering di angkat dan toko ini menjual sneaekrs di era lama, para sneakers collector sudah tidak asing lagi. toko yang saya maksud ini ada di Plaza semanggi  di masa itu yang bernama " The Lockers ".
toko tersebut adalah salah satu toko yang mengadopsi culture reselling business di era era pertama sneaker culture ada . tidak cuma itu, toko ini membangun dan mengedukasi anak muda yang sekarang bisa di bilang membantu mengadopsikan culture generasi berikut yang berkereasi di culture sneakers.
kayak nama yang tidak asing Aji Handoko, atau Soni dean, mereka adalah student2 dari tempat tersebut. semakin dalam saya mengulik, akhirnya saya bertemu dengan visioair yang membuka toko Locker.   dan akhirnya saya bertemu dan berteman dengan pendiri Locker .
Di article ini saya mau mengangkat dan interview old school player Reinier dan Arno , visionairies / salah satu pionere yang membuka toko reselling sneakers dan culture streetwear di era early early 2000. yang di mata general adalah cuma sebagai sepatu olahraga, tidak sebagai lifestyle seperti sekarang. 
menurut saya mereka mereka inilah yang hebat, visionairies yang sangat raw dan mencintai lebih ke culturenya.
untuk para reader yang intrested, ini adalah sedikit short interview bersama Bro Reinier dan  Bro Arno.
( click di "read more " untuk melihat dokumentasi photo photonya ) 

Iam.ran will return to history in this article.
So far, I have covered sneaker culture in Indonesia, which has reached its peak and are updated from my point of view. I don't often cover old history articles, where scene or era where it began with sneaker culture in Indonesia. So that's why I thought to look back and find out when sneakers culture was still considered as underground movement and not as commercial as it is now. 
to deepen the data on the people who built the sneaker culture in Indonesia / Visionairies who put some of the bricks and built the culture who played sneaker retail or resell at that time.
       One of the names that often resonates is the shop that are often picked up in the ears of sneakers enthusia, shop that sells sneakers in the old era, the sneakers collector is no strange. 
The store I mean was at Plaza Semanggi at that time called "The Lockers".
One of the stores that adopted the culture of sre-elling business in the era of the first sneaker culture to exist. not only that, this store builds and educates young people who can now be said  helped adopt the culture of the next generation who are creative in culture sneakers.
with out this store like the familiar name Aji Handoko, or Soni dean, they are students from that place. the deeper I explored, finally I met visioair who opened a Locker shop. and finally I met and befriended the founder of Locker.
In this article, I interviewed Reinier and Arno, visionairies, one of the pioneer stores that opened a reselling sneakers and culture streetwear shop In the early 2000s, an era when sneakers were still considered underground movement because sneakers in general eyes were just sports shoe in indonesia, not as a lifestyle like now.
In my opinion, they are one of the visionaries who are very raw and love their culture more. this is one person to know if you love the sneaker scene.
for interested readers, this is a short interview with Bro Reinier and Arno Arno.
(click on "read more" to see the photo documentation)

Wednesday 14 June 2023


 Exercising Prepare myself to go to Mars

" The reward for good work is more work !!!.

Pushing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance.Continue testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).
The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.. There are slight wear and tear on certain parts but the durability on this shoe is amazing

Continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration.

Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8.2 - 20 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) + Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3
Candle stan 40 second hold on the post
Saturn (rolling 5kg ball around the waist) x 20
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @aaronehankins @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity.

Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars

Monday 5 June 2023


When u put in work , Another day, another reward !!

" The reward for good work is more work !!!"

Exercising Prepare myself to go to Mars.

. As u guys know, I've been testing the @nike @tomsachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS).Focus and still continue exercise my physical form for future Mars exploration
Pushing the shoes to extreme. And now im still testing the comfortability and endurance. There are slight wear and tear on certain parts but the durability on this shoe is amazing.

The GPS is a good everyday shoes and I think it fits the purpose of its function.
Todays regiment

Cardio incline 0 / speed 8.2 - 20 minutes
Russian twist 20 rep x 3
Heel touch - 20 rep x 3
Laydown Feet tuck 20 rep x 3
Plank 1 minutes x 3
Mercury (Child pose / cobra / push up ) 20 rep x 3
Gravity push up (5kg ball push up above your head from your chest) 30 x 3
Candle stan 40 second hold on the post
Cardio incline 8 / speed 5 - 30 minutes

Special shouts to @marsyard_overshoe @bgv4 and the crew of @sachsiansyndicate for always giving motivation and creativity.

Stay safe guys, and stay creative and keep inspiring

#nikeCraftweartest #BORINGTHEYSAY #tomsachsgps #gps #nike #weartesting #nike #gym #endurance #isru #staycreative #excercisethedemons #goingtomars