Monday 27 November 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Footlocker Tuned In Jakarta 25th Anniversary Nike Tn

DOCUMENTATION : Footlocker Tuned In Jakarta 25th Anniversary Nike Tn 

Location :Senayan City, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang oleh Team Footlocker untuk menghadiri acara Nike yang berjudul 
" Tuned in Jakarta 25 Anniversary Nike Tn "
acara ini untuk mengedukasikan market Indonesia, mengenal sihouette Nike Tn. yang di bikin di tahun 90an. Sepatu classic buat para urban sneaker lovers di sub culture2 mancanegara.  Produksi seatu ini bisa di bilang susah dalam produksi, dan dulunya Nike kerjasama dengan footlocker untuk membantu produksikan sepatu tersebut. dari outsole yang bertema futuristic dan upper yang organic structurenya , bilamana dalam produksi cetakansepatu tersebut dalam sizing akan susah sekali, tetapi mereka bisa membuatnya sampai realita. 
Diacara Nike Ini di adakan di Footlocker store Senayan City, Jakarta. tamu di undang jam 6 untuk menghadirinya.tamu yang datang di arahkan untuk minggle dan liat area Nike Tn yang di design dengan baik untuk melihat produknya. di sana juga ada booth photo dengan concept photo 4 kamera.
setelah tamu sudah banyak datang, kita di arahkan ke area presentasi.
dalam lineup acara, bakal ada 2 talk show, 1st talk show adalah mengenai perspective sebagai pecinta nike Tn dengan guest speaker Ali (collector ) dan Pandu Polo Sebagai Communitas sneaker lover ( IST), di talk show ini juga di hadiri oleh Kika (ekin).talknya sangat seru dan informative.
di 2nd Talk show, ada Tamu dari luar  yang di provide oleh ageless galaxy , tahum bernama" Woodie ". di kalangan sneakers, bisa di bilang salah satu dedengkot dalam negarahkan culture sneakers di media industry , pendiri  / editor in chief Sneaker Freaker. Dimana dia membawa buku yang dia bikin mengenai sepatu tersebut dan culture yang mensupport  dan menunjukan ke kita.
acaranya sangat seru, di pertengahan talk show juga di isi oleh live performance dari penyanyi ternama di kalangan anak muda dan KOL Nike ! ada area potong rambung  dan area makanan, minuman dan icecream dari sponsor2  untuk snack mensupport acara tersebut dan untuk mengisi perut tamu yang hadir.
over all acaranya seru dan keren. 

SPECIAL THANKS :  Vitra / Footlocker / Polo untuk mengundang saya datang ke acara tersebut

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


 Iam.Ran was invited by Team Footlocker to attend the Nike event entitled

" Tuned in Jakarta 25th Anniversary Nike Tn "

This event is to educate the Indonesian market, to get to know the Nike Tn silhouette. which was made in the 90s. Classic shoes for urban sneaker lovers in international subcultures. The production of these shoes can be said to be difficult to produce, and Nike collaborated with Footlocker back in the days to help produce these shoes. from the outsole with a futuristic theme and upper with an organic  looks, if producing, the molds for these shoes have to be different in every sizing, but they noth come out with a formula and made it a reality.

This Nike event was held at the Footlocker store Senayan City, Jakarta. Guests were invited at 6 o'clock to attend. Guests who came were directed to display acrea and look at the well-designed Nike Tn   and see the products in display. there is also a photo booth with concept photos with 4 cameras.

As many guests arrived supporting the event, we were directed to the presentation area.

In the event lineu. there were 2 talk shows,
The 1st talk show is about perspective as a Nike Tn lover in indonesia with guest speaker Ali (collector) and Pandu Polo as a sneaker lover community (IST), this talk show will also be attended by Kika (ekin). The talk was very exciting and informative and fun. The 2nd talk show was even crazyer, there was a guest star from outside  brought by Ageless Galaxy,  his name is  "Woodie_snkrfrk" in instagram. In sneaker circles, you could say that he is one of the leaders in documenting sneaker culture in the media industry for the world, his position is the founder/editor in chief of Sneaker Freaker. he brought his latest book he made about these shoes and inside it a history of the shoe and lots of photos ducumentation  of sub culture that support it. its an amaxing book.

The event was very exciting, and fun.  between the talk show there was also a live performance from a well-known singers among young people nowdays and KOL Nike in music and lifestyle! 

there is also barber area , cut for free and beside it, area for food, drinks and ice cream from sponsors, snacks to support the event and to fill the stomachs of guests attending.

over all the event was exciting and cool.

SPECIAL THANKS : Vitra / Footlocker / Polo for inviting me to the event

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Wednesday 22 November 2023


Location :Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan research saya,  Iam,ran sedang mempersiapkan project baru dimana saya harus melihat dan neliti culture running di indonesia, untungnya saya dapet akses dari Dash Sport , communitas base olahraga denga banyak cabang, salah satunya lari. jadi saya bisa melihat dari cara communitas itu bergerak, style yang mereka lakukan dalam  waktu trainning dan apa yang mereka sukai sebagai communitas dan indifidual. 
seperti di research sebelomnya, saya mendokumentasikannya semua buat project saya yang sedang saya siapkan.   

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Continuing my research, Iam, ran is preparing a new project where I have to look at and research running culture in Indonesia, luckily I got access from Dash Sport, a sports community base with many branches, one of which is running. So I can see the way the community moves, the style they use during training and what they like as a community and as individuals.

like in the previous research, I documented everything for my project which I am currently preparing.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 

Tuesday 21 November 2023



Location : Kemang, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang oleh teman Boim Lenno , dia mengadakan acara trifting di Kemang. 
saya dan Istri dateng untuk mensupport dan check bilamana ada barang2 lucu. saya di informasikan bahwa ada 15 vendor yang ikut di acara ini dan barangnya bagus2. sayangnya kita datang agak telat ke acara tersebut karena ada acara lain yang kita harus datangin.,Tamu dan di flyers di undang dan acara di buka jam 4, kita datang jam 6an. pas kita datang suasananya masih banyak tamu dan vendor2 masih menjual barang2nya. vibe iringan DJ selagi acara berjalan dan selagi saya muter2 banyak sekali barang- barang keren menurut saya. ada yang harganya di atas rata2 dan ada juga yang bisa di bilang good price buat barang2 pre-own..  istri saya borong barang2 pre-own banyak banget :P

Special Thanks kepada  Boim Lenno sudah mengundang saya ke acara kalian 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam.Ran was invited by friend Boim Lenno, he was holding a thrifting event in Kemang.

My wife and I came to support and check if there were any fun things for us to cop. I was informed that there were 15 vendors taking part in this lovely event and the goods were good. Unfortunately we arrived a bit late to the event because there was another event we had to attend. Guests were invited to  the event at 15.00pm , we arrived at 18.00. When we arrived there were still lots of guests and the vendors were still selling their goods.  the DJ was setting the vibe, while the event was running, there were lots of cool stuff in my opinion. some a bit  over prices and some can be said to be good prices for pre-owned goods. my wife as always buys a lot of pre-own goods

Special Thanks kepada  Boim Lenno sudah mengundang saya keacara kalian 

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Thursday 16 November 2023



Exercising Prepare myself to go to Mars

Situation : cussioning test + flexing

As i am preparing to go to mars once again , im starting my excercise so my stamina is back to a good form.
This time, im testing The nike GPS cussion and its flexibility on the shoe. Even though its simple, doing jumping in a spot like this help work every stiff muscle + the cardiowork out in a short amount of time will give u good excercise value.

As i have test the GPS in every environment. This time is no different. Its just a good shoe to have and the cussioning is excellent.

@tomsachs @aaronehankins @bgv4 @sachsiansyndicate @nike @nikecraft


Location :Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia

 Iam,ran sedang mempersiapkan project baru dimana saya harus melihat dan neliti culture running di Indonesia.untungnya saya dapet akses dari Dash Sport sebagai communitas base olahraga denga banyak cabang yang saya bisa gali untuk melihat culture tersebut. jadi saya bisa melihat dari cara communitas itu bergerak, style yang mereka lakukan dalam waktu trainning dan apa yang mereka sukai sebagai communitas dan sebagai indifidual. 
Ini dokumentasi saya pertama-tamabuat  project saya yang sedang saya siapkan.   

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam, ran is currently preparing a new project where I have to look at and research running culture in Indonesia. Luckily I got access to Dash Sport as a sports community base with many branches that I can explore to see this culture. So I can see the way the community moves, the style they use during training and what they like as a community and as individuals.

This is my first documentation for my project that I am preparing.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 

Wednesday 15 November 2023

WEARTESTING - AKROSS 7 Day wear testing

After 7 days of testing, a couple of medium run (average of 1¹½ hours ) different terrain such as aspal,  uneven gravel, dry earth and pebbles to test the comfort and performance, then wearing them for everyday casual and using the shoe more of a lifestyle.

Over all the shoe is amazing.
From performance point of view, even though it looks outdoor and looks a bit heavy, it is not ment for a performance shoes for track running, but its a good jogging shoe to have. The comfortability on the shoe is amazing. In my opinion, its a 8/10.The midsole is very soft and with ortholite insole bring that comfort levels up even more.
May be for a longer run factor, the midsole needs to be stiffend up, cause u need a bit of firmer structure. For everyday use and for trail walking, this shoe is amazing.

For looks, its fantastic. the color blocking, the design, it had that certain attraction that will capture customer to buy from the first look.
the materials are luxurious. The hearry sued on the toe box, the upper tight mash, the construction stiching. The concept of eco, using material that they have and re-used as part of their design. If a brand that can think like this, the outcome of the products will be amazing.
Regarding the vibram outsole, its as expected. The rubber sole material is sticky and helps traction, the track pattern looks a bit excessive, but will surely grip for every condition ,specially for extreme environment such as tracking.

Over all result, its a good shoe to have on your arsenal. You will kill it with the gorpcore look. for an everyday use, this is an amazing confortable shoe to have. I give a 8.5 or even 9. If u ask why its so high,not only the shoe aestheticly pleasing , the comfrotability and function, works!!. And to my surprise, the shoe is localy made in bandung,the shoe is so underated its cool and the guys behind this shoe have that certain mindset that elevate the brand (kind and creative).
I hope they come out with more silhouette and cool color blocking like this one with more function to the product.
If you have the opertunity to buy, test them out !!!

Special thank to

DOCUMENTATION : New Balance : Experiential Day "


Location : Chillax, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-Ran di undang untuk hadir ke acara New Balance "Experiential Day ". 
Acara di adakan di Chillax , Jl sudirman. Para tamu di undang jam 5/6 an dan media di undang jam 3. saya hadir di jam 4 dan coba meliput acara tersebut. saya dan beberapa teman datang, di sambut sama team New Balance dan di maskuan ke area acara secara VIP,  menurut saya design interiornya sangat keren dan bertema track. kita di arahkan ke area registrasi dan di kasih kupon activation. 
bilaman aktivasi itu di lakukan , tamu bisa dapet packet dari New Balance.
acara di mulai dengan minggle di area bean bag +  pertunjukan Fashion Show. the lates sports wear dari New Balance di tunjukan dan acaranya seru. di area yang new balance sediakan, ada pencobaan sepatu midsole fresh foam, tamu bisa mencoba sepatu di tredmill , ada juga area feulcell yang serupa aktivasinya seperti frash foam.
new balance juga menyediakan area apparell mereka, baju2 yang tamu bisa liat dan beli di saat itu.
setelah acara fashionshow, new balance mengundang NBRC( new Balance Running Club) untuk hadir mengikuti Stregth Trainning. kira2 di atas 40 orang hadir dan mengikutinya , kita yang tidak bisa melihat acara tersebut. setelah acara ini selesai , ada tamu penghibur , Dj dan Mc hadir mengisi lagu2 music buat para tamu New Balance berjoget ria.

menurut saya activation New Balance Kali ini biarpun bertema performance, sangat di buat dengan meriah dan fun, dan saya bisa liat tamu semua senang dan mengikut aktivassinya dengan tanpa menahan diri.

Special Thanks kepada Tien dan New Balance  team sudah mengundang saya untuk hadir dan di kasih access untuk meliput . 
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam-Ran was invited to attend the New Balance "Experiential Day" event.

The event was held at Chillax, Jl Sudirman. The guests were invited at 5/6 and the media was invited at 3. I was there at 4 and tried to cover the event. Several friends and I came, were welcomed by the New Balance team and were admitted to the VIP event area, in my opinion the interior design was very cool and had a track theme. we were directed to the registration area and given an activation coupon.

When the activation is carried out, guests can get a package from New Balance.

The event started with a mingle in the bean bag + Fashion Show area. the late sports wear from New Balance was shown and the event was exciting. In the area that New Balance provides, there are fresh foam midsole shoe trials, guests can try shoes on the treadmill, there is also a Feulcell area which has similar activation as Frash Foam.

New Balance also provides their apparel area, clothes that guests can see and buy at that time.

After the fashion show, New Balance invited NBRC (New Balance Running Club) to attend Stregth Training. Approximately more than 40 people attended and participated, we were the ones who couldn't see the event. After the event was over, there were guest entertainers, DJ and MC who were present to provide music songs for the New Balance guests to dance happily.

In my opinion, the New Balance activation this time, even though it had a performance theme, was very lively and fun, and I could see that the guests were all happy and taking part in the activity without holding back.

Special Thanks to Tien and the New Balance team for inviting me to attend and giving access to cover.

 check my photo documentation for more information about this event

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Friday 10 November 2023


Day 03 - night run / jogging. (1.00 hour)


1. Advance comfortability test

2. Find any flaws on the design


Just like yesterday, I did another further weartesting just to further test the shoe for me to give my opinion. I did a night jog for 1.00 hour and more running on an uneven track with gravel
the shoe feel great and the cushion is comfortable. The sole track helps alot for me to grip, there are some small pebbles stuck in them, but not to an extend for me to be worried. Any shoes that have gaps on their sole sometimes will have that "suvenir" (I call it, when after u run u see small pebbles stuck between the trends of the sole)

I have not found any problem to it while I run today, I think this shoes is good and have a bright future for an everyday shoe on your rotation. Over all well made shoes !
I think the 3M on the back help, cause I kind a realize people with motor cycle kind see me and they drive around me with ease, I don't have to keep looking back and give a sign to go over me. This has been my 3 days testing( the whole day wearing it). Instill have 4 more days weartesting

My report today


Wednesday 8 November 2023



7.623 STEPS

Test :

1. Comfort for running
2. Tracksion of the sole
4. If there is any flaws in the design

Day 1, I took it for a walk, today I took it up for a 1.30 hours run / jog. I found the shoe is very comfortable. It is a bit heavy, but I understand this is for track walking and not a running performance shoes that had to be light, but u can still use it for running short distance. The midsole and ortholite does give good energy return.
I did test run in a more flat ground, mostly asphalt around my neighborhood. There are a slight hill area, where I can test traction. The Vibram sole does help give traction when I go up hill and when I go down, I don't have problem (need to double test cause todays weather is dry and not wet).
I feel the design of the sole is good, the track pattern ,at the end of my walk, I become lazy and I can see If I don't bring my feet up the sole drag and catch the unneven pavement, which show if Ur outdoor, ithe sole can help in even terrain.

I don't know if it's a flaw, but the lacing system can be upgraded. With no holes, you have to coke it so the feet stay in place with in the shoe, the laceing design hold the actual lace ,for lifestyle used it ok, but if you use it for performance, it gives away Abit unless you really tighten them real tight

I will still weartest them till end of the week, if I found anomaly, I will report

Here are my thoughs

Thanks @mochbudi @fahmifaisal




Location : Kemang JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Dokumentasi Urban Sneaker Society 2023, saya datang  lagi ke Day 03.
seperti kemarin, acara terlihat berjalan lancar dan banyak sekali orang pada datang mensupport acara tersebut. Saya di undang juga sama beberapa tenant untuk melihat activasi mereka. 
selagi saya berjalan, saya di kasih beberapa sepatu untuk di review. 
jujur, saya bukan v-logger terkenal yang sering unboxing. bisa terhitung lah beberapa kali saya melakukannya. tetai saya sangat honnor di kassih kesempatanyya.. dan saya akan lakukan sebisa saya untuk nge-share pendapat saya dan mengedukasi orang2 di sekitar saya dan yang sering masuk ke blog saya  mengenai produk- produk tersebut.
menurut saya yang dateng keacara  hari terakhir USS ini untuk mendapatkan deal-deal di hari terakhir dimana ada discount - bagus dari para tennant - biasanya tenatn di acara seperti ini mengasih discount harga menarik untuk menutup akhir acara.

saya datang di jam 1an , pas saya masuk sudah sangat ramai, dan sampai akhir saya di sana (09.00PM) masih terlihat ramai. congratulation kepada team USS, menurut saya kalian masih memegang bach mark buat communitas anak2 muda, bakat  kreasi lokal product dan culture sepatu2. 
sayas sangat penaran, JSD di tahun depan akan melakukan apa untuk menunjukan kemahiran event mereka, karena biasanya dua event organizer yang bertema sneakers dan culture saling competisi dengan sehat menunjukan kreativitas mereka  

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
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Continuing the Urban Sneaker Society 2023 Documentation, I come again to Day 03.

like yesterday, the event seemed to be running smoothly and lots of people came to support the event.

 I was also invited by several tenants to come and see their activation.

While I was walking, I was given some shoes to review by a few local brand.

Honestly, I'm not a famous v-logger who often unboxes shoes.if I did, I can count the number of times I've done it. so, I am very honored to be given the opportunity and I will do what I can to share my opinion and educate the people around me and who often come to my blog about these products.

In my opinion, those who come to the event on the last day of USS are to get deals on the last day where there are discounts - good from the tenants - usually the tenants at events like this give discounts at attractive prices to close the end of the event.

I came at 1am, when I entered it was very busy, and until the end of my time there (09.00PM) it still looked busy. Congratulations to the USS team, in my opinion you still hold the mark for the youth community, local product creation talent and shoe culture.

I'm very curious, what will JSD do next year to show their event skills, because usually two event organizers with sneakers and its culture  as the theme, they compete with each other in a healthy way to show their creativity and what they can offer to educate.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Monday 6 November 2023




Location : Kemang JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-ran Menghadiri acara USS 2023 di hari kedua  untuk mendokumentasikan movemnt culture anak muda dan sneakers di  penutupan kahir tahun ini.USS sudah di kenal sebagai salah satu yang mengerakan movement di sneakers scene dan brand, dari local dan international. banayak sekali anak muda hadir untuk retail experience, melihat brand menunjukan the latest fashion dan sneakers yang mereka buat. jualan sneakers dan trifting juga sebagai repertoar yang di kenal juga untuk melengkapi acara. tahun ini di adakan di Jakarta Convention Center seperti tahun tahun lalu. dalam concept tahun ini USS terlihat lebih teratur dalam membuat acara, dimana flow dan tenant2 yang hadir sangat di structure dengan baik. traffic flow yang sangat enak, gang lebih luar buat orang bisa berlalu lalang, dan pilihan2 tenat dan area yang mereka sediakan juga menurut saya sangat bagus. saya lihat ramai sekali orang hadir dan mensupport acara tersebut, banyak juga brand local bercolaborasi dalam design antara local dan international untuk menaikan tingak mereka di kalangan culture. 
ngak cuma jualan saja , ada basketball competition di adakan di sana, skate event / competition yang brand Vans adakan, sampai membuat area semi skate park di gang way hall dan di design sangat baik.
area tricting, reselling shoes dan local brand juga di isi penuh dengan karya dan peminat /pembeli.
di daerah belakang juga ada area makan sama tenant2 brand anak muda beraneka ragam makann.
menurut saya tahun ini USS did very well, dan mengangkat baik nama culture anak muda sebagai banch mark. Saya lihat juga lihat tamu yang hadir ngak cuma datang untuk melihat2 saja kayak tahun lalu  selagi pandemik dan setelah pandemik. Di tahun ini daya beli orang indonesia sudah balik +  terlihat sangata kuat 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam-ran Attended the USS 2023 event on the second day to document the movement of youth and sneaker culture at the end of this year. USS is already known as one of those driving movements in the sneaker scene and brands for locally and internationally to the young generation and enthusiast. Lots of young people come for the retail experience, to see brands showing the latest fashion and sneakers they make or sell. Selling sneakers and trifting are also well-known repertoire to complete the event.
This year, it was held once again at the Jakarta Convention Center, just like last year and the year before. In this year's concept, USS looks more organized in creating  the event, where the flow and tenants are filterd and presented. The traffic flow is very good, the alleys are bigger between tenants so people can move around easily cause they move mass, the choices of tents and areas they provide are also very good in my opinion.
 I saw lots of people attending and supporting the event, many local brands also collaborated on designs between local and international to raise their standing in cultural circles.

It's not just selling that happend, there is a basketball competition, brak dance and rap concert held there, a skate event/competition held by the Vans , they even creating a semi skate park area in the alley way hall and it is very well designed and always pack with people .

Trifting, reselling shoes and local brand area also filled with cool display booth and enthusiasts/buyers that want to grab their product.

In the back area there is also a dining area with tenants of various young food brands providing snacks and thinks.over all view this year USS did very well, and raised the name of youth culture as a benchmark. I also saw that the guests who attended didn't just come to look around like last year during the pandemic and after the pandemic with nothing in their hand to go back with. This year the purchasing power of Indonesian people has returned + looks very strong

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)