Thursday 29 September 2022

ART : Nike x Tom Sachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS)

ART : Nike x Tom Sachs General Purpose Shoes (GPS)

Bahasa Indonesia
Sudah lama sejak saya menggambar di Adobe Ilustrator. ive telah memiliki jadwal sibuk sejak proyek terakhir saya. tetapi karena saya tahu memiliki lebih banyak waktu luang, saya menyadari keterampilan saya telah diturunkan dengan tidak menggunakannya. 
jadi ini saya fokus untuk mengasah kembali keterampilan saya dalam menggambar AI.

Its been a while since i draw on Adobe Ilustrator. ive been having busy schedule since my last project. but as i know have more spare time, i realise my skill have been down graded by not using it. 
so this is me focusing on resharpening my skills on AI drawing. 

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Sunday 25 September 2022

Documentasi : Boys time bomb

Documentasion : Boys time bomb

Location : little league , jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia

Saya di undang Tomi untuk hadir di acara Boys time Bomb. conceptnya sangat lucu dan menurut saya harus di lanjutkan lagi. boys time bomb adalah tempat dimana vendor2 pecinta prelove baju dan sepatu jual barang2 mereka di caffe . kerennya acara ini barang2 yang mereka tunjukan adalah barang2 yang menurut saya sangat bagus dan cocok dan harga bisa di bilang sangat bagus. semoga acara ini bakal ada lagi dan koleksi- koleksi makin kren.

terima kasih sekali lagi untuk undangannya.

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


I was invited by Tomi to attend the Boys Time Bomb event. The concept is very funny and I think it should be continued again. boys time bomb is a place where vendors who love prelove clothes and shoes sell their goods at the cafe. The cool thing about this event is that the items they show are items that I think are very good and suitable and the price can be said to be very good. hopefully this event will be there again and the collections will be more cool.

thanks again for the invitation.

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Wednesday 21 September 2022

DOCUMENTATION : 4nd Adventure at Curug Hordeng with the Crew

 DOCUMENTATION :  Tracking / Hiking at Curug Hordeng

Location : Sentul

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan Explorasi Curug dengan crew Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) untuk mengexperience suasana outdoor dan mengetes dan refresh cara berpikir kita. Crew. di curug ini , tempatnya agak jauh dari basecamp kita. harus naik mobil pick up dulu 45 menit ke titik start dan setalh itu nanjak lama sampai ke pertengahan dimana perjalanya landai dan turun ke 3 curuk area  
Buat acara curug exploration  kali ini crew bertambah menjadi 21 team - sayangnya 4 orang harus gugur sebelom jalan. seperti biasa crew anak2 pecinta sneakers dan creative yang ikut serta. acaranya seru dan team sangat kompak saling bantu dan support. kita ber network dan explore selagi berjalan - jalan mendaki 
Acaranyaberjalan lancar dengan suksess dan seru sekali. ada kejadian yang kurang baik di pertama2 dengan salah satu crew kita dimana stamina dia kurang baik jadi, tapi untungnya dia bisa sampai selesai . experience exporasi bisa dibilang easy atau medium, dimana jarak tempuh tidak separah kemarin- kemarin. di tahap itu juga jalan pertama2 memang berat dimana nanjak dan jauh ,tetapi setelah itu jalan lurus saja dan ke 3 curuk yang sangat indah

akhir dari experience ini, hiking / tracking ini sangat seru dan bakal jadi trend keren buat anak2 muda untuk melakukannya dengan gaya dan lifestyle
sampai ketemu di curug trip berikutnya 
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Continuing Curug Exploration with the crew of Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) to experience the outdoor atmosphere and test and refresh our way of thinking. the place is a bit far from our basecamp. you have to take a pick up car first 45 minutes to the starting point and after that it climbs for a long time to the middle area where the journey is gentle and you will meet 3 waterfall areas
For this waterfall exploration event, the crew increased to 21 member - unfortunately 4 people had to pull out before the trip even started. As usual, the crew who loved sneakers and creatives took part on this event. 
the event was fun and the team was very compact to help and support each other along the way. 
we network and explore while walking uphill
The event ran smoothly and was very successful. there was a bad incident at first with one of our crew where his stamina wasn't good enough, but luckily he was able to finish. Exporation experience can be said to be easy or medium, where the mileage is not as bad as yesterday. at that stage also the first road is indeed hard where it climbs and is far, but after that the road is straight and the 3rd is very beautiful waterfall

at the end of this experience, hiking / tracking is very exciting and will be a cool trend for young people to do it with style and lifestyle
see you at the next trip waterfall (20 september)

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Friday 16 September 2022

REVIEW : Adidas NMD V3

Tuesday 13 September 2022

DOCUMENTATION: Sneaker Peak Vol 10

DOCUMENTATION:  Sneaker peak Vol 9
Location : Kemang Village Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti biasa, Sneakerpeak event selalu di adakan di Mall Kemang Village. 
salah satu acara di mana event ini adalah garis nutral buat culture sneakers san salah satu bench mark di Indonesia. saya bilang seperti ini karena event organizer acara ini  mulai dengan berbasis comunitas  pecinta sneaker
Acara Sneakerpeak 10 diadakan 4 hari. saya mencoba datang tiap hari buat research culture sneakers. bertanya kepaa banyak tenant yang ikut serta dan coba meliputnya buat blog iam-ran. di hari2 sneakerpeak berjalan , hari pertama (kamis ) dan kedua (jumat) saya dapet info bahwa acara agak terassa sepi, ini dikarenakansuasana di luar hujan besar dan traffic ke mall sangat terbatas. di hari Sabtu dan minggu traffic membaik dan tenant2 menginfokan pair2 sepatu yang mereka jualin terjual seperti acara2 sneakerpeak di masa2 lalu. sepatu Aj1 dan Dunk sangat banjir di market indonesia, bagusnya sneakerpeak terhadap acara lain seperti USS or JSD, banyak tenant yang membawa sepatu2 langka dan di display ataou di jual . Nike ,Jordan, adidas adalah top3 tapi tidak jauh dengan brand2 lain seperti NB Asics yang sekarang di kejar2 sama banyak kalangan anak muda. seperti biasa acara auction sangat seru dan banyak peserta yang ikut berpartisipasi di acara tersebut.

over all, saya sangat senang Sneakerpeak masih berjalan setelah 10 tahun dan makin berjaya, acara dimana tidak di pungut duit untuk masuk dan masih menunjukan culture sneakers memang sudah tidak seperti iasanya tetapi masih banyak peminatnya.

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


As usual, Sneakerpeak events are always held at Kemang Village Mall.

one of the events where this event is a neutral line for culture sneakers and one of my bench marks in Indonesia regarding sneaker culture. I say this because the event organizer of this event started with a sneaker-loving community

The Sneakerpeak 10 event is held for 4 days. I try to come every day for research culture sneakers. asked many tenants who participated  getting info on what the people are looking for , what the status of sneaker culture and how the market moving to and of course tried to captured it for iam-ran's blog. On sneakerpeak days, the first day (Thursday) and the second (Friday) I received information that the event was a bit quiet and slow, this was due to the heavy rain outside and very limited traffic to the mall. on saturdays and sundays the traffic improves after lunch till late at night. the tenants informme, them pairs of shoes they sell are selling  ok on sneakerpeak events  like the past events there.
Aj1 and Dunk shoes are flooded in the Indonesian market and u can see it here , all tenant hold them one color or another. what im surprise , the shoes that i like, Nike Tom Sachs GPS are everywhere too. sneakerpeak is good like them other events such as USS or JSD. but the differences between them top 3 event, this time many tenants bring rare shoes and are displayed or sold cause like i said before, many that support sneakerpeak mostly sneaker collector as well not just reseller.
Nike, Jordan, adidas are the top 3 but not far from them, brands such as NB / Salomon / Asics which are now being chased by many young people. As usual the auction was very exciting and many participants participated in the event.

over all, I'm very happy that Sneakerpeak is still running after 10 years and is getting more and more successful, an event where no money is charged to enter and still shows the sneakers culture, it's not what it used to be but there are still many fans.

 check my photo2 documentation for more about this event

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Thursday 1 September 2022


Pluton (Offline Store)
Jl.Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan Kby. No.45, RW.3, Kramat Pela, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12130

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan artikel Support Store Lokal,
Iam.ran06 di undang untuk datang ke acara di pluton store di mana mereka me-release collaberasi brand merek Pluton x Dusse(anda bisa liat postingan sebelomnya acara tersebut)
buat posting hari ini kita akan membahas toko Plutonnya..
tokonya keren sekali interiornya , simple dan minimalis. testure batu di dinding dan metal frame membuat design minimalis. toko nya serasa modern dan futuristic. Nama Pluton itu dari geology batu di mana itu adalah element paling dalam. entrence toko / lobby adalah tempat activation di mana bilamana ada event , mereka akan pakai space tersebut untuk menjadi actifasi area. di dinding sebelah toko ada 1: 1 scala sepedah sebagai art. concept yang sangat keren menurut saya sebagai art piece entrence toko. Toko Pluton adalah toko lifestyle dimana mereka mulai dengan lifestyle sepedah, mereka jual alat2 sepedah road and fixed gear bike, baju2 ploton team, sepatu sepedah dan accessories juga. lifestyle kedua yang mereka push adalah running. bisa kita lihat banyak sepatu2 olahraga Lari dan baju lari juga di display dan di rak. lifestyle ke 3 yang mereka juga mensupport adalah lifetyle street wear. dari sepatu2 collection dan baju2 brand seperti amie leon, collabs2 dan baju2 skate seperti huf  dan supreme juga ada. bilamana anda ke toko ploton banyak juga collection2 accessories2 ajaib dimana anda bisa lihat collection Supreme accessories, daniel arsham accessories , ikea collabs bersama virgil dan kaws,kacamata2 brand keren2 dan jam G-shock , banyak lagi accessories di display di Glass Cage.area juga.   
semua barang2nya keren deh, go check out  storenya guys ! 

(Klik "read more" untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Language English
Continuing the Local Store Support article,
Iam.ran06 was invited to come to the event at the pluton store where they released the Pluton x Dusse brand collaboration (you can see the previous post of the event)
for today's post we will discuss the Pluton shop itself..
the shop is very cool, the interior is simple and minimalist. The stone texture on the walls and metal frames create a minimalist design. the shop feels modern and futuristic.
 The name Pluton comes from the geology of the rock where it is the innermost element. 
Entrence of the shop / lobby is an activation place where if there is an event, they will use the space to become an activation area. on the wall next to the shop there is a 1:1 bicycle scala as art. very cool concept in my opinion as an art piece on the entry of the shop. Pluton shop is a lifestyle shop where they started with a bicycle lifestyle, they sell road and fixed gear bikes,they can fix bike and do bike practice, ploton team clothes, bicycle shoes and accessories too. The second lifestyle they push at the sore  are running lifestyle. we can see a lot of running sports shoes and running clothes on display and on shelves. The third lifestyle that they also support are lifestyle street wear. from collection shoes that people like and brand clothes such as Amie Leon,many  Collabs  apparell and skate clothes such as Huf and Supreme are also available. when you go to the ploton store, there are also many magical accessories2 collections that people dream about where you can see the Supreme accessories collection, kid robot 1000%, daniel arsham accessories, ikea collabs with virgil and kaws, cool branded glasses and G-shock clocks, many more accessories on display in the Glass Cage area too.
all the items are cool, go check out the store guys!
 ( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )

*** Special Thanks to Putra for the invitation  and allowingme to take picture of the store !