Thursday, 30 January 2014



I made a gorilla movement, Sticker bombing in Jakarta (Indonesia) mostly and around the world

Dhika aka @deekavu (the guy in the picture) took this famous moment - where he snap a picture of our gorilla movement. the sticker bomb as u can see right bellow the adidas Stella McCartney sign.
we sticker bomb many spot in the mall, in the street and a few other hidden gems.

*** the funny story starts here.

this sticker was in the front of the adidas store for at least 1 MONTH  in one of the malls in Jakarta (Indonesia )- thats why he laugh and took this picture and share it with us. There were a movie documenting this and went viral !

the workers of the store / the owner of the store / Adidas Indonesia didn't even take it down.
eather they dont like their job that 1. they didnt care as much or 2. they love the stickers that they want to keep it.

the video !

Friday, 17 January 2014

Documentation : Adidas Super Shell release


Documentation : Adidas Super Shell

Location : Grand Indonesia , Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya di invite dengan Adidas Indonesia untuk hadir ke acara release sepatu Adidas Super Shell. sepatu ini ada beberapa model dimana artist2 mengambar shell adidas super star. menurut saya acaranya seru, dan sepatu yang di release sangat keren - keren. buat indoneisa ada anak muda yang berbakat sebagai designer yang di pilih untuk mengambar shell buat displayannya.
check photot2nya acara ini guys
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited by Adidas Indonesia to attend the Adidas Super Shell shoe release event. This shoe has several models where artist2 draws the adidas super star shell. In my opinion, the event was fun, and the shoes that were released were really cool.
adidas indonesia choose a young indonesian that is talented to design  and paint the  bigsuper shell
Check the photos of this event, guys
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Thursday, 9 January 2014

DOCUMENTATION : 3foil.Id bertemu Adidas Indonesia (9 January 2014 )

 DOCUMENTATION :  Ist  Mini meet up 2023

Location : Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya dan communitas di undang untuk ngobrol dan silaturahmi bersama Adidas Indonesia. 
concept dari pertemuan hari ini adalah datang untuk membahas apa yang ktia sudah buat, sedikit di marahin juga karena kita bikin movement sticker bombing - untuk adidas melirik kita. (movement kita berhasil di kenal).
saya sudah mengenal adidas indonesia dengan baik sebelom ketemu di saat ini karena pernah melakukan sesuatu bareng mereka di tahun2 sebelomnya. tetapi sekarang saya membawa communitas dan membantu adidas untuk mengarahkan dan kasih input cari sisi communitas, collector dan market. semoga dari pertemuan ini kita lebih bisa bersilaturahmi lagi dan bareng bareng mengarahkan adidas sebagai brand yang keren di indonesia

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I and the community were invited to chat and stay in touch with Adidas Indonesia.
The concept of today's meeting was to come to discuss what we have made, we were also a little angry because we made a sticker bombing movement - for adidas to glance at us. (our movement was successfully recognized).
I already knew adidas Indonesia well before we met at this time because I had done something with them in the previous years. but now I bring the community and help adidas to direct and provide input looking for the community, collector pont of view and market side. Hopefully from this meeting we can stay in touch more and together guide adidas as a cool brand in Indonesia
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)