DOCUMENTATION : Gentlemen wear sneakers concept
Location : Pejaten , Jakarta
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini salah satu movement concept buat 3foil.id yang saya bikin dimana kita bikin coceptnya kalian bisa bekerja dengan baju formal , tetapi memakai sepatu sneakers. kita liat movement ini sudah mulai arah kesana dimana dulu bilamana kita ke kantor , di anggep tidak sopan memakai sepatu sneakers. tepati beberapa kantor sudah pelan- pelan berubah dan mulai memperbolehkan pekerjanya memakai sneakers.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi conceptnya )
This is one of the movement concepts for 3foil.id that I made where we make a concept where you can work in formal clothes but wear sneakers. We can see that this movement has started to go there where it used to be when we went to the office, it was considered impolite to wear sneakers. but some offices have slowly changed and started allowing their workers to wear sneakers.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo concept )