Sneaker Boom - day 2
Location : Living World, Alam Sutra
Bahasa Indonesia
Sneaker Boom - Hari 2
seperti followers iam.ran sudah tau, saya dokumentasi acara sneakers di Jakarta. sekarang gue mendokumentasikan acara di Living World - Alam Sutra.
Acara Sneakers yang ini juga berbeda seperti sneakers peak minggu lalu. kita kedatangan 3 tamu international di acara ini. 1. Julia (Sneaker queen ) dari berlin, dia membawa 70 sepatu dari 1000 sepatu collectionnya untuk di display, kebanyakan sepatu2 dia adalah sample dari nike dan adidas. yang kedua adalah Benny dia mendokumentasikan culture sneakers di indonesia, yang ketiga adalah Renne, salah satu tim marketing dan international relation toko di berlin yang bernama Overkill.
ngak cuma guest star, ada juga sepatu bermerek Sonra yang di raffle dan di auction di acara ini
banyak juga di acara ini reseller sneakers dan apparell .
di hari kedua banyak activity, seperti raffle 5sepatu sonra pumpkin, interview perkenalan siapa itu sneaker queen, release T-shirt sneaker queen, ada juga di sore - sore acara interview sneaker queen, isser (influencer / vloger " bad ass monkey"), winston muljadi (salah satu collector sepatu di indonesia).
terima kasih telah mengundang saya ke acara ini, jadi saya bisa mendokumentasikannya!
berharap untuk melihat kalian pada yang berikutnya.
semoga kalian menyukai dokumentasi hari pertama
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Sneaker Boom - day 2
As you guys know i document sneakers scene in Jakarta - Indonesia,
This time i document an event in Living World - Alam Sutra.
The sneaker event this time is as different as Sneaker peak (last weeks event). there were 3 international guest that came.
1. Julia (Sneaker queen ) from Berlin, she brought 70 pair of sneakers from her 1000 pair collectionnya for display. there are crazy samples and rare shoes from adidas and Nike. the second person that came is a guy name Benny. his a videographer and sneaker documenter from Turnshu.tv.
he came to document the scene and interview collectors and their collections. the third person is Renne, hes an international relation and he helo Overkill store in berlin. Renne brought some 8 Sonra sneakers, 3 sonra proto " Grasshoper " for auction charity and 5 " pumpkin " for raffle.
there were alot of sneakers re-seller supporting this event and many people came to buy sneakers.
On the second day, there were a lot of activity, such as raffle 5 shoes Sonra Proto "pumpkin", the introductory interview who is sneaker queen, release T-shirt sneaker queen, there are also in the afternoon interview sneaker queen, isser (influencer / vloger "bad ass monkey"), winston muljadi (one of shoe collector in indonesia).
hope u like the documentation of the first day
( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )