Day 72 / 100
Long term wear Test
Situation :
Today is the last day, we leave 2020 with knowledge and experience for the future. So i wish u guys many more success in life / love / work for 2021 . Wear my T.S.M.Y.Overshoes and moving One way and that is forward - PASS ✅
@nike x @tomsachs Mars Yard Overshoes
#wearyourkicks #dripoftheday #outfitinspiration #hypebeastkicks #100daychallange #nike #tomsachs #10bullets #nikemarysyardovershoes #sneakerfreakers #womft #nikeindonesia #sustainability #landedonmars #marsyardaddicts #overshoesituations
Thursday, 31 December 2020
100 days Challange wearing TSMY Overshoes

this is my second year @invincible_id !
This year was a good experience and good learning curve.
It made me realize the future is bright and we just have to hustle hard / stay positive / work hard at your craft in any environment.
“ what doesnt kill us make us stronger ! “
May 2021 will be successful year - from the experience of 2020!
#stayhumble #staystrong #gamechangermentality #staypositive #learningthewaveoflife
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
100 days Challange wearing TSMY Overshoes
Long term wear Test
Situation :
Sometimes u just have to look down and be greatful , the shoes you wear have protect u day to day situation- PASS ✅
@nike x @tomsachs Mars Yard Overshoes
#wearyourkicks #dripoftheday #outfitinspiration #hypebeastkicks #100daychallange #nike #tomsachs #10bullets #nikemarysyardovershoes #sneakerfreakers #womft #nikeindonesia #sustainability #landedonmars #marsyardaddicts #overshoesituations
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
100 days Challange wearing TSMY Overshoes
Long term wear Test
Situation :
The T.S.M.Y.Overshoes under an x- Ray - PASS ✅
@nike x @tomsachs Mars Yard Overshoes
#wearyourkicks #dripoftheday #outfitinspiration #hypebeastkicks #100daychallange #nike #tomsachs #10bullets #nikemarysyardovershoes #sneakerfreakers #womft #nikeindonesia #sustainability #landedonmars #marsyardaddicts #overshoesituations
Monday, 28 December 2020
100 days Challange wearing TSMY Overshoes
Long term wear Test
Situation :
A shoes for
Capture & tame an alien shoe ( Nike Free Rift ) - PASS ✅
@nike x @tomsachs Mars Yard Overshoes
P.S : Please nike - bring back the Nike air rift !!
#wearyourkicks #dripoftheday #outfitinspiration #hypebeastkicks #100daychallange #nike #tomsachs #10bullets #nikemarysyardovershoes #sneakerfreakers #womft #nikeindonesia #sustainability #landedonmars #marsyardaddicts #tabishoes #marsshoes #overshoesituations #nikefreerift
Sunday, 27 December 2020
100 days Challange wearing TSMY Overshoes
Long term wear Test
Situation :
Does the T.S.M.Y.Overshoes represent the @invincible_id store and an ice breaker ? - PASS ✅
@nike x @tomsachs Mars Yard Overshoes
#wearyourkicks #dripoftheday #outfitinspiration #hypebeastkicks #100daychallange #nike #tomsachs #10bullets #nikemarysyardovershoes #sneakerfreakers #womft #nikeindonesia #sustainability #landedonmars #marsyardaddicts #overshoesituations
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