Im telling you this is one of the best shoes made by nike !!!
Ive been testing and using this shoes for a few weeks now straigt and i think its one of the most well design shoes from nike from its form follow its function.
The Nike Free Runner Sandal.
Its an evolution from Nike air rift back in them days. It it not only for aesthetic fashion look like most of the tabi sneakers that is out in the market, but it does work in all condition. I was lucky enough to get them , white / black / camo black ACG version. And I do test them sandal in all terrain. From walking casually at an urban landscape, walking under water, tracking outdoord , big rocks and small pabbles. Its an amazig shoes to have and i think i will wear this shoes and not changing to others if i can cause its that good of a shoes. it hugs your feet nicely - its soft and yet sturdy like your own bare feet while you walk and the sole are grippy as well in all condition.
Another good part of this shoes is its easy to clean
Im surprise no one notice this shoes and think its so cool. May be its because of its way out of its time on its design and look.
I know it will be a big hit again if it came back to the market as a lifestyle (pair up with @erlsn.acr or @matthewmwilliams apparell ) or as Nike Lab / ACG collection. I hope a certain brand can collabs with this silouete and nike bring this back in army green / dark gray / light gray / dessert camo.
Please sneaker god , make my wish come true !!!
#nike #sneakergod #formfollowfunction #nikefreeriftsandal #underated
Ive been testing and using this shoes for a few weeks now straigt and i think its one of the most well design shoes from nike from its form follow its function.
The Nike Free Runner Sandal.
Its an evolution from Nike air rift back in them days. It it not only for aesthetic fashion look like most of the tabi sneakers that is out in the market, but it does work in all condition. I was lucky enough to get them , white / black / camo black ACG version. And I do test them sandal in all terrain. From walking casually at an urban landscape, walking under water, tracking outdoord , big rocks and small pabbles. Its an amazig shoes to have and i think i will wear this shoes and not changing to others if i can cause its that good of a shoes. it hugs your feet nicely - its soft and yet sturdy like your own bare feet while you walk and the sole are grippy as well in all condition.
Another good part of this shoes is its easy to clean
Im surprise no one notice this shoes and think its so cool. May be its because of its way out of its time on its design and look.
I know it will be a big hit again if it came back to the market as a lifestyle (pair up with @erlsn.acr or @matthewmwilliams apparell ) or as Nike Lab / ACG collection. I hope a certain brand can collabs with this silouete and nike bring this back in army green / dark gray / light gray / dessert camo.
Please sneaker god , make my wish come true !!!
#nike #sneakergod #formfollowfunction #nikefreeriftsandal #underated