DOCUMENTATION : Test Photo Shoot for Acronym Nike release.
Location : Pacific Place. JKT
Bahasa Indonesia
Di dalam campanye brand untuk merelease heat item sebelom produk keluar , biasanya ada beberapa step ntuk barang bisa success terjual sold out. salah satu yang sangat penting adalah harus di bikin hype dan caranya produk harus di photo shoot dulu dan di angkat di social media sebagai trigger.
bilamana anda tau experiane ini sangat seru , karena movement harus sangat cepat dan effective. dan strategi harus bener dalam waktu yang sangat minim. ini salah satu experience saya di mana saya mendadak menjadi model untuk branding produk. sayangnya waktu tdak memadahi dan akhirnya photo shoot yang kita bikin tidak naik dan effek dari situ, barang tidak terjual sold out di hari itu.
bilamana anda tau experiane ini sangat seru , karena movement harus sangat cepat dan effective. dan strategi harus bener dalam waktu yang sangat minim. ini salah satu experience saya di mana saya mendadak menjadi model untuk branding produk. sayangnya waktu tdak memadahi dan akhirnya photo shoot yang kita bikin tidak naik dan effek dari situ, barang tidak terjual sold out di hari itu.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
In brand campaign ,to release heat items and to make it succesfull ,before the product comes out, there are usually several steps for the item to be successfully sold out. One of the most important things is that hype buildiing. it must be created and the way in which the product must be photographed first and raised on social media as a trigger.
if you know this experiane its very exciting, the movement must be very fast and effective. and proper strategy must be correct in very minimal time cause there is deadline and if we miss it thre are consequences to the outcome of this. This is one of my experiences where I suddenly became a model for product branding. i say suddenly - cause the product came in late and the release date was the day after. the team did well in my opinion to do their best but unfortunately because one or 2 rason and time was not sufficient for us and it didnt get approval , in the end the photo shoot that we made did not go up and the effect from there, the item was not sold out on that day
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)
special mension : good job Jordy for doing what u did, cause i dont think anyone else can do it with that short of time and no budget.