Saturday, 28 October 2023




Location : Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta

Iam- Ran di undang untuk hadir ke acara pembukaan toko baru Our Daily Dose (ODD). mengisi acara tersebut ada adidas merelease adidas " timeless classic " seriesnya.secara saya dateng early saya bisa photo2 dulu product2 yang di jual dan interior toko. Pas acara di mulai, saya mendokumentasikan event tersebut.
Acara di buka dengan perkenalan team ODD dan Adidas, Adidas menunjukan collection " Timeless Classic" dan ODD menunjukan design Interior toko mereka. bilaman anda penasaran, toko mereka lokasinya dimana toko Dope & Dapper dulu buka di Gandaria City Mall. Tamu di sajikan Makanan snack secara acara berlanjut, banyak anak2 baru  + IG celeb saya liat pada memakai baju or jacket adidas turut  mensupport acara tersebut,dan sayangnya tidak banyak muka2 anak2 yang saya kenal hadir mensupport.di akhir acara ada raffle dan penyanyi menutup acara. 
agak lucu menurut saya, inget dulu pas saya dan team ngobrol dan pertama kali kita ke adidas Indonesia Office.  kita mengajukan masukan mengenai sepatu2 apa yang mustinya adidas masukan di line up adidas buat market indonesia, karena kita semua sebagai pemakai, collector dan memegang communitas adidas terbesar di indonesia, kita  tau market seperti apa dan sudah recommendasikan lineup seperti Samba / Campus / Superstar / Dll yang bisa di bilang timeless classic. 
 Kkhirnya setelah beberapa tahun, (agak telat sih ) tetapi   " akhirnya datang juga " sepatu2 yang kita ada mauin.. sepertinya anak2 adalah visionary dan di depan trend. karena kita di dalam communitas dan culture tersebut dan adidas indonesia masih terbelakang sekali.
tetapi,  "lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak dateng sama sekali ! 
Bilamana Adidas Global mau Trend Berikut, Jangan lupa kita.... may be u will be surprise the next culture for adidas , karena kita punya kuncinya !!!

Special thanks kepada Joe and adrian for the invitation. amazing store BTW !
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
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Iam-Ran was invited to attend the opening of the new Our Daily Dose (ODD) store. Filling the event was adidas releasing its adidas "timeless classic" series. I came early and was able to take photos of the products being sold and the interior of the shop. When the event started, I documented the event.
The event opened with the introduction of the ODD and Adidas teams, Adidas showed the "Timeless Classic" collection and ODD showed the interior design of their shop. If you're curious, their shop is located where the Dope & Dapper shop previously opened at Gandaria City Mall. Guests were served snacks as the event continued, many new children + IG celebs I saw wearing Adidas shirts or jackets were also supporting the event, and unfortunately not many faces of children I know were there to support. At the end of the event there was a raffle and singers closed the event.
I think it's a bit funny, I remember when the team and I chatted and we went to the adidas Indonesia Office for the first time. We submit input regarding what shoes adidas should include in the adidas line up for the Indonesian market, because we are all users, collectors and hold the largest adidas community in Indonesia, we know what the market is like and have recommended lineups such as Samba / Campus / Superstar / etc. which could be said to be a timeless classic.
 Finally, after several years, (a bit late) but "finally here" are the shoes we want... it seems like the kids are visionaries and ahead of the trend. because we are in that community and culture and adidas Indonesia is still very backward.
But, "it's better to be late than not to come at all!
If Adidas Global wants the following trend, don't forget that we... may be you will surprise the next culture for adidas, because we have the key!!!

Special thanks to Joe and Adrian for the invitation. amazing store BTW!

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos

Monday, 23 October 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Compass X Neighberhood

 DOCUMENTATION : Compass X neighberhod  " Dark Grey "

Location : Urban Forest, Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-ran di undang untuk menghadiri acara releasan sepatu local Compass x Neighberhood.
saya sangat bangga dengan temen Saya Gonjel aka Aji Handoko.dimana carrier dia melejit tinggi dan mengarah yang sangat positive. dengan adanya dia menjadi creative direktur buat Compass, dia mengepush culture sneakers ke level di atas rata2 dengan sekali lagi kolaborasi brand jepang. yang kemarin2 bersama FR2, sekarang naik  tangga lagi dengan Neighberhood. salah satu garis keras brand jepang yang sangat prominan.
Acara sangat culture, dimana edukasi sepatu dengan concept soft selling. tamu di undang untuk minggle / hang out. sepatu colaborasi dengan warna terakhir itu di display di dalam modular toko tidak di jual di malem itu. cuma untuk display saja sebelom acara release besok. 
tamu di isi dengan DJ, makanan dan minuman ! acaranya seru dan saya liat banyak influencer dan sneakers collector hadir merayakan acara tersebut.

Congratulation kepada Compass + Neighberhood untuk merelease collaboration sepatunya 

special congrats kepada Aji Handoko sekali lagi !!!

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
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Iam-ran was invited to attend the local Compass x Neighborhood shoe release event.
I am very proud of my friend Gonjel aka Aji Handoko. His carrier has soared high and is heading in a very positive direction. With him becoming creative director for Compass, he pushed  local sneaker culture to an above-average level by once again collaborating with a Japanese brand. who was with FR2 before this, Now climbing the ladder  once again with collaborating  Neighborhood. one of the most prominent Japanese brands.
The event is very cultural, where shoe education is carried out with a soft selling concept. guests are invited to hang out / hang out. The collaboration shoes with the last color on display in the modular shop were not for sale that evening. Just for display before tomorrow's release event.
Guests are filled with DJs, food and drinks! The event was exciting and I saw many influencers and sneaker collectors attending to celebrate the event.

Congratulations to Compass + Neighborhood for releasing the shoe collaboration

special congrats to Aji Handoko once again!!!

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

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DOCUMENTATION : Ortus Eight X Marvel

  DOCUMENTATION : Ortus Eight X Marvel

Location : Grebe, Puri Indah, Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia

Iam-Ran di udang untuk Hadir di acara releasan sepatu Ortus Eight x Marvel.
Acaranya di adakan di Grebe Puri indah Mall. beberapa media dan banyak sneakers enthusiast hadir untuk meliput dan merayakan acara tersebut.
Sepatu local Ortus Eight ini membeli IP Marvel untuk kerjasama mengeluarkan beberaa design sepatu mereka yang meranjak ke lifestyle dengan tema Marvel Avengers. ortus Eight terkenal di local sebagai sepatu Footsal yang baik dengan harga ok. dan sekarang mereka maju ke arah olahraga lari dan llifestyle. Charaacter seperti Thor, Mrs Marvel, Capten America , Hulk , Thanos, Black Panther salah satu design color scheme yang di pakai untuk color blocking design di sepatu tersebut. dan masih banyak lagi character marvel yang ada juga di design. dan releasean ini ngak cuma sekali , bakal ada part 2nya. 
Di entrence Grebe di adakan display sepatu colaborasi tersebut  untuk orang orang yang di undang bisa melihatnya  dimana sepatu2 di dispay satuan dengan display nama nama dan ada juga  di sisi lain yang di display sebagai  Avangers (semua satu di jadikan satu). 
Acara penunjukan dan perkenalan di adakan di dalem Grebe dimana di perkenalkan brand Ortus Eight dan formalitas Unvailing colaborasi tersebut.
banyak tamu suka dengan designnya dan opini saya sebagai sepatu local yang bisa berkolaborasi bersama Marvel, ini adalah colaborasi yang bagus , karena ini memperluas sneaker scene di tanah air kita !.

congratulation kepada Otus Eight dan Marvel
dan juga Grebe.

special Terima kasih kepada Angga untuk mengundang saya hadir di acara releasan ini. 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam-Ran was invited to attend the Ortus Eight x Marvel shoe release event.
The event was held at Grebe Puri Indah Mall. several media and many sneaker enthusiasts were present to cover and celebrate the event.
Local shoes, Ortus Eight, bought the Marvel IP to collaborate on releasing several of their shoe designs that move towards lifestyle with a Marvel Avengers theme. Ortus Eight is well known locally as a good Footsal shoe at a good price. and now they are progressing towards running and lifestyle sports. Characters such as Thor, Mrs Marvel, Captain America, Hulk, Thanos, Black Panther are among the color scheme designs used for color blocking designs on these shoes. and many more Marvel characters are also being designed. and this release isn't just one time, there will be a part 2.
At the Grebe entrance, there was a collaboration shoe display so that people who were invited could see it, where the shoes were displayed individually with a name display and there was also a display on the other side as Avengers (all one in one).
The appointment and introduction event was held in Grebe where the Ortus Eight brand was introduced and the formalities of the Unvailing collaboration were introduced.
Many guests liked the design and in my opinion, as a local shoe that can collaborate with Marvel, this is a good collaboration, because it expands the sneaker scene in our homeland!

congratulations to Otus Eight and Marvel
and also Grebe.

special Thank you to Angga for inviting me to attend this release event.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

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Thursday, 19 October 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Invitation dari Ortus Eight X Marvel

DOCUMENTATION :  Invitation dari Ortus Eight X Marvel

Location : Grebe, Puri Indah, Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
Dapet undangan dari Ortus Eigh x Marvel untuk hadir di acara mereka yang bertepatan di toko Grebe, Puri Indah.  
boxnya keren dan conceptnya lucu dan bagus menurut gue dimana, ini adalah secret information dan harus memakai kacamata 3D untuk  melihat data  undangan tersebut.

special thanks ke Angga untuk undangannya

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Got an invitation from Ortus Eight x Marvel to attend their event which coincided with the Grebe shop, Puri Indah.
The box is cool and the concept is cute and good in my opinion, this is secret information and you have to wear 3D glasses to see the invitation data.

special thanks to Angga for the invitation

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos




Location : Kemang , Jakarta


Ke Keluargaan adalah kunci kesulsessan kita pertama kita kerja bersa,dan sampai sekarang kekeluargaan itulah yang kita terapkan. kemarin adalah ulang tahun salah satu keluarga kita TomSul.
dan anak2 EX INVINCIBLE hadir mensupport  dan merayakan ultahnya.

Happy Birthday Tom Sul, semoga makin success dan panjang umur, dan rezeki di dekatkan. 
semoga juga babynya sehat :P

Family is the key to our success. At first we worked together, and until now, family is what we apply. yesterday was the birthday of one of our family TomSul.
and EX INVINCIBLE's children were present to support and celebrate his birthday.

Happy Birthday Tom Sul, I wish you more success and long life, and that you will have good fortune nearby.
I hope the baby is healthy too :P

Monday, 16 October 2023


Location : Suasana Kopi, Pacific Place , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia 
Sedikit Photo2 Behind the scene of acara JSD. di mana mereka bekerjasama dengan coffe shop Suasana Kopi untuk mengadakan acara Trifting yang bernama  " LOFT TO LAWN ", ada beberapa tenant di sana mengisi acara untuk menjual barang2 pre- love mereka. saya datang di acara hari kedua karena sedang dekat di area tersebut dan tidak berencana. acara terlihat seru dan banyak anak2 muda mengubik ngubik barang2 tersebut  dan membelinya. banyak juga anak2 sneakers yang datang  dan instagram celeb. bilamana mereka buat acara ini per anual, acara trifting JSD ini akna meledak ,menurut saya. asal harga dan barang di harga ekonomi dan barang2 yang di jual juga bisa di bilang yang di kejar anak2 muda sekarang.

congrats kepada team JSD yang membuat acaranya.. ngak sabar untuk datang ke acara berikutnya bilamana di adakan lagi

check out them photo guys, semoga suka documentation nya
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Language English
A few photos behind the scene of the JSD event. where they collaborated with the coffee shop suasana Kopi to hold a Trifting event called "LOFT TO LAWN", there were several tenants there taking part in the event to sell their pre-loved items. I came to the event on the second day  ,late evening because I was close to the area and didn't plan to but the guys ask me to drop by. 
The event looked exciting and many young people picked up the items and bought them. There were also lots of sneaker kids who came and Instagram celebs too . If they make this event annual, this JSD trifting event will explode in my opinion. as long as the prices are in this level and the goods being sold can also be said to be what young people are chasing now.

congrats to the JSD team who made the event... can't wait to come to the next event when it is held again
Some behind the scene photo for the preparation Grand opening Invincible Store Jakarta
check out the photo guys, hope you like them documentation
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DOCUMENTATION : Behind the scene @ invincible Store Indonesia + Grand opening

DOCUMENTATION :  Behind the scene @ invincible Store Indonesia Grand opening  
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia 
Saat saya sedang memilah beberapa file lama, saya menemukan foto di balik layar tim lama saat kami sedang persiapan pembukaan + Grand opening Invincible Store Jakarta.
sebagian besar tim kini telah meninggalkan tim yang tak terkalahkan karena manajemen baru.

check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
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Language English
As I was sorting Some old files, i found  behind the scene photo  of the old team while we were preparation opening  + Grand opening Invincible Store Jakarta. 
most of the team now have left invincible cause of the new management.

check out the photo guys, hope you like them documentation
( Click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )

Monday, 9 October 2023



Location : Plaza Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Brightspot adalah salah satu pelopor dimana event atau platform untuk kreasi anak muda bisa berkarya mononjolkan produk lokal.Iam.ran sering datang untuk melihat perkembangan dan penelitian sampai mana produk lokal sudah mencapai di industri ritel. dan early brightspot menurut saya sangat keren karena belom pernah ada acara anak muda seperti itu.
banyak kita melihat produk merek anak muda dengan booth yang desainnya berkonsep, Untuk menarik klien2 mereka membeli produk yang mereka produksi.
menurut saya barang2 banyak yang keren2 buat kaulamuda jaman sekarang.
Brightspot sudah mulai berbalik lagi ke arah yang baik.beberapa waktu lalu, acara ini sudah mulai redam dan banyak orang2 pergi ke acara anak muda lain untuk melihat produk keren. seperti acara USS atau JSD . Brightspot kali ini di bagi dua tempat , satu di tempat yang kemarin mereka buat sebelomnya (di daerah Metro) dan saya pernah meliput acara tersebut. Daerah kedua di bagian Bowling di lantai 3 dekat bioskop. ini dikarenakan lokasi tempat tidak bisa menjadi 1 area yang besar dan menurut saya sayangnya, membuat yang datang harus pecah dan memilih dulu mau ke area mana . bilamana di jadikan satu, akan lebih baik dan semua penyewa mendapat kesempatan mendapatkan opertunitinya yang sama dan tidak terpisah.
di area metro ada item2 baju2 perempuan dan brang2 aksesoris / pernak pernik yang menurut saya bagus , di area bowling lebih besar areanya dan kebanyakan penyewa2 baju buat cewek dan cowok. acaranya seru , di area yang saya datangkan ramai di isi dengan orang2 ynag memang mau beli.
banyak juga penyewa makanan yang mengisi area makanan, dari makanan lokal sampai makanan internasional tersedia di booth area makanan , sayangnya area tersebut juga berbagi dua.
kalo dari sisi positifnya area berbagi dua, jadi kita yang datang bisa lebih ada leluasa untuk lebih melihat produk dan tidak berjubel dan susah jalan
secara keseluruhan di dua hari yang saya datang , seru dan barang2 yang mereka tunjukan sangat bagus.
kerja yang bagus Brightspot, sampai jumpa di yang berikutnya!
go check dokumentasi saya  buat lihat bright spot tahun ini.
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Brightspot is one of the pioneers where events or platforms for creative young people can work to highlight local products. Iam.ran often comes to see developments and research to what extent local products have reached the retail industry. and I think Early Brightspot is very cool because there has never been an event for young people like that.
We see a lot of young people's product brands with booths that they design with a concept, to attract their clients to buy the products they produce.
In my opinion, there are lots of cool things for young people today.
Brightspot has started to return in a good direction. Some time ago, this event started to fade and many people went to other youth events to see cool products. such as USS or JSD events. Brightspot this time was divided into two places, one at the place they had previously made (in the Metro area) and I had covered the event. The second area is in the Bowling section on the 3rd floor near the cinema. This is because the location cannot be in one large area and in my opinion, unfortunately, those who come have to split up and choose first which area they want to go to. If they are combined into one, it will be better and all tenants will get the opportunity to get the same operations and not be separated.
in the metro area there are items of women's clothing and accessories / knick-knacks which I think are good, in the bowling area the area is bigger and most of the tenants are clothes for girls and boys. The event was exciting, the area I came to was busy with people who really wanted to buy.
There are also many food tenants who fill the food area, from local food to international food available in the food area booths, unfortunately there are also two shared areas.
On the positive side, the area is shared by two, so those of us who come can have more freedom to see the products and not be crowded and have difficulty walking around.
Over all, the two days I came were exciting and the items they showed were very good.
good job Brightspot, see you on the next one!

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

IF I EVERE DESIGN : Adidas Boxes

 IF I EVERE DESIGN : Adidas Special Box

Saya selalu percaya bahwa Adidas memiliki kreativitas untuk membuat kotak-kotak gila untuk rilisan spesial mereka.
dan sebagai seorang desainer produk, saya membayangkan jika saya mendesain kotak sepatu untuk adidas, saya akan mendesain sesuatu seperti ini!
jika Anda ingin melihat lebih banyak desainnya
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

i always believe that Adidas had the creative to do crazy boxes for their special release.
and as a product designer, i imagine if i ever desgin a sneaker box for adidas, i will design something like this ! 
if you want to see more of the design 
( Click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )

Monday, 2 October 2023



Bahasa : Indonesia 


Temuan :
Berikut adalah kondisi kanvas saat ini. GPS (General Purpose Shoe) adalah sepatu cantik lainnya yang diremehkan. Setelah 420 hari, kenakan pengujian sepatu tersebut. Temuan saya, sepatunya luar biasa, dan underated. Saya senang ternyata seperti itu. Sepatu tidak menjadi hype seperti halaman Mars. Orang bisa mempunyai kesempatan untuk membeli dan memakainya, seperti yang direncanakan Nike dan Tom Sachs - untuk digunakan semua orang setiap hari. Saya memasak sepatu tersebut, mengujinya secara maksimal, mulai dari penggunaan jangka pendek, jangka panjang, penggunaan sehari-hari hingga kondisi ekstrim. Membawanya beberapa kali ke gunung untuk trekking berat di lumpur tropis dan kemudian jalur sumber air panas vulkanik. Saat saya memakainya, saya menggunakan sepatu tersebut dari cuaca hujan deras dan bahkan sepatu tersebut terendam seluruhnya di air dalam yang melintasi sungai beberapa kali, dan kemudian digunakan di elemen lain seperti beton perkotaan untuk aktivitas sehari-hari atau aktivitas treadmill dan gym. .

Produksi sepatu tersebut menurut saya seperti yang diharapkan berasal dari lini produksi Nike, sepatu yang dibuat dengan baik dengan desain yang bagus. Saya melihat ada sedikit keausan dan menurut saya itu normal pada area tertentu setelah apa yang saya lakukan pada sepatu tersebut.
Anda dapat melihat bagian atas telah berubah warnanya, beberapa lipatan dan kerutan permanen pada pastisole menyebabkan lipatan berlebih pada area tertentu dan sol luar menjadi berat akibat efek tumit terseret. Saya ingat beberapa hari pertama karetnya seperti seluncur es jika berada di permukaan tertentu. Namun setelah beberapa saat, kondisinya tidak terlalu buruk, terkadang licin, namun tidak terlalu sering. Kerah leher sepatu juga sangat longgar dan longgar
Seperti yang dikatakan di lidah, sepatu itu adalah kanvas. Kami memberikan karakternya, setiap kotoran, coretan, dan bekas luka di bagian insole atau bagian atas memberikan makna lebih dan menunjukkan siapa penggunanya.
Anda hanya perlu satu sepatu untuk semua tujuan dan menurut saya itu luar biasa.

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Language : English


Findings :
Here are the current state of the canvas.The GPS (General Purpose Shoe) is another beautiful shoes that are underated. After 420 days weartesting the shoes. My findings, the shoes is amazing, and underated. I'm happy it turn out that way.shoe didn't go hype like the marsyard. People can have the chance to buy and wear it, just like Nike and tom Sachs had pland- for everyone to use daily. I did cooked the shoe, testing the shoe to its potential, from using it for a short run, long run, everyday use and even to extreme condition. Taking it a couple times to the mountain for heavy tracking in a tropical mud and then volcanic hot spring track. As I wear it I use the shoe from weather heavy rain and even the shoe totally emersed in a deep water crossing streams a couple of times , and then used in a nother element such as urban concrete for day to day activities or treadmill and gym activities.

The production of the shoe in my opinion are as expected coming from Nike production line, a well made shoes with a good design. I see a slight wear and tear and I think is normal on certain area after what I did to the shoe in my opinion.
You can see the upper had turn it's color, some creast and permanent wrinkles on the pastisole cause of over worked folding on certain area and the outsole is worn heavy with the after effect of heel dragging. I remember the first few days the rubber is like ice skate if they are on certain surface. But after a while, it's not as bad, it can be slippery some times but not as often. The neck collar of the shoes are heavily flair and loose too
As it said on the tongue, the shoes is a canvas. We give it's character, each dirt, creast, and scar on the insole or the upper give more meaning and show who the user.
U just need one shoe for all purpose and I think it's amazing.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

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