Sunday, 29 December 2024

DOCUMENTATION : ABB ( Ayah Buang Barang )

 DOCUMENTATION :  ABB ( Ayah Buang Barang )

Location : Cilandak, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Mensuport acara Teman-Teman, Saya datang ke acara ABB untuk meramaikan dan medokumentasikan. 
Ayah Buang Barang acara jual beli barang barang bekas, dari orang orang yang punya barang- barang yang bisa di bilang sudah di kurasi. dari sepatu, apparel, accessories dan barang barang lifestyle juga.
kadang bisa dapat designer cloths, street wear or even japanese brand yang bisa di bilang trendy dan sangat di minati sama anak2.Bilamana membahas harga, bisa menemu gems dan bisa juga harga retail.  
  acara Ayah Buang Barang yang ini tiga hari, dan selama saya bisa datang, saya dokumentasikan  di hari itu. acara seru dan kalo kalian ada barang2 lucu dan mungkin di kejar sama banyak orang dan mau jual, bisa ikut drop barang kalian di sini , atau kalo iseng2 mau check or beli, harus dateng sih, kali kali aja bisa dapet barang gems dengan harga murah.
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Supporting Friends' events, I came to the ABB event to enliven and document. 
ABB  / " Ayah Buang Barang " is a terminology meaning  "Dad Throws Out Stuff ", is an event for buying and selling used goods, from people who have items that can be said to have been curated. from shoes, apparel, accessories and lifestyle goods too.
Sometimes you can get designer cloths, street wear or even Japanese brands that can be said to be trendy and very popular with children. When discussing prices, you can find gems and also retail prices.
  This Dad Throws Things  event away event lasts for three days, and as long as I can come, I document those days to capture the scene. It's a fun event and if you have funny items and maybe lots of people will chase them and want to sell them, you can drop your items here, or if you just want to check them out or buy them, you have to come, maybe you can get gems at cheap prices.
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Wednesday, 18 December 2024



Bahasa Indonesia 
Lanjutkan dengan desain Patch untuk mempertajam keterampilan Illustrator saya.
berikut beberapa desain patch yang saya buat dengan tema Tom Sachs
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
Continue with Patch design to sharpen my Illustrator skills.
here are some more patch design i made with Tom Sachs theme.
 I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Job, Big or Small, do it well or not at all "- Tom Sachs patch design.

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Job, Big or Small, do it well or not at all "-   Tom Sachs patch design.    

Bahasa Indonesia 
Lanjutkan dengan desain Patch untuk mempertajam keterampilan Illustrator saya. kali ini saya membuat desain serupa dengan tema kutipan yang berbeda. saya membuat lebih banyak sketsa cepat lalu membuatnya dari desain itu. dan terus menambahkan patch dan kutipan untuk menyelesaikan desain itu sendiri. kutipannya: “Pekerjaan, Besar atau Kecil, lakukan dengan baik atau tidak sama sekali, dan begitu pekerjaan dimulai, jangan berhenti sampai selesai”. Saya mengambil konsep break dance karena jika berhenti di tengah jalan, Anda tidak akan menjadi yang terbaik. beberapa gerakannya terasa seperti mendefinisikan gravitasi, seperti NASA di luar angkasa.
apa yang saya temukan, semakin saya belajar lebih banyak tentang ilustrator, semakin banyak Anda mencoba, semakin cepat saya menyelesaikan sketsa konsep.  Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
Continue with Patch design to sharpen my Illustrator skills. this time i do a similar design with different theme of quotes. i did more of a quick sketch then build it from that design. and continue adding patch  and quotes to finalize the design itself. the quotes : " Job, Big or Small, do it well or not at all, and once the job start, dont stop untilll its done ".i took the break dance concept cause if you stop halfway , you wont be the best. some of the move kind a feel like it defines gravity, like nasa at outer space.
what i find out,  as i learn  more on illustrator, the more you try , the more it become quicker for me to finish the concept sketch.  I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Monday, 16 December 2024



IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Swiss Passport / INDOCTRINATION " Tom Sachs design.

THE OUTLINE Illustrator ( Before )

THE FINAL Illustrator ( After )

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Swiss Passport / INDOCTRINATION " Tom Sachs design.

Bahasa Indonesia 
Kalian tau gue suka banget sama apa aja yang bertema Tom Sachs. 
di salah satu event dia , sering sekali ada indoctrination, dimana tamu acara bisa ikut bikin " Swiss Passport ". Memang bukan passport benera, tapi conceptnya lucu dimana kita bisa ikut kayak bikin passport. bilamana ditanya kenapa Swiss passport. karena Passport swiss adalah passport yang bisa di terima di semua negara dengan gampang.
tamu nanti di photo dan di info data , dan akan di keluarin passport abal2an yang agak mirip kayak passport swiss beneran. design tablenya menurut gue keren. dan karena gue suka, gue bikin illustratornya. semoga kalian suka dan mau lihat dokumnetasi step by stepnya silahkan check it out ! 
Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )

You know I really like anything with a Tom Sachs theme. 
At one of his events, there is often indoctrination, where event guests can take part in making a "Swiss Passport". It's not a real passport, but the concept is funny where we can participate in making a passport. when asked why a Swiss passport. because a Swiss passport is a passport that can be accepted in all countries easily.
Guests will be photographed and given data information, and a fake passport will be issued which is a bit like a real Swiss passport. I think the table design is cool. and because I like it, I made the illustrator. I hope you like it and want to see the step by step documentation, please check it out! 
I hope you like my artwork illustrator design

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Saturday, 14 December 2024


Location :   ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Di Episode kempat, kita berdiskusi sama collector Adidas dan Nike tergila di Indonesia , Bung Pedro.
collection dia sangat banyak, bisa di bilang 1000an lebih sepatu di display di kediaman dia.
di Episode 04 ini , part 1 dari beberapa video walk true.
so check it out  interview talknya ! 

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

In the fourth episode, we discuss with the craziest Adidas and Nike collector in Indonesia, Bung Pedro.
His collections are very large that it cover his whole pent house walls &  include his toilets , you could say that there are more than 1000 shoes on display at his residence.
so check out Episode 04, part 1 of several walk-true  of his collection videos.

SPECIAL THANKS: Bro Pedro for giving access to your main cave and interview

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

DOCUMENTATION : Gagal paham at 7 Speed

DOCUMENTATION :   Gagal paham at 7 Speed

Location : Panglima Polim, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-ran Mensupport acara Gagal Paham,Guilty Apple di 7 Speed. brand yang dibuat oleh Tom Sulistio. TomSul adalah salah satu anggota tim Gen 1 Invincible, jadi yang pasti saya harus ada untuk mendukung saudara saya. Ini adalah acara Thrifting yang diadakan 3 hari dengan kecepatan 7. Seperti yang saya tahu TomSul selalu punya selera yang enak, jadi saya harus datang dan memeriksanya.
banyak barang terdisokay dengan bagus di area tengah caffee dan banyak anak2 mensupport acara tersebut. 
maaf jika saya menunda artikel ini, karena saya merasa seperti terkena Flue yang sangat parah sehingga saya merasa seperti terkena covid!, padahal saya cek dengan test pack, dan hasilnya negatif, tapi perasaan saya, mungkin ini baru varian yang tidak terdeteksi.  heaheaheah jadi aku mengisolasi diri dan beristirahat dengan baik.
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam-ran Supports the show Failure to Understand, Guilty Apple on 7 Speed. brand created by Tom Sulistio. TomSul is a member of the Gen 1 Invincible team, so of course I have to be there to support my brother. This is a Thrifting event held 3 days at speed 7. As I know TomSul always has good taste, so I had to come and check it out. There lots of product are displayed well and many friends support the event.
Sorry if I postponed this article, because I feel like I have the flu so badly that I feel like I have Covid! Even though I checked with the test pack, and the results were negative, but my feeling is, maybe this is just a variant that was not detected.  heaheaheah so I isolated myself and rested well.
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)



Sunday, 1 December 2024

Planet Sports Run x Dash Sports Track Tribe supported by Nike

Planet Sports Run x Dash Sports Track Tribe supported by Nike

Location : Stadiun Madya, Senayan, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya diundang oleh tim Dash untuk menghadiri Showdown suku Track mereka. kali ini mereka berkolaborasi dengan Planet sports Run yang disponsori oleh Nike. Saya tidak siap menghadapi apa yang terjadi. maaf jika saya mendokumentasikannya dengan kamera Ponsel saya. Acara ini adalah acara privet dengan undangan. Pelanggan VIP, Friends of Planet Sport, dan Dash sport dapat datang dan melihat Nike Pegasus. Ini adalah balapan reli yang menyenangkan melawan satu sama lain, dan tim pemenang bisa mendapatkan Sepatu Pegasus gratis.
pelanggan yang hadir pada acara tersebut harus melakukan registrasi, kemudian diberikan nomor dan harus meletakkan tangannya pada Fish bowl, untuk menentukan penempatan dalam tim (Acak). tim terdiri dari 4 orang . mereka akan berkompetisi untuk mengelilingi 1 lap Stadion Madya, setiap orang dalam tim harus melewati 1/4 bagian lintasan dan di 1/4 tersebut terdapat rintangan menyenangkan yang harus dilalui.Dari harus loncat dengan dua kaki kayak bunny, harus squad dengan bouncing ball, lari zig zag , dan angkat barbel dan do step down.
 ada sekitar 200 orang yang menghadiri acara ini.
ada musik, makanan dan minuman. Dan kerennya, mereka diberikan sepatu Nike Pegasus, untuk diuji coba sepatunya pada lomba ini dan merasakan kenyamanan zoom X. Ada Ekin yang datang dan memberikan edukasi mengenai sepatu tersebut juga. secara keseluruhan itu adalah aktivasi olahraga yang menyenangkan. dan menurut saya ini akan menjadi masa depan Nike dalam mendidik masyarakat. Ketika banyak merek melakukan aktivasi toko, Nike membawanya ke tingkat lain dengan melakukannya di luar ruangan dan mendidik produk mereka dengan sentuhan dan nuansa sebagai merek kinerja.
gue liat banyak orang sangat senang biarpun kalah, 

 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited by the Dash team to attend their Track tribe Showdown. this time they are collaborating with Planet sports Run  sponsor by Nike. I was not prepared for what happend. sorry if i document this with my Mobile Phone camera.The event is a privet  event with invitations. VIP customer , Friends of Planet Sport and Dash sport can come and check out Nikes Pegasus.its a fun rally race against one another, and the winner team can get a free Pegasus Shoes.
customers who attend the event had to register, then they are given number and have to put their hand on the Fish bowl, to determine which placement in the team (Random).the team consist of 4 people . they will compete to go around 1 lap of Stadium Madya, each person in the team have to over come 1/4 section of the track and in that 1/4, there are fun obsticle to go over.From jumping with both feet like abunny, running in zig zag, doing sit up with ballon ball, and walking with barbel. 
 there were around 200 people that attend this event.
there were music, food and drinks. and the cool thing i see, they are given a shoe Nike Pegasus, to test them shoes on feet at this race and feel the comfor zoom X. There were Ekin that come and educate regarding the shoes too. over all it was a fun sport activation. and i think this would be the future of Nike educating the mass. many brand do store activation, Nike took it to another level of doing it outdoor and educate their product with touch and feel as a performance brand. 
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)