Thursday 24 August 2017

DOCUMENTATION : SNEAKERS Independency.. (day3)

DOCUMENTATION : SNEAKERS Independency.. (day3)

Location : LOTTE Shoping Avenue (Jakarta - Indonesia).
17-20 @ Main Atrium GF

Language English
Iam-ran was invited to document this event  at lotte shopping avenue.
many people came to check out the event, i see many trainer enthusiast came to do some networking, and there are many sneaker reseller displaying what they have and sells their sneakers.
at this event there are display of Adidas sneakers on a show case for people to see. the collection are from the community . the Adidas Indonesia community did 2 unboxing of really rare gems on the 3rd day and Jibo from Kride Lab was interview as well about sneakers customizing.
over all it was another interesting sneakers event.

hope u guys like the documentation and don't forget to drop by there this week 
( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )
Photo by : iam.ran06

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-ran diundang untuk mendokumentasikan acara ini di lotte shopping avenue.
Banyak orang datang untuk memeriksa acara tersebut, saya melihat banyak penggemar sepatu datang untuk bersilaturahmi, ada banyak reseller sneaker yang menampilkan apa yang mereka miliki dan menjual sepatu kets merek ternama di booth mereka.
Pada acara ini ada adidas sneakers di pajang untuk para tamu bisa melihat. Koleksinya dari komunitas
 Di tengah hari, menunjukan rare sneakers (unboxing) dan Kride Lab juga di interview mengenai sneaker customizing.
Semoga kalian menyukai dokumentasi dan jangan lupa mampir ke sana minggu ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Foto oleh: iam.ran06


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