Friday, 28 December 2018
Thursday, 27 December 2018
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble 4D Adidas Raffle for the General ( 23Dec )
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble 4D Adidas Raffle for the General ( 23Dec )
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Docuemntation invincible 4D Adidas general raffle day di Indonesia Store .
Docuemntation invincible 4D Adidas general raffle day di Indonesia Store .
kita melepas 10 pair for public sepatu invincible 4D adidas.
Beda dari raffle kemarin dan yang sekarang, the concept are for public. kalo yang kemarin was release for VIP , Social media team, Influencer, Friends & Family
buat Publik , setap penjualan perkalian 1jt di dalam toko, kita kasih kupon ticket. dan tidak ada batas untuk pembelian.
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
Beda dari raffle kemarin dan yang sekarang, the concept are for public. kalo yang kemarin was release for VIP , Social media team, Influencer, Friends & Family
buat Publik , setap penjualan perkalian 1jt di dalam toko, kita kasih kupon ticket. dan tidak ada batas untuk pembelian.
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Language English
Docuemntation invincible 4D Adidas general raffle day at Indonesia Store was held on the 23th December. We release 10 pairs to he public The different from yesterday's raffle and now, the concept are for public and more quantity.
The rules are, every 1jt rupiah multiplication on their bill in the store, we give a ticket coupon.
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Docuemntation invincible 4D Adidas general raffle day at Indonesia Store was held on the 23th December. We release 10 pairs to he public The different from yesterday's raffle and now, the concept are for public and more quantity.
The rules are, every 1jt rupiah multiplication on their bill in the store, we give a ticket coupon.
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
( Click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Indonesia Sneakers Team - LATEST EPISODE !
In this episode : Polo from Indonesia Sneakers Team datang ke toko invincible dan mengupas
Invincible x Adidas Coonsortium 4D

In this episode : Isser from Bad Ass Monkey and Teki from TwentyThree.Kicks the other half of BadAssMonkey23 mengupas
Air Jordan 1 Spiderman Miles Morales
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Urban Sneakers Society LATEST EPISODE !
In this episode : USS (Urban Sneakers Society) tells their opinion on the TOP5 Sneakers of 2018
check it out guys !
Friday, 21 December 2018
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Monday, 17 December 2018
Friday, 14 December 2018
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble Indonesia VIP / Media Raffle Adidas Invincible Day
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble Indonesia VIP / Media Raffle Adidas Invincible Day
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Di hari kedua Invincible Indonesia Store opening kita membuat game seru bersama media and community, Kita mengadakan exclusive early pair Adidas x Invincible Raffle.
kita melepas 2 sepatu invincible x adidas ke public social media team dan komunitas yang kita support dan member. cara game yang ktia bikin adalah media communitas bisa membawa 50 follower mereka untuk mengikuti raffle ini. dan setiap penjualan 1jt Rupiah akah bisa mendapatkan satu ticket raffle. para social media team dan communitas sangat mensupport dan membuat acara ini sangat seru dan rame. di akhir raffle dua sepatu invincible 4D Adidas, Michael Vincent membuat Surprise raffle , dengan mengeluarkan 4D Consortium kepada public. semua yang dateng sangat terkesima dan pada seneng mendapatkan chance extra. acara terlihat seru dan ramai dan semua terlihat happy
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
kita melepas 2 sepatu invincible x adidas ke public social media team dan komunitas yang kita support dan member. cara game yang ktia bikin adalah media communitas bisa membawa 50 follower mereka untuk mengikuti raffle ini. dan setiap penjualan 1jt Rupiah akah bisa mendapatkan satu ticket raffle. para social media team dan communitas sangat mensupport dan membuat acara ini sangat seru dan rame. di akhir raffle dua sepatu invincible 4D Adidas, Michael Vincent membuat Surprise raffle , dengan mengeluarkan 4D Consortium kepada public. semua yang dateng sangat terkesima dan pada seneng mendapatkan chance extra. acara terlihat seru dan ramai dan semua terlihat happy
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Language English
On the second day of Invincible Indonesia Store opening we made exciting games with the media and community, we held an exclusive early pair of Adidas x Invincible Raffle.
we release 2 invincible x adidas shoes to the public, social media team and the community that we support. The way the game goes, The media and community can bring their 50 followers to enter the raffle. Every 1 million Rupiah sales will be added and will be given ticket raffle.
the social media team and community are very supportive and make this event very exciting and fun. At the end of the two raffle Adidas invincible 4D shoes, Michael Vincent made a surprise raffle, by issuing 4D Consortium to the public and make the people that enter the raffle and had lost hope are back on their feet to have more chance. The whole event was fun and crowded looks happy
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
On the second day of Invincible Indonesia Store opening we made exciting games with the media and community, we held an exclusive early pair of Adidas x Invincible Raffle.
we release 2 invincible x adidas shoes to the public, social media team and the community that we support. The way the game goes, The media and community can bring their 50 followers to enter the raffle. Every 1 million Rupiah sales will be added and will be given ticket raffle.
the social media team and community are very supportive and make this event very exciting and fun. At the end of the two raffle Adidas invincible 4D shoes, Michael Vincent made a surprise raffle, by issuing 4D Consortium to the public and make the people that enter the raffle and had lost hope are back on their feet to have more chance. The whole event was fun and crowded looks happy
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to : Jeou and USS (urban Sneakers Society), Richard from Pahi , Adit + Angga + Andre from Jakarta Sneakers Day, Polo + Tommy + Raeyhan from IST (IndonesiaSneakers Tean ), Izar from Trefoil and my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
( Click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )

In this episode : Isser from Bad Ass Monkey and Teki from TwentyThree.Kicks the other half of BadAssMonkey23 mengupas
Air Jordan XI "Concord"
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble Indonesia F&F (Friend and Family ) / VIP opening Day
DOCUMENTATION : Invincinble Indonesia F&F (Friend and Family ) / VIP opening Day
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Sudah Kalian tau dari Postingan kemarin saya, Saya Sudah jadi Team Invincible.
photo2 yang saya post sekarang mengenai photo Invincible Indonesia Friends and Family / VIP Opening Day
banyak sekali tamu teman dan saudara datang untuk mensupport pembukaan toko Invincible di Jakarta ini
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
photo2 yang saya post sekarang mengenai photo Invincible Indonesia Friends and Family / VIP Opening Day
banyak sekali tamu teman dan saudara datang untuk mensupport pembukaan toko Invincible di Jakarta ini
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Language English
Already you know from my post yesterday, I have become a Team Invincible.
the photos I posted now about the Invincible Indonesia Friends and Family / VIP Opening Day photo
so many friends and relatives came to support the opening of this Invincible shop in Jakarta
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Already you know from my post yesterday, I have become a Team Invincible.
the photos I posted now about the Invincible Indonesia Friends and Family / VIP Opening Day photo
so many friends and relatives came to support the opening of this Invincible shop in Jakarta
check out them photo guys, hope you like them documentation
Special Thanks to my Photographer partner in crime @okky for them cool pics !
( Click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )
Monday, 10 December 2018
DOCUMENTATION : Invincible Store is here to stay in Jakarta , Indonesia
DOCUMENTATION : Invincible Store is here
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Location : Pacific place , Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti yang kalian tahu, saya sudah sibuk dan tidak mengepost banyak article.
jika Anda ingin tahu mengapa, ada beberapa hal yang saya telah berfokus dan pada saat itu saya tidak bisa mengatakan atau menunjukkan kepada Anda apa yang saya lakukan / Confidential.
tetapi sekarang, saya dapat mengeshare dan akan menunjukkan kepada Anda apa yang sudah saya lakukan..
seperti yang Anda tahu, salah satu tujuan saya di dalam hidup ini adalah Indonesia di terima di sneaker culture dan memiliki toko merek global, dan pada hari ini saya membantu mencapainya. INVINCIBLE Buka dan ada di Indonesia.
saya kemarin2 di belakang layar dan sudah menjadi bagian dari team invincible.
ini adalah photo2 storenya setelah jadi sebelom open for pubic.
semoga suka dokumentasinya
Note : Special thanks to my brother Okky buat documentasinya !
jika Anda ingin tahu mengapa, ada beberapa hal yang saya telah berfokus dan pada saat itu saya tidak bisa mengatakan atau menunjukkan kepada Anda apa yang saya lakukan / Confidential.
tetapi sekarang, saya dapat mengeshare dan akan menunjukkan kepada Anda apa yang sudah saya lakukan..
seperti yang Anda tahu, salah satu tujuan saya di dalam hidup ini adalah Indonesia di terima di sneaker culture dan memiliki toko merek global, dan pada hari ini saya membantu mencapainya. INVINCIBLE Buka dan ada di Indonesia.
saya kemarin2 di belakang layar dan sudah menjadi bagian dari team invincible.
ini adalah photo2 storenya setelah jadi sebelom open for pubic.
semoga suka dokumentasinya
Note : Special thanks to my brother Okky buat documentasinya !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
Language English
As you guys know, i've been busy and not have been posting as much.
if you wanna know why, there are a few things that i've been focusing and at the time i cant tell or show you yet whats i'm doing. but now, i can and and will show yo. as u guys know, one of my goal is to have a global brand store in Indonesia, and as of today i've achieve it.
INVINCIBLE is here in Indonesia, here are the store look out.
i've been helping them out and supporting them to make this a reality for Indonesia to be on the map of sneaker culture
here are the store look before the opening.
hope you guys like the documentation.
Note : Special thanks to my brother Okky for documenting the scene !
if you wanna know why, there are a few things that i've been focusing and at the time i cant tell or show you yet whats i'm doing. but now, i can and and will show yo. as u guys know, one of my goal is to have a global brand store in Indonesia, and as of today i've achieve it.
INVINCIBLE is here in Indonesia, here are the store look out.
i've been helping them out and supporting them to make this a reality for Indonesia to be on the map of sneaker culture
here are the store look before the opening.
hope you guys like the documentation.
Note : Special thanks to my brother Okky for documenting the scene !
( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )
Friday, 7 December 2018
Thursday, 6 December 2018
ON FEET : Zulfikar Ali - New Balance 998 x Ronnie Fieg " CIty Never Sleep"
Zulfikar Ali On Feet
Sneakers : New Balance 998 x Ronnie Fieg " CIty Never Sleep"
Sneakers : New Balance 998 x Ronnie Fieg " CIty Never Sleep"
Photo by : iam.ran06
Wednesday, 5 December 2018

In this episode : Isser from Bad Ass Monkey and Teki from TwentyThree.Kicks the other half of BadAssMonkey23 mengupas
League x Boyz Got No Brain
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Welcome to Iam.ran Adit from Adityalogy
In this episode : @Adityalogy Unboxing
In this episode : @Adityalogy Unboxing
Adidas 4D x Invincible
check it out guys !
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