Sunday 4 April 2021

DOCUMENTATION: Sneaker peak Vol 7


DOCUMENTATION:  Sneaker peak Vol 7
Location : Kemang Village Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Sedikit Dokumentasi Sneaker Peak Vol 7
acara ini berlaku 4 hari, dari kamis sampai minggu. saya dateng di hari minggu karena itu waktu yang saya bisa luangkan untuk dokumentasi di waktu2 sibuk saya.
dengan adanya masa pandemi dan virus Covid, acara di tahun 2020 sudah tidak ada di mana- mana, tetapi di 2021 kita sudah mulai terlihat arah sudah mulai membaik. biarpun masih ada takut , kita sudah mulai bisa bersilahturahmi lagi dengan protokol yang harus di lakukan untuk mencegah penyakit tidak makin nambah menular. ini adalah acara pertama yang bener2 acara sneakers event . concept sneaker peak akan selalu intresting menurut saya dan karena protokol, jadi booth yang sudah di siapakan tidak sepadet acara sebelom- sebelomnya , jadi tenant yang ikut di acara ini agak lebih rengang untuk menjaga area orang2 lewat . saya liat banyak interaksi antara seller dan buyer dan seatu2 yang di jual keren2 - kita bisa liat market sangat di dominan sama nike dan adidas , dan banyak hype product yang terlihat di jual di booth tenant sneaker peak tersebut. check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

A little documentation of  Sneaker Peak Vol 7
This event is valid for 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.
I come on Sundays because that's the time I  can spend for documentation during my busy times lately.
With the pandemic and the Covid virus, events in 2020 are nowhere to be found, but in 2021 we are starting to see the direction has started to improve. Even though there is still fear, we are starting to be able to meet again with the protocols that must be done to prevent the disease from becoming more contagious.
This is the first ever true sneakers event in Indonesia after the Covid thing hits. In my opinion, the concept of sneaker peak will always be interesting and because of the protocol, the booth that has been prepared is not as crowded as the previous event, so the tenants who participated in this event were a bit more relaxed to protect the area of ​​people passing by.
I saw a lot of interactions between sellers and buyers and everything that was selling was cool - we can see that the market is very dominant with Nike and Adidas, and a lot of hype products are seen being sold at the tenant sneaker peak booth. check my photo2 documentation for more on this eventt

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

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