Sunday 10 October 2021

Documentation : Abie Farewell & Birthday


DOCUMENTATION:  Abie Farewell & Birthday
Location : Kemang , Jakarta - Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

Documentasi ini dedikasih kepada salah satu Teman / Saudara / Team Leader /  Anak Nomer No1 di team Invincible yang harus berpisah dari Kita semua.  Abie Sumendap adalah salah satu pilar yang  sudah berdedikasi tinggi membangun dan membantu mendirikan brand Invincible Jakarta bersama saya di awal Invincible Mulai. ini Photo2 behind the scene acara Farewell & Birthday Dia yang di rayakan bersama team Invincible.    
terima kasih atas bimbingannya Bie selama ini membantu Team dan membawa culture ke level berikutnya....bisa di lihat disini respect anak2 sangat cinta kepada lo dan sayangnya kita harus berpisah. tetapi bukan artinya kita tidak akan ketemu lagi.
kita sekarang adalah keluarga - jangan lupakan kita dan bilamana perlu bantuan kedepannya kita akan bantu tanpa pemikiran .
 kita doakan kebaikan elo selama elo di invincible di kasih lebih banyak rejeki dan kesuksesan project berikutnya yang elo bakal geluti. Jaga diri lo ok di sana dan jangan lupakan kita !   

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


This documentation is dedicated to a friend / relative / team leader /  number 1 in the Invincible team who have to separated him self from all of us. Abie Sumendap is one of the pillars who has been highly dedicated to building and helping to establish the Invincible Jakarta brand with me at the beginning of Invincible. These are behind-the-scenes photos of his Farewell & Birthday event that we celebrated with the Invincible team.

Thank you for your guidance Bie all this time, so far t you have  help the team and take the culture to the next level.  and we know with you leaving us doesn't mean we won't see each other again in the near future, cause we are family now. So stay being you and keep that positivity alive and don't forget us ok !  if you need help in the future we will help without thinking.

 We wish you good luck and pray many success for  your next project that you will be involved in. Take care of yourself brother and stay safe ok and don't forget us!

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

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