DOCUMENTATION: Access to Pedro's Collection
Location : Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya sangat untung di kasih akses oleh Pedro untuk mendokumentasikan collection sepatu dia di Man cavenya.collection sepatunya sangat menakjubkan dan luar biasa. menurut saya
seluruh area penthouse tertutupi oleh vintage adidas and barang kurasi sangat tersusun dengan rapih.
bilamana anda follow blog saya, saya sudah pernah dokumentasi koleksi diehardadidasfan, koleksi Pedro sangat mirip, di mana dia sangat cinta dengan Vintage adidas. hampir semua koleksi dia sangat rare dan mahal banget, lebih mahal dan rare dari pada hype item. karena cuma ada beberapa saja di dunia.
saya nanya bagaimana koleksi ini mulai, jawab pedro, dia mulai dengan koleksi Adidas Music series, lalu dia coba koleksi adidas Loondon, dan terus ke football dan vintage.
bilamana nanti anda liat, photo bisa terlihat sepatu sama warna kok terulang lagi, sebenernya photo tersebut bukan di ulang. Pedro mengkoleksi dari produksi pertama dan terus sampai koleksi tahurn terbaru di design yang sama ( seperti dia koleksi dari kakeknya sampai cicit ). Pedro sedang process mendatakan setiap sepatu juga, bilamana nanti anda liat di setiap box , akan ada sticker nama sepatu dan sepatu / SKU / tanggal release . pertama saya dateng untuk melihat saya terkaget2 dan sangat banga dedikasi dia untuk mengkoleksi dan mendisplay. (speecless)
terima kasih Pedro and Team 3foil.id untuk mengasih access iam-ran untuk dokumentasikan.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
I am very fortunate to have been given access by Pedro to document his shoes collection in his Man cave. His shoes collection are amazing and extraordinary.
the entire penthouse area are covered in vintage adidas and the curated items are very neatly arranged.
if you follow my blog, I've already documented the diehardadidasfan collection, Pedro's collection are very similar, where he really loves adidas Vintage.
most of the collection are rare items !.... much expensive then hype items .
I asked how this collection started, Pedro replied, he started with the Adidas Music seriess collection, then he tried the adidas Loondon collection to be fullfilled, and continued to football and vintage.and others
when you see it later in my documentasion, the photos can be seen that there arae shoes that look simmilar in color, and you will ask "how come it repeats itself" , actually the photo arae not repeated. Pedro collects from the first production and continues until the latest collection in the same design (just imagin like he collected from grandfather to great-grandchildren). Pedro is in the process of listing each shoe as well, when you look at each box, there will be a sticker with the name of the shoe and shoe / SKU / release date. The first time I came to see I was blown away and so proud of his dedication to collecting and displaying (speechless). a true die hard adidas fan at its finest...
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)