Sunday, 31 July 2022

WEARTESTING - Nike @tomsachs GPS ..... had landed

 Nike @tomsachs GPS ..... had landed

Day 01.

Overview of the shoes....

THe shoe looks sophisticated as always. @tomsachs always comes with beautiful silhouette. I love the material that they use and it feels if im wearing this GPS, i feel like i work at Nasa and this is part of their uniform.
I will test them out and become my beater shoe's 🙏🥰👟

Monday, 18 July 2022

Documentation: Part 01 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style.s


Documentation: Part 01 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style.some are testing their shoes while Me testing and documenting nike tom sachs mars yard overshoes for this cool hiking scene

#acg #hiking #curukngumpet #hiking # sentul #nike #indonesia

Documentation : Part 02 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style.

Documentation : Part 02 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style.
Some of them are testing their shoes while Me testing and documenting nike tom sachs mars yard overshoes for this cool hiking scene

#acg #hiking #curukngumpet #hiking # sentul #nike #indonesia

Documentation : Part 04 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style.

 Documentation : Part 04 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style. 

As u guys know were supporting the out door movement

Some of them are testing their shoes while Me testing and documenting nike tom sachs mars yard overshoes for this cool hiking scene

#nikecraftweartester #outdoor #sneakertesting #acgdaily
#acg #hiking #curukngumpet #hiking # sentul #nike #indonesia

Documentation : Part 05 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style .

Documentation : Part 05 Video - the culture crew hiking / exploration of curug ngumpet with style .

Some of them are testing their shoes while Me testing and documenting nike tom sachs mars yard overshoes for this cool hiking scene

#acg #hiking #curukngumpet #hiking # sentul #nike #indonesia

Sunday, 17 July 2022

WEARTESTING : This is my gear for tommorows excursion.

 This is my gear for tommorows excursion.
As u guys know i think its a good opertunity to do another nike craft weartesting. I was hoping my nike tom sachs general purpose that i bought would have arrived , Sadly it stuck between the states and jakarta somewhere.
Once again, my trusty TSMY Overshors is my saviour.

It will be a cool exploration expedition , a good tracking to this beautiful water fall (next picture).
Its a 3 hours hike going up with a few of the crazy ceative crew.

Wish us luck guys

#tomsachsmarsyardovershoes #tomsachs #wearyourkicks #curugngumpet #indonesia

Thursday, 14 July 2022

DOCUMENTATION : " wear your sneakers well "

" wear your sneakers well "

If u see my my blog 2015, march 6th.
I review the Adidas Ultraboost 1.0
Now its 2022, and this is the outcome of the ultraboost 1.0 used.

Adidas Utraboost was a big hype at the start of their life, and the shoe was bringing adidas brand the front of the hype train, even the re-selling price were high. I was the first person who line up for this shoes in Indonesia as it was released

I love the shoes andI used it as my beater shoes, excercise and traveling.

I think adidas ultraboost 1.0 have a lot of good points and a few bad. But over all its an amazing shoes to have. And i hope adidas bring them back with this OG color and look again. A must have shoes.....

R.IP my Ultraboost 1.0

#ultraboost #womft #waertesters

DOCUMENTATION : JD Sport open at Kemang Village

 Congrats to my brother @christliebert for the opening of JD sports.... makin Jaya and cant wait to see the opening of the next @jdsportsindo in indonesia , specially the one in @lippomallkemang ...

Sunday, 10 July 2022

DOCUMENTATION : Adventure at Curug Ngumpet with the Crew

DOCUMENTATION :  Tracking / Hikeing at Curug Ngumpet
Location : Sentul

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya dan istri lagi mencoba me- refresh dan menchalange / mencari adventure baru untuk menguji coba kesehatan mental kita masing masing di karenakan ada perubahan arahan hidup yang allah alih untuk kita  melihat hidup lebih baik.. Idea yang kita dapatkan untuk me mulai  perspektif baru adalah coba  untuk Hiking/ Trailing di luar Jakarta. Supaya kita dapet experience baru + bisa membuka sceenery / wawasan juga dan  menghilangkan stress level masing2
Saya juga akan mengetes sepatu Nike Mars Yard Overshoes untuk capabilities and experiencenya.
Buat acara curug exploration  kali ini sekarang kita tidak sendiri, ada crew anak2 pecinta sneakers dan creative yang ikut serta . acaranya seru dan team sangat kompak saling bantu dan support.  

Acaranya berjalan dengan suksess dan seru sekali. pertama- tama sangat  lurus dan santai , tapi setelah masuk 1jam  kita ketemu dengan tanjakan yang saangat tinggi sampai titik tengah warung istirahat. setelah istirahat 15 menit kita jalan lagi dan perjalannya sangat seru masuk2 air dan manjat dan sampai tujuan. intinya tracking hari ini sangat seru dan kita akan bikin acara seperti ini lagi tanggal 16 agustus.

akhirdari experience ini, hiking / tracking ini sangat seru dan bakal jadi trend keren buat anak2 muda untuk melakukannya dengan gaya dan lifestyle
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

My wife and I are trying to refresh and challenge / find new adventures to test each of our mental health because there is a change in the direction of life that God has taken for us to see life better.. The idea we get to start a new perspective is to try for Hiking / Trailing outside Jakarta. So that we can get new experience + can open sceenery / insight as well and relieve stress levels of each
As u guys know Im Going to test the Nike Mars Yard Overshoes to test in this hars terrain.
Now we're not alone, there's a crew of sneaker-loving and creative kids participating. the event was fun and the team was very compact to help and support each other.

The event was successful and very exciting. at first very straight and relaxed, but after entering 1 hour we met with a very high incline to the midpoint of the rest stall. After a 15 minute break we walked again and the journey was very exciting, entering the water and climbing and reaching our destination. The point is that tracking today is very exciting and we will make another event like this on August 16th.

At the end of this experience, hiking / tracking is very exciting and will be a cool trend for young people to do it with style and lifestyle

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)