Sunday, 27 November 2022

DOCUMENTATION : Ageless Galaxy x Roland

DOCUMENTATION : Ageless Galaxy  x Roland 

Location : Bangka Raya, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti Biasa , Ageless Galaxy cukup baik untuk mengundang saya menghadiri perilisan kolaborasi merekayang terbaru , kali ini bersama brand Roland. Acara berjalan lancar dan ramai dan Ageless Galaxy membawa kru mereka keluar untuk merayakannya. 
ada musik dan DJ, dan tab terbuka Habikis free flow + BBQ di atas panggangan. itu adalah acara yang menyenangkan dan saya pikir Ageless selalu mendapatkan nilai A dalam melakukan pekerjaan mereka. sebuah merek lokal di tingkat Internasional yang mendukung masyarakat selalu menjadi kunci masa depan. saya benar-benar dapat mengatakan bahwa mereka adalah salah satu yang tahu apa yang mereka lakukan  di retail  lifestyle dan itu adalah tanda-tanda success Brand yang harus dilihat.

Sepcial thanks to the 2 brother tamish and Ogi for invite us. saya berdoa agar Anda selalu sukses dan menjaga budaya tetap hidup!
 had a good time catching up too and denger2 gossip terbaru .and welcome back brother and always ready to support your vision
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

As Always , Ageless Galaxy was nice enough to invite me to attend their release of collabs, this time its Roland. the event went well and ageless Galaxy bring their crew out to celebrate it. theres  music and DJ,  and an open tabs of  Habikis, and BBQon the grill. it was a fun event and i think Ageless always get the A game on doing their thing. a local brand in a level of International supporting the community always the key to the future. i can actually say they are a brand that knows what their doing and its a goon banch mark to be look at. 

Sepcial thanks to the 2 brother tamish andOgi for inviting us. i pray your brand always triving with success and keeping the culture alive ! 
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Friday, 25 November 2022



Location : M Bloc Space

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-ran di Invite untuk check movement Vans Indonesia " This is the Sk8-HI ".
Salah satu Brand yang menurut saya di indonesia sangat hebat dalam membuat acara, tidak terlihat setengah- setengah untuk menedukasi culture di Indonesia mengenai Vans. 
Vans Indonesia Mengambil M Bloc Space sehari penuh untuk mengadakan acara" This is the Sk8-Hi ", dimana didalem acara ada tempat display area history mengenai Vans dan sepatu2nya di entrence, ada interaksi2 seperti Photo booth, carnival games, Skate tutorials, educating the product, trading dan small concert. Di awal acara pagi retailer di indonesia di undang untuk menunjukan sample2 pair yang Vans akan keluarkan di market, dan di sore VIP dan tamu di undang untuk party dan merayakan acaranya sampai larut malam. 
saya di undang untuk dateng di sore hari dan acara sangat ramai dan seru. 
menurut saya Vans sebagai brand di Indonesia sudah tebal di mata masyarakat. salah satu sepatu yang sangat aman buat para anak muda untuk di pakai dalam fashion. Vans Indonesia sudah dari dulu membuat acara edukasi di Indonesia dan cara mereka melakukannya sangat organic dan selalu tepat pada sasaran, Banch Mark buat brand membuat acara dan selalu Vans Membuatnya di Atas Rata- rata dan tidak terlihat setengah - setengah cuma untuk jualan product, tapi lebih ke culture dan edukasi.
Semoga Vans Indonesia makin success dari acara kemarin dan sales mereka akan naik dan merekat di hati para Vans head Indonesia.

Special thanks kepada Mike , thanks buat invitationnya, 
i know hi has a heart of Vans and i miss him when he left, but now his back !!!
 had a goot time catching up .and welcome back brother and always ready to support your vision.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam-ran at Invite to check the Vans Indonesia movement "This is the Sk8-HI".
One of the brands that I think in Indonesia is very great at making events, it doesn't look half-hearted to educate culture in Indonesia about Vans.
Vans Indonesia takes M Bloc Space for a full day to hold the "This is the Sk8-Hi" event, where in the event there is a history display area regarding Vans and its shoes at Entrence, there are interactions such as Photo booths, carnival games for people to have fun interacting, Skate tutorials for people who wants to learn from young age to adults, educating the product  on display and informing them, trading area and small concerts in the VIP section. 
At the beginning of the morning event, retailers in Indonesia were invited to show sample pairs that Vans would release at the market, and in the afternoon VIPs and guests were invited to party and celebrate the event late into the night.
I was invited to come in the afternoon and the event was very lively and exciting.
In my opinion, Vans as a brand in Indonesia is already thick in the eyes of the public. one of the very safe shoes for young people to wear in fashion. Vans Indonesia has always held educational events in Indonesia and the way they do it is very organic and always right on target, Banch Mark for brands to make events and always Vans Makes it Above Average and it doesn't look half - half just for selling products, but more to culture and education.
Hopefully Vans Indonesia will be even more successful from yesterday's event and their sales will rise and stick in the hearts of the Indonesian Vans heads.

Special thanks kepada Mike , thanks buat invitationnya, 
i know hi has a heart of Vans and i miss him when he left, but now his back !!!
 had a goot time catching up .and welcome back brother and always ready to support your vision

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Sunday, 20 November 2022

DOCUMENTATION : New Balance x Common Ground " MADE IN UK "

 DOCUMENTATION :  New Balance x Common Ground  " MADE IN UK "

Location : Ashta Building

Bahasa Indonesia
Kami diundang untuk menghadiri acara New Balance " MADE IN UK " yang indah ini di Common Ground.
The New Balance mengedukasi Sneaker Scene dengan produk mereka dan menampilkan Koleksi dari Kolektor - Kolektor  New Balance di Indonesia. acaranya keren dan saya pikir Berkolaborasi dengan Common Ground itu adalah movement bagus. detail tampilannya sepatu2 yang di display juga bagus. Jika Anda berada di area itu, harus mampir dan periksa!
New Balancesangat bagus mendidik dengan gaya tampilan seperti ini in Lifestyle movment. itu membawa tingkat budaya baru dan mendidiknya dengan gaya. semoga NEW BALANCE  bisa terus menunjukan sepatunya seperti ini !!!
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

We were invited to attend this beautiful " MADE IN UK " New Balance event At Common Ground.
the New Balance was educating the Sneaker Scene on their product and displaying Collection from New Balance Collector in Indonesia. the even was cool and i think Collaborating with Common Ground was good. the detail of the display was nice too. if your in that area, drop by and check it out !

its good New Balance is Educating with this style of display. it brings a new level of culture and educating it with style.keep it up New Balance  !!!

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

DOCUMENTATION : 6th Adventure - Danau Cisadon / Curug love / Curug Kencana

DOCUMENTATION :  6th Adventure - Danau Cisadon / Curug love / Curug Kencana

Location : Sentul

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan Explorasi Curug dengan crew Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) untuk mengexperience suasana outdoor dan mengetes dan refresh cara berpikir kita. Crew. 
di acara explorasi curug ini, menurut saya agak intensive. dimana Jalanya sangat panjang dan terasa tidak habis- habis sampai ketemu curugnya. di tengah2 menuju curugnya kita di tunjukan dengan Danau Cisadon , tempatnya sangat bagus buat photo2 dan setelah itu kita teruskan ke curug Love di atas. airnya sangat bagus, dingin dan jernih. setelah berrendem dan berenang2 kita turun jalan lagi sampai ke Curug Kencana di bawah sebelom kita sampai ke finish line.
over all , acaranya sangat seru dan sangat capai. 
sampai ketemu di curug trip berikutnya  tanggal Decemeber 13
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Continuing Curug Exploration with the crew of Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) to experience the outdoor atmosphere and test and refresh our way of thinking. Crew.
In this waterfall exploration event, I think it's rather intensive. where the path is very long and feels endless until you find the waterfall. in the middle of going to the waterfall we are shown Cisadon Lake, the place is very good for photos and after that we continue to the Love waterfall above. the water is very nice, cold and clear. After soaking and swimming, we went down the road again to Curug Kencana below before we got to the finish line.
over all, the event was very exciting and very tired.
see you at the next trip waterfall on December 13
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Documentation : Brightspot RE*NEW


Location : Plaza Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Kita datang di hari kedua Brightspot dimana Birghtspot sangat di kenal sebagai platform untuk Local business muda bisa berkarya.acara ini di adakan di Plaza Senayan. Saya masih ingat di masa lalu Brightspot isinya barang2 keren dari toko2 jualan baju2 trendy dan sepatu2 sneakers di acaranya sangat bagus dengan music2 yang di mainkan DJ, yang datang juga anak2 selatan yang bisa di bilang sangat gaul dan tau berdandan fashionable. kalau tidak salah ini di era belom ada yang namanya social media, dan hand phone juga masih jadul sekali .
sekarang platform ini balik masih berdiri dan masih menunjukan kerennya .salah satu menurut saya acara yang harus di datangngi untuk melihat progressnya culture anak muda.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

We come to the second day of Brightspot at Plaza Senayan where Brightspot is in 2022. Brightspot is very well known as a platform for young local businesses to work. I still remember that in the past Brightspot contained cool items from shops selling trendy clothes and sneakers. The show was very good with music played by the DJ, who came also from southern children who could be said to be very slang and know how to dress up fashionable. If I'm not mistaken, in this era there was no such thing as social media, and cell phones were still very old school.
Now this platform is still standing and still showing its coolness. One of the events in my opinion that must be attended is to see the progress of youth culture.

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Sunday, 6 November 2022

ART : Nike x Tom Sachs MarsYard Overshoes


ART : Nike x Tom Sachs MarsYard  Overshoes

Bahasa Indonesia
Sudah lama sejak saya menggambar di Adobe Ilustrator. ive telah memiliki jadwal sibuk sejak proyek terakhir saya. tetapi karena saya tahu memiliki lebih banyak waktu luang, saya menyadari keterampilan saya telah diturunkan dengan tidak menggunakannya. 
jadi ini saya fokus untuk mengasah kembali keterampilan saya dalam menggambar AI.
ini adalah gambar kedua saya  mencoba , subjectnya adalah Tom Sachs Shoes Marys Yard Overshoes 

Its been a while since i draw on Adobe Ilustrator. ive been having busy schedule since my last project. but as i know have more spare time, i realise my skill have been down graded by not using it. 
so this is me focusing on resharpening my skills on AI drawing. 
here are my second attemp of doing another Tom Sachs Shoes., this time is the MarsYard Overshoes.

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)