Wednesday 9 November 2022

Documentation : Brightspot RE*NEW


Location : Plaza Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Kita datang di hari kedua Brightspot dimana Birghtspot sangat di kenal sebagai platform untuk Local business muda bisa berkarya.acara ini di adakan di Plaza Senayan. Saya masih ingat di masa lalu Brightspot isinya barang2 keren dari toko2 jualan baju2 trendy dan sepatu2 sneakers di acaranya sangat bagus dengan music2 yang di mainkan DJ, yang datang juga anak2 selatan yang bisa di bilang sangat gaul dan tau berdandan fashionable. kalau tidak salah ini di era belom ada yang namanya social media, dan hand phone juga masih jadul sekali .
sekarang platform ini balik masih berdiri dan masih menunjukan kerennya .salah satu menurut saya acara yang harus di datangngi untuk melihat progressnya culture anak muda.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

We come to the second day of Brightspot at Plaza Senayan where Brightspot is in 2022. Brightspot is very well known as a platform for young local businesses to work. I still remember that in the past Brightspot contained cool items from shops selling trendy clothes and sneakers. The show was very good with music played by the DJ, who came also from southern children who could be said to be very slang and know how to dress up fashionable. If I'm not mistaken, in this era there was no such thing as social media, and cell phones were still very old school.
Now this platform is still standing and still showing its coolness. One of the events in my opinion that must be attended is to see the progress of youth culture.

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

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