Location :Senayan City, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang oleh Team Footlocker untuk menghadiri acara Nike yang berjudul
" Tuned in Jakarta 25 Anniversary Nike Tn "
acara ini untuk mengedukasikan market Indonesia, mengenal sihouette Nike Tn. yang di bikin di tahun 90an. Sepatu classic buat para urban sneaker lovers di sub culture2 mancanegara. Produksi seatu ini bisa di bilang susah dalam produksi, dan dulunya Nike kerjasama dengan footlocker untuk membantu produksikan sepatu tersebut. dari outsole yang bertema futuristic dan upper yang organic structurenya , bilamana dalam produksi cetakansepatu tersebut dalam sizing akan susah sekali, tetapi mereka bisa membuatnya sampai realita.
Diacara Nike Ini di adakan di Footlocker store Senayan City, Jakarta. tamu di undang jam 6 untuk menghadirinya.tamu yang datang di arahkan untuk minggle dan liat area Nike Tn yang di design dengan baik untuk melihat produknya. di sana juga ada booth photo dengan concept photo 4 kamera.
setelah tamu sudah banyak datang, kita di arahkan ke area presentasi.
dalam lineup acara, bakal ada 2 talk show, 1st talk show adalah mengenai perspective sebagai pecinta nike Tn dengan guest speaker Ali (collector ) dan Pandu Polo Sebagai Communitas sneaker lover ( IST), di talk show ini juga di hadiri oleh Kika (ekin).talknya sangat seru dan informative.
di 2nd Talk show, ada Tamu dari luar yang di provide oleh ageless galaxy , tahum bernama" Woodie ". di kalangan sneakers, bisa di bilang salah satu dedengkot dalam negarahkan culture sneakers di media industry , pendiri / editor in chief Sneaker Freaker. Dimana dia membawa buku yang dia bikin mengenai sepatu tersebut dan culture yang mensupport dan menunjukan ke kita.
acaranya sangat seru, di pertengahan talk show juga di isi oleh live performance dari penyanyi ternama di kalangan anak muda dan KOL Nike ! ada area potong rambung dan area makanan, minuman dan icecream dari sponsor2 untuk snack mensupport acara tersebut dan untuk mengisi perut tamu yang hadir.
over all acaranya seru dan keren.
SPECIAL THANKS : Vitra / Footlocker / Polo untuk mengundang saya datang ke acara tersebut
check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
English Iam.Ran was invited by Team Footlocker to attend the Nike event entitled
" Tuned in Jakarta 25th Anniversary Nike Tn "
This event is to educate the Indonesian market, to get to know the Nike Tn silhouette. which was made in the 90s. Classic shoes for urban sneaker lovers in international subcultures. The production of these shoes can be said to be difficult to produce, and Nike collaborated with Footlocker back in the days to help produce these shoes. from the outsole with a futuristic theme and upper with an organic looks, if producing, the molds for these shoes have to be different in every sizing, but they noth come out with a formula and made it a reality.
This Nike event was held at the Footlocker store Senayan City, Jakarta. Guests were invited at 6 o'clock to attend. Guests who came were directed to display acrea and look at the well-designed Nike Tn and see the products in display. there is also a photo booth with concept photos with 4 cameras.
As many guests arrived supporting the event, we were directed to the presentation area.
In the event lineu. there were 2 talk shows,
The 1st talk show is about perspective as a Nike Tn lover in indonesia with guest speaker Ali (collector) and Pandu Polo as a sneaker lover community (IST), this talk show will also be attended by Kika (ekin). The talk was very exciting and informative and fun. The 2nd talk show was even crazyer, there was a guest star from outside brought by Ageless Galaxy, his name is "Woodie_snkrfrk" in instagram. In sneaker circles, you could say that he is one of the leaders in documenting sneaker culture in the media industry for the world, his position is the founder/editor in chief of Sneaker Freaker. he brought his latest book he made about these shoes and inside it a history of the shoe and lots of photos ducumentation of sub culture that support it. its an amaxing book.
The event was very exciting, and fun. between the talk show there was also a live performance from a well-known singers among young people nowdays and KOL Nike in music and lifestyle!
there is also barber area , cut for free and beside it, area for food, drinks and ice cream from sponsors, snacks to support the event and to fill the stomachs of guests attending.
over all the event was exciting and cool.
SPECIAL THANKS : Vitra / Footlocker / Polo for inviting me to the event
check my photo documentation for more about this event
(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)