Thursday, 26 January 2023


Preparing for the best cause the best is yet to come. So with that mindset, im physically preparing myself for my future, cause with healthier body com a s positive mind and strong spirit. (Just like an athlete)

" The reward of good work is more work " - Tom Sachs.

Still testing nike x Tom Sachs GPS (general purpose shoes).
I think the shoe is amazing.
I have taken it to the extreme a few times, exploring kawah ratu and curug (tracking 10km + trip) , and now im testing the shoes more for durability in everyday use circumstances. People will judge this Shoe more of a lifestyle cause of its aesthetic. But what I've found is that the cussioning is amazing and this is the type of shoes that u can wear every day.. you will not get tired easily, and the shoe is stirdy and flat that u can use them intensively.

#ownlessdomore #nikecraftweartester

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Sepatu Compass x FR2

DOCUMENTATION : Sepatu Compass x FR2

Location : Urban Forest  , Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya beruntung diundang oleh teman saya Aji handoko designernya compas  untuk menghadiri pelepasan sepatunya bersama Sepatu Compass dan FR2. seperti yang kita semua tahu ,locak dan kolaborasi internasional ini telah bekerja dengan sempurna di Indonesia selama beberapa tahun. 
 kali ini, rilisnya besar-besaran di Indonesia. acara diadakan di Urban Forest Fatmawati, dimana Sepatu Compass membangun modular store yang bisa di pindahkan ke area lain bilamana mereka mau ada acara + mereka juga merilis sepatu hasil kolaborasinya dengan FR2. Ada 2 warna, burgendy dan hitam. pada pembukaan burgandy dipajang dan akan dirilis keesokan harinya. sepatu yang hitam masih belom ada kabarnya .
saya sebagai pembuat dokumenter sepatu kets, saya melihat banyak aktivasi tentang bagaimana merek melakukan tugasnya. tapi yang ini sangat besar dan tertata / coordinated dengan baik. mereka mengundang teman-teman Sepatu Compass, VIP, Influencer dan peeps penting di industri untuk datang dan mendukungnya. pada acara tersebut tidak hanya dipajang sepatu rilisan, ada area lain di gedung modular yang menampilkan semua koleksi collabs FR2 semua dipajang. untuk tamu, mereka menyediakan stan besar berisi makanan dan minuman gratis. 
Saya rasa Sepatu Compass sudah tepat dan akan menjadi role model bagaimana melakukan Brand Release dan Marketing untuk scene lokal dengan taste international. saya juga sangat senang bertemu dengan salah satu panutan saya Ryo CEO Vanquish yang telah saya kagumi dari dulu. 
kami berbicara tentang landscape indonesia masa depan dan suatu kehormatan diberi waktu untuk berbicara dengannya.
acara ini menjadi luar biasa dan saya mengucapkan selamat kepada merek dan orang-orang di baliknya
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was lucky to be invited by my friend Aji handoko to attend his shoe release with Sepatu Compass and FR2.  as we all know the locak and international collabs have been working perfectly in Indonesia true out several years. and this time, theres going big on the release in Indonesia. the event was held at Urban Forest Fatmawati, there Sepatu Compass build a modular store and to celebrate it as well they release the shoes that they collabs with FR2.  there are 2 color , burgendy and black. at the opening the burgandy were displayed and release the next day. as a sneaker documenter, i see lots of activation on how brand does their thing. but this one is huge. they iinvite friends of Sepatu Compass, VIPs , Influencers and important peeps in the industry to come and support it. at the event there were not only displayed of the release shoes, there is another area in the modular building that display all the collection of the FR2 collabs all on display. for the guest, they provide a big booth of free food and drinks . i think Sepatu Compass set the tone right and will be a role model on how to do  Brand  Release and Marketing for the local scene. i was very happy as well to meet one of my role model Ryo , Vanquish CEO who ive been looking up to him. we spoke on the landscape of indonesia and the future and was honor to be given time to talk to him. 

the event turn out amazing and i congratulate for the brands and the people behind it ! 
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo

Sunday, 22 January 2023

DOCUMENTATION : FR2 x Sepatu Compass


Was invited to attend the activation of @fxxkingrabbits @vanquishceo x @sepatucompass @ ajihandoko. Here are some sneek prev of the modular architecture by compass and the FR2 archive on display for the public to see...

More photo coming soon at

Friday, 20 January 2023



DOCUMENTATION : Atmos 3rd Store in Indonesia

DOCUMENTATION : Atmos 3rd Store in Indonesia

Location : Pondok Indah Mall 2 , Jakarta

Bahasa Indonesia
Pas acara pembukanan saya tidak dapet undangan untuk dateng, saya menyalami team atmos dan marcel atas pembukaan toko. dalam percakapan itu saya di undang untuk dateng dan di suruh check toko barunya.
Saya baru pertama kali melihat toko yang menurut saya di design dengan exekusi sangat baik. dari concept store sampai area VIP designya bagus. menurut saya toko ini menjadi level  patokan untuk toko berikutnya coba buka toko sneaker store di indonesia.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

At the opening ceremony I didn't get an invitation to come, I congratulateat the Atmos team and Marcel for opening another shop. in that conversation that i had with him, I was told to come and asked to check the new store.
This is the first time I see a store that I think was designed with very good in its execution. from the concept store to the VIP area the design are good. I think this store is a benchmark, the next level for the people who  wants to open next concept store.
go check my doc on the store
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Saturday, 14 January 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Dinner With Gonjel + Topan

 Catching up like old times and sharing toughts and positivity.... this 2 people in the last picture change some of the sneaker culture behind the scenes in indonesia.... im blessed they are my friend , humble and kind. Stay positive a and creative guys, and may we all make a difference in indonesia landscape !

Were family....

@ ajihandoko and fam
@topantri_ and fam
Me + @yoshiwalangitan

Thursday, 12 January 2023


 Space exploration to Crate Ratu


Warning, what your about to see should not be copy. Its stunt have been directly done by professional in a safe environment.


Exploring the scene of volcanic crate and seeing the beauty of space can offer. As i NikeCraftweartest @tomsachs @nike General Purpose shoes in one of my space exploration to a volcanic area where the volcanic heat boils the surrounding waters and the river contains heavy amounts of Sulphur.

To see more of the exploration photo, go to or my bio link

#kawahratu #sachsiansyndicate

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

DOCUMENTATION : 8th Adventure - Kawah Ratu

DOCUMENTATION : 8th Adventure - Kawah Ratu

Location : Bogor

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan Explorasi dengan crew Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) untuk mengexperience suasana outdoor dan mengetes dan refresh cara berpikir kita. pertama- tama kita mau berterima kasih kepada brand Mont Hood untuk mengasih baju buat team  
di acara explorasi ini,  acara jalanya berbeda di banding dengan yang curug kemarin.  Jalanya nanjak sampai ketemu Kawah Ratu dan tidak ada Curug.di tengah2 ada hutan mati dimana area tersebut tidak ada kehidupan . acaranya allhamdulilah berjalan lancar dan seru  

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Continuing Exploration with the Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) crew to experience the outdoor atmosphere and test and refresh our way of thinking. firstly we want to say thanks to Mont Hood for providing us with cool apparel. in this exploration event, the net event is different compared to the waterfall yesterday. The road climbs until you find Kawah Ratu and there is no waterfall. In the middle there is a dead forest where there is no life in that area. alhamdulillah the event ran smoothly and exciting

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

DOCUMENTATION : Mont hood x Anak Curug Gaul Exploration to Kawah Ratu


DOCUMENTATION : Mont hood x Anak Curug Gaul Exploration to Kawah Ratu

Location : Bogor

Bahasa Indonesia
Photo2 Acara Explorasi Anak curug Gaul di mata Mont hood.
Terima kasih brand Mont Hood untuk suplyin baju ke team Anak Curug Gaul untuk explorasi kali ini ke Kawah Ratu di area Gunung Sari di area bogor
ini beberapa photo2 yang di ambil dari  camera mereka 
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Photos of Exploration Event Anak Curug Gaul waterfall in the eyes of Mont hood.
Thank you brand Mont Hood for supplying clothes to the Anak Curug Gaul crew  for exploring this time to Kawah Ratu in  Gunung Sari area in bogor
Here are some photos taken from their camera
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Monday, 9 January 2023

Documentation : Ist Mini meet up 2023

DOCUMENTATION :  Ist  Mini meet up 2023

Location : Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Still from yesterday's gathering! Ternyata udah lama banget yak ga ngumpul".. gathering kmaren juga memutus stigma kalo yang keren dan diterima di tongkrongan itu cuma sepatu collab..

memulai tahun 2023 kita(re: IST) mencoba untuk mengajak semua  Friend and Family untuk Ngumpul di tempat keramat IST sejak lama, yes di bawah pohon rindang Plaza Senayan.
ada yang menarik di mini gathering tahun ini, semua boleh bergabung dengan syarat " General Release Only ". GR atau General Release adalah terminology Sepatu yang bermaksud , sepatu yang di produksi massal oleh brand tersebut, hampir dapet di jumpai dan di beli di store  di indonesia ( Jakarta dan sekitar). seru sekali melihat obrolan teman -teman yang sudah lama tidak ngumpul
ini dokumentasi acara kemarin
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Still from yesterday's gathering! Turns out it's been a long time since we've been together." Yesterday's gathering also broke the stigma that collab shoes are cool and accepted at hangouts..

Starting in 2023, we (re: IST) are trying to invite all our friends and family to gather at the sacred place of IST for a long time, yes, under the shady tree of Plaza Senayan.
There's something interesting about this year's mini-gathering, everyone is welcome to join with the condition "General Release Only". GR or General Release is shoe terminology which means, shoes that are mass produced by the brand, can almost be found and bought in stores in Indonesia (Jakarta and around). it's really fun to see the chat of friends who haven't got together for a long time
This is the documentation of yesterday's event
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

SPECIAL THANKS : to @IndonesiaSneakerTeam_  @TomCuk for the writting
 and For photograph and documenting the event. 

DOCUMENTATION : Muja 3 anniversary


DOCUMENTATION : Muja 3 anniversary  
Location : Kramat Pela, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
 Saya di undang oleh temen saya Tom Cuk untuk meramaikan acara 3tahun anniversary. acaranya seru, dari adanya beer pong,  ada juga tamu2 di ikut sertakan cara sablon baju. banyak teman2 hadir dan datang untuk mendoakan. music DJ mengisi acara sampai sore hari dan temen2 seru berbincang2. 
ini sedikit photo2 behind the scene acara tersebut.
congats TomCuk dan team Muja, semoga makin success lagi kedepannya
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited by my friend Tom Cuk to enliven the 3 year anniversary event. The event was exciting, from beer pong, there were also guests who took part in how to screen print clothes. many friends attended and came to pray. DJ music filled the event until the afternoon and friends had fun chatting.
Here are a few behind the scenes photos from the event.
congratulations TomCuk and the Muja team, hopefully they will be even more successful in the future
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Documentation : Behind the scene Ist meet up 2023

DOCUMENTATION :  Behind the scene Ist meet up 2023

Location : Senayan

Bahasa Indonesia
Gue di undang untuk dateng ke acara Indonesia Sneaker Team Silaturahmi di awal tahun 2023. 
menurut gue communitas Indonesia Sneaker Team adalah salah satu Communitas sneakers yang active mensupport culture sneakers dan mengaet semua brand communitas. acara ini sering terjadi di tiap tahun untuk networking dan silaturahmi. acaranya kadang bertema dan kadang cuma ngumpul- ngumpul manis aja ngobrol- ngobrol ringan.semua yang dateng di anjurkan untuk memakai sepatu general release. bukan sepatu hype atau sepatu yang collaborasi. di situ saya liat acaranya seru dan pembuat acara membikin sedikit gimic lucu dimana ada small games yang nantinya dapet hadiah. setelah gathering kebanyakan pada cari makan di foot court mall Plaza Senayan dan setelah itu check toko Atmos dan Intruders
ini sedikit photo behind the scenenya dari mobile phone saya yang saya ambil. IST akan mengirim file nanti photo2 documentasi acara ini yanglebih propper untuk saya post di Blog Iam-ran.
enjoy !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited to come to the Indonesia Sneaker Team Silaturahmi event in early 2023.
In my opinion, the Indonesian Sneaker Team community is a sneaker community that actively supports the sneaker culture and binds all community brands. This event often occurs every year for networking and hospitality. the events are sometimes themed and sometimes it's just a nice get-together just chatting lightly. all who come are advised to wear general release shoes. not hype shoes or collaboration shoes. there I saw that the program was fun and the program creator made a little funny gimmick where there were small games that later got prizes.after the meeting they all have dinner at the closes food court and check out Atmos and Intruders

This is a little behind the scenes photo that I took from my mobile phone. IST will send files later, more proper photo documentation of this event for me to post on the Iam-ran Blog.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

ART : Nike x Cole Haan x Tom Sachs Wingtip Mission Control Shoe


ART : Nike x Cole Haan x Tom Sachs Wingtip Mission Control Shoe

Bahasa Indonesia
Sudah lama sejak saya menggambar di Adobe Ilustrator. ive telah memiliki jadwal sibuk sejak proyek terakhir saya. tetapi karena saya tahu memiliki lebih banyak waktu luang, saya menyadari keterampilan saya telah diturunkan dengan tidak menggunakannya. 
jadi ini saya fokus untuk mengasah kembali keterampilan saya dalam menggambar AI.
ini adalah gambar ketiga saya  mencoba Nike x Cole Haan x Tom Sachs Wingtip Mission Control Shoe 

Its been a while since i draw on Adobe Ilustrator.
 ive been having a busy schedule since my last project. but as i know have some spare time.
 i realise my skill have been down graded by not using it often. 
so this is me focusing on resharpening my skills on AI drawing. here are my third attemp of doing another Tom Sachs Shoes., this time is the Nike x Cole Haan x Tom Sachs Wingtip Mission Control

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)