DOCUMNETATION : Jakarta Sneakers Days 2022 - Day 2 / session 2
Location : Indonesia Concvention Exhibition , BSD
Bahasa : Indonesia
Dengan berjalanya waktu, dan covid restriksi sudah mulai tidak adadi Jakarta, acara sneakers sudah mulai kemballi di adakan dengan level kembali normal. Acara yang sangat di tunggu - tunggu buat saya adalah JSD karena sayan penasaran apa yang akan mereka lakukan, salah satu pinikal acara sneakers yang menjadi contoh untuk di tiru. saya tidak bisa hadir di hari pertama karena banyak kendala acara keluarga dan kerjaan tapi saya dateng di acara kedua dan ketiga acara JSD tahun ini 4 hari dan di buat sangat meriah dan bersamaan bersama acara ultah BCA.
tahun ini JSD memosisikan di mata saya sangat tinggi dan lebih baik dari pada tahun-tahun sebelomnya. dari tempat yang baru di ICE, dan bukan tempat biasanya , ya itu Senayan City. Team JSD merubah citra rasa JSD dengan bentuk baru, tempat yang lebih besar dan acara makin seru.
JSD seperti biasa , menaru image acara sneakers yang kental, dimana isinya bener 2 bisa di bilang sneakers dan culture sneakers. banyak perubahan drastis di design booth di mana sangat lebih besar, area hall satu di pakai dan terlihat bagus dan bersih. banyak tenant Retailer yang meriahkan dan ikut serta melakukan aktivasi yang sangat seru. dari design booth yang bagus, aktivasi-activasi yang mendorong orang yang datang untuk berpartisipasi. ada area reselling shoes juga yang sangat padat.
over all , acara sangat seru dan menurut saya JDS menjadi no 1 untuk acara sneakers dan break USS dengan acaanya di JCC.kenapa saya bilang tersebut karena , tempatnya bagus, booth buat tenant besar2, ticket masuk dengan harga FREE !, space jalan besar jadi orang tidak tabrakan or dempet- dempet.,system raffle ok banget demgam jambo tron dan rules system, daerah tunggu dan security yang sangat baik dan tidak merusak aestetik acara atau booth tenant.banyak deh positivenya. yang kurang dan mereka harus lebih perbaikimenurut saya, harus lebih banyak lagi acara dan tamu buat JSD tahun depan makin sangar dan parkir menurut saya harus di benerin karena sangat padat.
go check dokumentasi saya!!!
( click di "read more " untuk melihat dokumentasi photo photonya )Photo by : iam.ran06
Language : English
As time goes on, and Covid restrictions have started to disappear in Jakarta, sneakers events have started to be held again with levels returning to normal. The event that I am really waiting for is JSD because I am curious what they will do this year. For me ,one of the pinnacle of sneakers events which is an example to emulate. I couldn't attend on the first day due to many family and work problems but I attended the second and third day for this year's JSD event for 4 days and it was made at the same time as BCA's birthday.
This year JSD has a very high and better position in my eyes than in previous years.
from a new place at ICE, and not the usual plac ( Senayan City).
The JSD team changed the image of JSD with a new shape, a bigger place and more exciting events.
JSD, as usual have the image of a thick sneakers event compare to USS , you could say JSD did well with sneakers and its culture. lots of drastic changes forthe booth designwhere it is much bigger fr each , one hall area is used and it looks nice and clean in ICE. Many Retailer / tenants cheered up and took part in a very exciting activation with a good booth design, activities that encourage people who come to participate.
there is a shoes reselling area as well which is very crowded .
Over all, the event is very exciting and in my opinion JDS is number 1 now on sneakers events. the space to walk are big so no collisions or close to each other., the raffle system is really ok with jambo tron and the rules system, the waiting area and security are very good and can be copy for other event makers.and with the right system, they don't damage the aesthetics of the event or booth tenant.
there are lots of positives. what is lacking and they need to be improved in my opinion, there should be more events and guests to make next year's JSD even better and parking in my opinion must be fixed because it is very crowded.
go check my documentation!!!
( Dont forget to check day 3 as well )
SPECIAL THANKS : to Dimas Aditya who help me and the crew of JSD for inviting me to attend your event
( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )