Saturday, 30 December 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Brunch with the Brother Gegi and go check out Studio GEGI and a few of his ACG collection.

 DOCUMENTATION :  Brunch with the Brother Gegi and go check out Studio GEGI and a few of his ACG collection. 

Location :Bandung, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
As Iam.Ran in Bandung, traveling for holiday before the new years. 
i post a messege  "if anyone in bandung , lets meet up ! "
brother Gegi answer and on my last day in Bandung we meet up. 
i know him true IG, cause he has a lot of Nike ACG collection that i adore.
not only he collects the thing i like, hes a young interprener who design cool limited edition bag.
so here is my documentation meeting him for breakfast and hang out at his studio for a good chat
talking from products, retail, culture and of course his collection.  
his such a humble guy , with lots of knowledge and wisdom. if you have the chance to meet him, his a tallented fellow and a cool friend to have. 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
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Selagi Iam.Ran di Bandung, bepergian untuk liburan menjelang akhir tahun.

aku mengirim pesan  di Instagram
"kalau ada yang di bandung, ayo bertemu! "

di jawab oleh Brother Gegi dan di hari terakhirku di Bandung kami bertemuan.

Aku kenal dia di IG, karena dia punya banyak koleksi Nike ACG yang aku sukain.

Tak hanya mengoleksi barang yang saya suka, ia juga seorang wirausaha muda yang mendesain tas keren edisi terbatas.

jadi inilah dokumentasi saya bertemu dengannya untuk sarapan  pagi dan nongkrong di studionya untuk mengobrol. kita berbicara dari produk, retail, budaya dan tentunya koleksinya.

dia adalah pria yang rendah hati, dengan banyak pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan. jika Anda mempunyai kesempatan untuk bertemu dengannya, dia adalah orang yang berbakat dan teman yang keren.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 



Saturday, 23 December 2023



Bahasa Indonesia
    Ini Adalah Review Sepatu Vans SK-8 Hi Water Proof. Saya dapet sepatu ini karena kerjasama weartesting dan untuk mereview sepatunya.
kita (anak curug gaul) di kasih sepatu sebanyak 14 pair buat Team Anak Curug Gaul mencoba dan kasih masukan. Saya dan team memakainya untuk ke curug dan mengasih review2 dan membikin content untuk blast Vans Indonesia lihat. setelah saya pakai, menurut saya, the best functional sepatu dari line up Vans.ini waktunya saya mereview sepatu tersebut dan share pendapat saya.
so check opini saya mengenai sepatu ini.
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentation reviewnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This is a review of the Vans SK-8 Hi Water Proof shoes. I got these shoes because of a weartesting collaboration and to review the shoes.
We (the Curug Gaul children) were given 14 pairs of shoes for the Curug Gaul Children's Team to try and provide input. My team and I use it to go to waterfalls and give reviews and create content for the Vans Indonesia blast to see. After I wear them, in my opinion, they are the best functional shoes from the Vans line up. This is the time for me to review these shoes and share my opinion.
so check my opinion about these shoes.
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special Thanks :  Michael Kienzy for giving us the shoes and allowing ur to weartest and review the shoes.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023



Location : Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Kalian tau dan telah gue pengujian nikecraft wear test tom sachs 
lucunya, saah satu kru @sachsiansyndicate yang menginsirasikan ak
telah mengirim patch, jadi saya pasang di tali tas totebag saya.

Menurut saya patch game itu sebenernya keren sih, salah satu product yang sebenernya bisa di kembangkan lebih sebagai collection atau sebagai extra touch buat di baju atau accessories 

#isru #nikecraftwearter #fixtheproblem
#menggergaji #nike

You know and I have tested Tom Sachs' Nikecraft Wear Test
The funny thing is, it was one of the @sachsiansyndicate crew who inspired AK
had sent a patch, so I put it on the strap of my tote bag.

In my opinion, game patches are actually cool, a product that could actually be developed more as a collection or as an extra touch for clothes or accessories.

#isru #nikecraftwearter #fixtheproblem 
#sawing #nike

check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Sunday, 17 December 2023



Location :panglima polim, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang untuk hadir ke acara Showcase Akross. brand local yang memproduksi sepatu keren bertema tracking. saya sudah pernah mereview and weartesting sepatu tersebut. 
menurut saya sangat keren sih movement brand Akross .
mereka sudah release pertama-tama di market Jepang dan sekarang melanda di market local.
saya datang agak telat tetapi menurut saya showcase displaynya simple + minimalist, Sangat Keren.
dari seatu di gantung dan di jadikan sculpture. dan tamu yang yang hadir bisa datang dan mencobai sepatu tersebut. 
selagi saya check,  salah satu temen lama sneakaers Aji handoko juga hadir checking the showcase. 
it was a good expererience
sorry kalo photonya agak jelek, karena pakai Hp bukan pake camera SLR

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
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Iam.Ran was invited to attend the Akross Showcase event. local brand that produces cool shoes with a tracking theme. I have reviewed and wear tested these shoes.

I think the Akross brand movement is very cool.

They have been released first in the Japanese market and are now hitting the local market.

I arrived a bit late but in my opinion the showcase display is simple + minimalist, very cool.

from one thing it is hung and made into a sculpture. and guests who attend can come and try on the shoes.

While I was checking, one of my old sneaker friends, Aji Handoko, was also present checking the showcase.

it was a good experience

Sorry if the photo is a bit bad, because I used a cellphone, not an SLR camera

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 

Documentation : POP UP Bazar 7th anniversary of Bill Coffee

Documentation :  POP UP Bazar 7th anniversary of Bill Coffee
Location :Bils Coffee, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya diundang ke acara bazar keren ini oleh beberapa teman yang buka booth. acara diadakan di Jalan Benda di area Bils Coffee.
produk atau pre love yang di hang kebanyakan semuanya item grail yang dijual + harga luar biasa.
orang-orang yang datang pada menjadi gila dan itu adalah acara yang menyenangkan.
banyak collector pada hadir untuk networking dan check barang. kapan lagi dapet topi nike ACG seharga Rp100.000.
semua kaos dan sepatunya juga bagus!
ada life mural graffiti artist dan ada BBQan juga.

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

 was invited to this cool bazaar event by several friends who were opening a booth. The event was held on Jalan Benda in the Bils Coffee area.
the products or pre loves that are hanging are mostly all grail items for sale + amazing prices.
the people who came on went crazy and it was a fun event.
many collectors were there to network and check out the items. When else will you get a Nike ACG hat for IDR 100,000?
all the t-shirts and shoes are great too!
there is a life mural graffiti artist and there is a BBQ too

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 

Sunday, 10 December 2023

DOCUMENTATION : 10th ADVENTUR - Curug Ngumpet With Vans

DOCUMENTATION : 10th ADVENTUR - Curug Ngumpet  With Vans
Location : Sentul

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan Explorasi dengan crew Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) di akhir tahun 2023 , di track kali ini kita lebih membawa level easy /medium dikarenakan concept jalan kita untuk mengajak lebih banyak orang menyukai tracking jalan di alam. banyak juga pengemar anak curug gaul yang pengen ikut tapi tidak bisa karena jatwal hari biasa mereka tidak bisa .  kebanyakan mau ikut serta dan bawa anak - anak mereka, jadi kita  adakan di hari minggu.
acaranya seru, dan bilaman kalian pernah liat atau follow anak curug gaul, track curug ngumpet , track pertama kita adalah track yang kita lakukan. tracknya biarpun bisa di bilang easy/medium. menurut saya di akhirnya agak di push untuk memanjat terus, dan buat yang bawa anak akan terasa agak kurang enak. dulu kita memakai mobil bak, tapi kali ini kita jalan terus.

Kerennya juga di acara tracking ini, Vans Indonesia mempercayai kita untuk weartesting + mensupport jalan kita dan men supplykan  14 sepatu MTE -2 sk8-hi dari collection MTE ( Made for The Element ).
Vans Indonesia di tahun 2024 akan push vans outdoor dan kita adalah salah satu test subject mereka untuk menembus pasar. kita sangat honor di kasih kesempatan ini dan team yang mendapatkan sepatu tersebut bener2 weartest dan kasih review meeka yang polos baik dan buruk mengenai sepatu ini. dan report itu di balikan ke Vans Indonesia untuk menjadi skala pemikiran di naikan ke Vans Global.  
kerennya juga Wicak membawa camera dia untuk meliput dan photo. dan anak2 juga dengan HP mereka masing2 mengambil photo juga sebagai kenangan.
silahkan check de full documentation out guys !!!
specail thanks kepada qicak yang bantu capture scene
special thanks kepada Michael Kienzy / Joshua Prakoso / Vans Indonesia / Vans untuk mempercayain kita dan mengasih access dan supply anak curug gaul dengan sepatunya.

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Continuing Exploration with the Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) crew at the end of 2023, on this track we are taking the easy/medium level because our concept is to encourage more people to like tracking in nature. There are also many fans of Anak Curug Gaul  who want to take part but can't because they don't have the usual schedule. Most of them wanted to come along and bring their children, so we held it on Sunday for them.
the event is exciting, and if you have ever seen or followed us, the curug ngumpet track, was our first track that we do. Even though the track can be said to be easy/medium. In my opinion, at the end it's a bit of a push to keep climbing to go back to the base, and for those with children it can feel a bit uncomfortable. Previously we used a pickup truck, but some how this time we walk.

What's also cool is that  for this event, Vans Indonesia trusted us to wear test + support our journey and supply 14 MTE -2 sk8-hi shoes from the MTE (Made for The Element) collection.
Vans Indonesia in 2024 will push outdoor vans and we are one of their test subjects to penetrate the market. 14 of us were choosen and are very honored to be given this opportunity. the team that got these shoes really wear tested them and gave them a plain review of the good and bad about these shoes. and the report was returned to Vans Indonesia to become a scale of thought to be upescalated to Vans Global. What's cool too, Wicak brought his camera to cover and take photos of our event. and the guys too also took photos with their cellphones as memories. so here are them photos
please check the full documentation guys!!!
SPECIAL THANKS : Wicak who helped capture the scene
SPECIAL THANKS  Michael Kienzy / Joshua Prakoso / Vans Indonesia / Vans global for trusting us and giving access and supply  us shoes.

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Saturday, 9 December 2023

DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Garage by IST at suasana coffee

DOCUMENTATION : Sneaker Garage by IST 
Location :Suasana coffee, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Sneaker Garage udah sering di dengar di kalangan communitaas sepatu di Jakarta, Dimana acara ini di buat oleh enthusias - enthusias sneaker untuk menjual / membeli atau trading collection masing masing. 
terakhir2 saya datang itu sebelom covid, di salah satu mall ternama di Jakarta Selatan. 
Sneaker Garage tahun ini di adakan dua hari, sayangnya saya cuma bisa dateng di hari pertama. acara ini di adakan di suasana coffe, di daerah deket Gandaria city. tempatnya keren menurut saya dan designya asik + vibe dan minumannya enak.
yang mengelola event ini adalah para Indonesia Sneaker Team ( IST).  conceptnya, orang2 bisa consign di acara dengan membawa sepatunya  masing masin, dan mendisplay untuk di jual.
sepatu2 yang ke display sangat mengiurkan, sampe gue bingung cari duitnya gimana coba, karena banyak banget yang gue pengennin. kalian harus sih datang ke acara sneaker garage kapan - kapan dan liat dan kalo bisa beli!. karena sepatu - sepatunya orang- orang pada gila2 bangettt dan di jual pula, kadang karena ini dari collectorm jadi bisa - bisa aja dapet hidden gems yang kadang keluar setiap berapa tahun sekali (very rare) !!!   

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Sneaker Garage has often been heard of among the sneaker community in Jakarta, where this event is created by sneaker enthusiasts to sell / buy or trade their respective collections.

The last time I came was before Covid, at one of the famous malls in South Jakarta.

This year's Sneaker Garage was held in a coffee atmosphere for 2 days,. saddly i can only come on the first day . The name of the coffee shop is  " Suasana coffee ",  its near Gandaria City. 

I think the place and the design is cool +  the vibe with dj playing and the drinks are delicious.

Those managing this event is the Indonesia Sneaker Team (IST). The concept  of sneaker garage is, people can consign their collection at the event by bringing their own shoes, and display them for sale in the table.

The shoes on display are so tempting, I'm confused about how to find the money to buy all of them.  if ever you have the time to go to sneaker garage, You should come and check it out just to have a look, of if you have the budget to buy, thats even better !  People go crazy about their shoes collections and they sell them too. the good thing is, sometimes because they come from collectors point of view,  you might get hidden gems which sometimes come out once in a few years (very rare)!!!

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos) 

Friday, 8 December 2023




Location : FX Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam-Ran di undang untuk menghadiri acara Unity In Diversity.
acara berada di Fx Mall Sudirman, Ini pertamakalinya saya datang untuk melihat dan dokumentasimya. 
Acaranya sangat seru, dimana banyak vendor  (60 vendor) hadir dan mengisi acara tersebut .
 Dari vendor jualan sepatu, accessories dan apparell,  mereka menunjukan product2 yang communitas sukai.
Acaranya kerensin menurut saya , movement streatwear undergroung feelnya karena event ini di mulai oleh collector and community dan di buat untuk communitya dan buka juga buat public. 
vibe acara terasa serr dan ada DJ mengiringi acara.
sayangnya saya cuma bisa sebentar dan di hari pertama ( Jumat) karena saya ada acara lain yang harus saya hadiri dan tebakan saya  di sabtu sama minggu pasti ramai 

SPECIAL THANKS : Reinier mengundang saya dan menunjukan +ceritakan acara tersebut dan mengasih access saya buat dokumentasikan

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam-Ran was invited to attend the Unity In Diversity event.

The event was at Fx Mall Sudirman. This was the first time I came to see and document it.

The event was very exciting, where many vendors (60 vendors) attended and filled the event.

 From vendors selling shoes, accessories and apparel, they show products that the community likes.

In my opinion, the event is cool, the streetwear movement has an underground feel because this event was started by collectors and the community and was created for the community and is also open to the public.

the vibe of the event felt serr and there was a DJ accompanying the event.

Unfortunately I can only be there for a short time and on the first day (Friday) because I have another event that I have to attend and my guess is that Saturday and Sunday will definitely be busy

SPECIAL THANKS : Reinier for invinting me to the event and giving me access to shoot the scene.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

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