Bahasa Indonesia
Syuting studio BTS Ceramix dan lainnya. Sesuai jadwal pada hari ini, kami syuting bersama Clarks, membicarakan tentang sepatu mereka di toko power door mereka di Kota Kasablanka. Setelah selesai, kami minum kopi dan berbicara tentang proses masa depan, pemasaran, dan budaya di balik layar.
sambil makan siang, kami rekap dan berikan pendapat kami tentang pengambilan gambar/editing kami yang lalu, dalam perjalanan kami bertemu Ken hadi yang sedang mendokumentasikan fenomena baru penjualan parfume untuk medianya. Malam harinya kami diberitahu bahwa kami diberi sepatu dari clarks . jadi seperti biasa, kami melakukan Arisan untuk mencari pemenang sepatu tersebut
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BTS Ceramix studio shooting and others .As schedule goes on this day, we shoot with Clarks , talking about them shoes on their power door store in Kota Kasablanka. As we finish , we had coffee and talk about future process, marketing and the behind the scene culture.
as we had lunch, we recap and give our opinion on our past shooting / editting, along the way we meet Ken hadi as he is documenting this new phenomenon parfume sales for his media.At night we were told we got given a shoe from clarks. so as always, we do Arisan to find the winner of the shoe
Click further for full documentation.
Bahasa Indonesia / English
Shooting Clarks At Kota Kasablanka
Bahasa Indonesia / English
Let the Raffle start !!!
as we do them raffles !
Look how dissepointed our face were as we know the winner !
The winner is Dimas Indro !
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