Sunday, 25 December 2022


 Input represent the output.

1. Warm up, speed : 7 - 40 minutes
2. Sit up , weight 45 x 30 - 3 sets
3. Arm pull , weight 35 x 30 - 3 set
4. Track walk , speed 5 + inclined 7 - 40 minutes

With healthy body,comes positive mind and spirit.

Preperation for space exploration to kawah ratu.

#ownlessdomore #nikecraftweartester
#tomsachs #bangkok #tshirt

Thursday, 22 December 2022


Input reflects the output

Working out to prepare for space exploration kawah ratu
Testing my @tomsachs @nike GPS (general purpose shoes) for gym. The shoes have a firm fill when i use them for gym.

" With healthy body, comes positive mind and spirit "

#OWNLESSDOMORE #nikecraftweartester #nike #gym

Friday, 16 December 2022

DOCUMENTATION : 7th Adventure - Curug Leuwi Hejo + Curug Cibaliung

DOCUMENTATION : 7th Adventure - Curug Leuwi Hejo + Curug Cibaliung

Location : Sentul

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan Explorasi Curug dengan crew Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) untuk mengexperience suasana outdoor dan mengetes dan refresh cara berpikir kita. Crew. 
di acara explorasi curug ini, kita lebih membuat acara jalanya lebih santai di banding dengan yang curug kemarin.  Jalanya nanjak dan penek sampai ketemu curugnya.  airnya sangat bagus di Curug Cibaliung, dingin dan jernih. setelah berrendem, Loncat- Loncat dan berenang2 kita turun jalan lagi sampai ke Curug Louwi Hejo  over all , acaranya sangat seru dan santai. 
sampai ketemu di curug trip berikutnya  tanggal January 10,2023
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Continuing the Waterfall Exploration with the Anak Curug Gaul (ACG) crew to experience the outdoor atmosphere and test and refresh our way of thinking. 
In this Exploration waterfall event, we make the event more relaxed compared to the waterfall last time. The road climbs was  short and bends until it reaches the waterfall. the waterfall looks very good at Curug Cibaliung, Cold , Blue and clear. After swimming, jumping and swimming around ,we went down the road again to the next Curug  Louwi Hejo waterfall. Over all, the event was very exciting and relaxed.
see you at the next waterfall trip on January 10,2023
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Monday, 12 December 2022

DOCUMENTATION : Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 03

 DOCUMENTATION :  Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 03

Location : Jakarta Hall Conventional Center , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

Hari ke tiga adalah hari terakhir dari acara USS di tahun 2022. dalam acara penutupan hari itu,.
pengunjung yang datang sangat ramai untuk menyaksikan dan mendapatkan deal- deal ajaib di acara tersebut. Banyak sekali activation, dari reseller jual miring harga, Trifting area mengasih discount di booth masing, brand lokal dan international melakukan activation, guest star Bobby hundreds menceritakan background dia dan bagaimana dia melakukan business di culture streetwear dan ada juga street ball guest star Hot Sauce lawan Rico Lubis di lapangan teh pucuk dan Reebok. acara sangat seru dan menurut saya USS melakukan yang terbaik dan menjadi bench mark untuk acara anak muda yang berbidang street wear dan culturenya. congrat untuk my friends Jejou dan Sayed untuk mengangkat culture ini ke level berikutnya. keep it up guys !!!
i hope i see you guys in the next USS event.

Note : SPECIAL THANKS to my brother form another mother Tom Cuk, untuk mengasih access gue untuk documentasi acara ini. all photo of this event dedicated to you ! hope you like it and once again, thank you ! 
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Day three is the final day of the USS event in 2022.
visitors who came were very busy to witness and get magical deals at the event. Lots of activations, resellers selling at reduced prices, Trifting areas giving discounts at each booth, local and international brands doing activations, guest stars Bobby Hundreds from The Hundreds brand telling his background and how he does Street wear culture in LA and there is also a street ball guest star Hot Sauce vs. Rico Lubis at the basket ball court tea pucuk and Reebok. the event was very exciting and in my opinion USS did its best and still the benchmark for youth events related to street wear and culture. 
congrats to my friends Jejou and Sayed for taking this culture to the next level. keep it up guys!!!
I hope to see you guys in the next USS event.

Note : SPECIAL THANKS to my brother form another mother Tom Cuk, for giving me access to the documentation of this event. all photos of this event are dedicated to you! hope you like it and once again, thank you!
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Sunday, 11 December 2022

DOCUMENTATION : Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 02

DOCUMENTATION :  Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 02

Location : Jakarta Hall Conventional Center , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

Hari kedua Acara sneakers Urban Sneakers Society di tahun 2022 , di akhir  pekan
seperti perediksi saya, acara dari mulai akan ramai , banyak pengunjung yang berlalu laang dan melihat USS sebagai ajang acara yang di nanti2 kan . di tahap itu saya liat culture sneakers dan fashion di landai dengan antusias anak muda, banayk yang datang dan niat untuk bener- benar beli sepatu, banyak juga yang cuma melihat- lihat saja. banyak juga anak2 yang merubah culture ada di sana dan networking.
check documentasi saya di hari kedua Urban Sneakers Society 2022
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

The second day of the Urban Sneakers Society sneaker event in 2022 
As I predicted, the event will be busy from the start, many visitors passing by and see the USS as a venue for events that are expected for hanging out. At that stage I saw the culture of sneakers and fashion still on the slopes with the enthusiasm of young people, many who came and intended to actually purchase shoes and  many who were just looking around and sight seeing.. i saw many of the young game changer in the scene and networking
check my documentation on the second day of the Urban Sneakers Society 2022
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Documentation: " Sneek Preview " USS 2022 (December ) - Day 3

Documentation: " Sneek Preview  "  USS 2022 (December )  - Day 3 

Location : JHCC , Jakarta Pusat

Bahasa Indonesia
Ini sedikit snap shot Photo scene, sneek preview lewat HP saya  dan anak- anak dan teman2 yang saya liat sebagai pemimpin di culture , Acara USS di akhir tahun.
saya akan share photo2 Dokumentasi full photo hari pertama soon.
selagi menunggu , check photo2 sneek preview  hari pertama.
Special thanks lepada @TOMCUK yang sangat baik dan sudah sangat baik mengasih access untuk mendocumentasikan USS2022 Scene !!! gue doain elo dikasih ke successan dalam life , love and work . your a humble cool brother !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This is a little Photoo snap shot scene, a sneak preview via my cellphone and the guys and friends that I see that changing the landscape in culture, the USS event at the end of the year.
I will share the full photos documentation on the first day. while waiting, check the sneak preview photos of the first day
Special thanks to this brother @TOMCUK who have been kind enough for giving us the access to document the USS2022 Scene !!! i wish you guys many success in your life , love and work . a humble cool brother !
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Saturday, 10 December 2022

DOCUMENTATION : Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 01

 DOCUMENTATION :  Urban Sneakers Society 2022 - DAY 01
Location : Jakarta Hall Conventional Center , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

Acara sneakers Urban Sneakers Society di tahun 2022 di adakan di tengah2 Jakarta, seperti tahun Lalu di Jakarta Convention Center. Saya datang untuk meliput acara tersebut selama tiga hari.USS atau yang di kenal Urban Sneakers Society adalah saah satu ajang sneaker event yang  sangat di tunggu2 untuk melihat culture trend anak muda arahnya kemana. seperti biasa , USS event selalu sangat besar, banyak retailer2 seperti Atmos , ODD dan brand lain ikut serta di acara tersebut, banyak juga brand lokal , reseller , trifting store hadir untuk berpartisipasi mengisi di acara tahun ini.
yang saya liat acaranya sangat megah dan seru di hari pertama, expektasi sangat tinggi dan di lihat acaranya seru juga. dari brand store membuat activasi, brand local banyak booth2 yang menyajikan barang2 keren untuk anak muda berfashion di ibu kota jakarta. ada acara basket ball half court, dan skate park, reseller area selalu rame dengan deal2 jualan sepatu yang gimic murah dll, trifting community juga mensuport area trift shop dan rame pas saya melihat di hari pertama.
saya dateng jam 1 siang, dan customer yang dateng ke acaradan mulai rame di jam 3an. 
tamu yang di undang tahun ini sebagai guest star adalah Bobby dari brand the Hundreds, pemain basket Hot sauce dari And-1 dan Austin dari Round two sebagai pengisi acara

menurut saya di compare dari tahun lalu yang di batasin, buat hari pertama acara seru dan bagus dan lebih ramai pastinya. tebakan saya di hari kedua dan ketigga akan lebih lagi dengan adanya activation2 dan acara yang di buat di end of the week. USS menurut saya tahun ini top off acara mereka sekali lagi dan jadi bench mark buat acara sneakers di Indonesia. saya ngak sabar untuk melihat culture event sneakers di tahun 2023 , karena USS di akhir tahun sangat ok untuk menutup tahun ini.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

The Urban Sneakers Society sneakers event in 2022 are held in the middle of Jakarta, like last year they did it at the Jakarta Convention Center. I came to cover the event for three days. USS or what is known as the Urban Sneakers Society is one of the most eagerly awaited sneaker events to see where the culture trend of young people are going. As usual, USS events are always very large, many retailers such as Atmos, ODD and other brands wants to take part in the event. many local brands, resellers, trifting stores are present to participate in filling in this year's event.
what I saw was very grand and exciting event on the first day, my expectations were very high and the event and as expected it hit ok with me on the level of event. from brand stores doing activation, local brands opening ther booth and showing the product, there are many booths serving cool items for young fashionistas in the capital city of Jakarta. 
there is a basketball half court  and events took place  true out the day, the  skate park are used well from community skaters, the reseller area  always busy with deals, selling cheap soes with fun gimmic, the trifting community also supports the trift shop in the trifting area and it was busy when I saw it on the first day. I arrived at 1 pm, and the customers who came to the event started to get busy at 3 am. its friday and usually after friday pray everything become busy after that.
The guests invited this year as guest stars are Bobby from the Hundreds brand, Hot sauce basketball players from And-1 and Austin from Round 2.
In my opinion compared to last year which was limited, for the first day the event was fun and good and definitely busier. My guess is that on the second and third days there will be even more with the activations and events that are held at the end of the week. In my opinion, USS will top off their event once again and become a benchmark for sneakers events in Indonesia. I can't wait to see the sneakers culture event in 2023, because USS at the end of the year is really good to close this year.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo) 

Documentation: " Sneek Preview " USS 2022 (December ) - Day 2

 Documentation: " Sneek Preview  "  USS 2022 (December )  - Day 2 

Location : JHCC , Jakarta Pusat

Bahasa Indonesia
Ini sedikit snap shot Photo scene, sneek preview lewat HP saya  dan anak- anak dan teman2 yang saya liat sebagai pemimpin di culture , Acara USS di akhir tahun.
saya akan share photo2 Dokumentasi full photo hari pertama soon.
selagi menunggu , check photo2 sneek preview  hari pertama.
Special thanks lepada @TOMCUK yang sangat baik dan sudah sangat baik mengasih access untuk mendocumentasikan USS2022 Scene !!! gue doain elo dikasih ke successan dalam life , love and work . your a humble cool brother !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This is a little Photoo snap shot scene, a sneak preview via my cellphone and the guys and friends that I see that changing the landscape in culture, the USS event at the end of the year.
I will share the full photos documentation on the first day. while waiting, check the sneak preview photos of the first day
Special thanks lepada @TOMCUK yang sangat baik dan sudah sangat baik mengasih access untuk mendocumentasikan USS2022 Scene !!! gue doain elo dikasih ke successan dalam life , love and work . your a humble cool brother !
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Friday, 9 December 2022

Documentation: " Sneek Preview " USS 2022 (December ) - Day 1

Documentation: " Sneek Preview  "  USS 2022 (December )  - Day 1  

Location : JHCC , Jakarta Pusat

Bahasa Indonesia
Ini sedikit snap shot Photo scene, sneek preview lewat HP saya  dan anak- anak dan teman2 yang saya liat sebagai pemimpin di culture , Acara USS di akhir tahun.
saya akan share photo2 Dokumentasi full photo hari pertama soon.
selagi menunggu , check photo2 sneek preview  hari pertama.
Special thanks lepada @TOMCUK yang sangat baik dan sudah sangat baik mengasih access untuk mendocumentasikan USS2022 Scene !!! gue doain elo dikasih ke successan dalam life , love and work . your a humble cool brother !
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This is a little Photoo snap shot scene, a sneak preview via my cellphone and the guys and friends that I see that changing the landscape in culture, the USS event at the end of the year.
I will share the full photos documentation on the first day. while waiting, check the sneak preview photos of the first day
Special thanks to this brother @TOMCUK who have been kind enough for giving us the access to document the USS2022 Scene !!! i wish you guys many success in your life , love and work . a humble cool brother !
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)



Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Documentation : Knowling with Tom Sachs Nike GPS

Documentation : Knowling with Tom Sachs Nike GPS

Location : Kemang

Bahasa Indonesia
Gue ke Ikea beli Furniture and merakit Furniture 
seperti kalian tau , gue pecinta Tom Sachs sepatu dan gue suka concept dimana Tom Sachs melakukan concept art dia. salah satu culture Tom Sachs yang gue suka adalah " Knowling  " dan ini dokumentasi  knowling saya
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I went to Ikea to buy furniture and  i assemble furniture.
As you guys know, I love Tom Sachs shoes and I like the concept where Tom Sachs does his concept art. One of Tom Sachs's culture that I like that he does is "Knowling" and this is my documentation of knowing with the furniture that i bought .
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Sunday, 4 December 2022

Documentation: Senikerku store opening in Tebet

Documentation: Senikerku store opening in Tebet, Jakarta

Location : Tebet, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya di undang untuk datang ke acara pembukaan toko Senikerku di daerah Tebet, Jakarta. 
toko sepatunya ada di daerah dimana anak2 muda sering jalan2 dan ngafe. Design tokonya sangat bagus seperti toko - toko di luar negeri kayak flight club or sneaker goods, Interiornya keren dimana satu dinding yang terbuat dari besi dan ada hanger buat mendisplay sepatu. di area lawah dinding sebelah ada dimana apparel  hype seperti baju,  topi  dan celana di display dengan baik. di daerah bekalang ada area tertentu untuk sepatu2 yang di minati banyak orang hype area.Vibe tokonya juga sangat bagus dan pekerja2nya memakain uniform dan sangat sopan dan baik, sangat membantu dalam menginfokan stock sepatu2 yang ada dengan ipad yang mereka pegang. acaranya sangat seru dan ramai.
Congratulation once again for opening the store in Jakarta , semoga success businessnya and keep the snekaer culture alive
 bilaman anda di jakarta dan lagi hunting sneakers. ini salah satu toko yang harus di datangin untuk check !   

* Sepcial thanks Kepada Richard from Pahi mengundang saya untuk datang dan bisa dokumentasi
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

I was invited to come to the opening of Senikerku shop in the Tebet area, Jakarta.
the shop location is in an area where young people often hang out. The design of the shop is good like overseas shops such as flight clubs or sneaker goods. The interior looks cool , as you enter the right side wall is made of metal and there is a hanger for displaying shoes. in the opposite area of the the wall there is an apparel  area with  hype product such as shirts from supreme and essentials , hats and pants from nike and other brand.. at the the back area, there are display of shoes that many people are interested in. i call it the hype area. 
The vibe of the shop also very good, the workers wear uniforms and are very polite and kind. very helpful in informing the stock of shoes that are available with the ipads they hold so its up to date. 
The event went very well and lively. Congratulation once again for opening the store in Jakarta , semoga success businessnya and keep the snekaer culture alive
when you are in jakarta and hunting for sneakers. This is one of the shops that you have to come to check out!

* Sepcial thanks to Richard from Pahi for inviting me to come and be able to document

(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)