Friday 2 August 2024

DOCUMENTATION : Hypequarters Kick Avenue


DOCUMENTATION : Hypequarters Kick Avenue 

Location : Meruya Utara , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Pertama- Tama , saya may mulai dengan minta maaf, selama ini saya udah janji untuk dateng ke Hypequarter Kick Avenue store di undang oleh team merek, tetapi  tidak tau kenapa saya selalu tidak bisa hadir dan schedule selalu nabrak. untung di Ingatkan sama Ivan dan di undang lagi pas di JSD.
saya coba sekali lagi cari waktu dan akhirnya ada jatwal free di Kamis kemarin dan akhirnya bisa datang untuk documentasiin untuk reference history di Iam-ran.

Sekedar info bilamana anda pada tidak tau, Kick Ave adalah online platform buat market place. mulai dengan colection sepatu- sepatu international brands, the mulai evolve ke brand clothings dan lain-lain.
setelah itu mereka di akhir pandemic membuka brick and morter store yang di namakan HypeQuarter.
Saya sangat terkaget-kaget mengenai store ini, dimana tempatnya sangat besar dan 3 level.
Setiap level di design dengan design theme tertentu, Ground floor lebih industrial, concept display buat international  multi brand sneakers yang lagi di kejar sama anak2 muda dan baju2 bertema hype, basement ada area outlet shelf design  buat sepatu yang harga murah dan ada juga open area dengan display local brand. bila anda dateng ke hypequarter, ada bagian luxury juga di lantai atas. design shelf kaca dan baang2 branded designer high end and indi brand. saya di terima baik sama team mereka dan di tunjukan access ke store mereka untuk bisa mendokumentasikan. saya sedikit interview sama manager yang membantu , gimana kemajuan sekarang. Jawabannya mereka di terima dengan pengemar dengan baik dan alhamdulilah store dan online sangat ok. 
saya juga menanya di toko ini apa aja sih isinya ?, dan mereka menginformasikan bahwa sekarang sudah evolve ke arah lebih besar lagi , dari International brand dari beberapa merk sepatu ternama, dan baju2 brand keren, mereka mensupport  beberapa local brand, ada  jualan figurine  gundam dan lain2 yang exclusive dan juga bearbrick vynil toys dan statue designers, mereka juga merambah ke electronics , jual PS5 dan the new gadget and phone like Iphone pros, extensive luxury accessories , sepatu designer , tas branded and baju-baju dan exclusice watch juga, ngak berenti di situ loo, mereka juga menerima jasa bersih tas dan sepatau kepada customer mereka.
terkahir saya juga nanya, kalo line up sepatu2 yang di online dan di store apakah sama ? mereka menjawab, di web ada tanda yang only web, web dan store, dan store only. dan kalo perlu di carikan sepatu , mereka juga bisa PO.
one stop shop deh jadinya Hypequarter. jadi jangan sampe miss ini tempat untuk di datengin dan check out the cool stuff mereka punya !

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai toko ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Special thanks kepada Ivan, Eko dan team di hari itu untuk mengasih saya access untuk dokumentasi. thank you so much !!!!

First of all, I may start by apologizing, all this time I have promised to come to the Hypequarter Kick Avenue store invited by the brand team, but I don't know why I always can't attend and the schedule always gets messed up. Fortunately, Ivan reminded him and invited him back when he was at JSD.
I tried once again to find time and finally I had a free schedule last Thursday and finally I was able to come to document it for historical reference in Iam-ran.

Just for information if you don't know, Kick Ave is an online platform for market places. starting with a collection of international brands of shoes, it started to evolve into branded clothing and others.
After that, at the end of the pandemic, they opened a brick and mortar store called HypeQuarter.
I was very surprised about this store, where the place is very big and has 3 levels.
Each level is designed with a certain design theme, the ground floor is more industrial, the concept display is for international multi brand sneakers which are being chased by young people and the clothes are hype themed, the basement has an outlet shelf design area for cheap shoes and there is also an open area with local brand displays. If you come to Hype Quarter, there is also a luxury section on the top floor. design of glass shelves and baang2 branded high end and indie brand designers. I was well received by their team and shown access to their store so I could document it. I had a little interview with the manager who helped, how is the progress now? The answer was that they were well received by fans and thank God the store and online were very good.

I also asked at this shop what was in it?, and they informed me that now it has evolved into something bigger, from international brands to several well-known shoe brands, and cool brands of clothes, they support several local brands, they sell Gundam figurines and others are exclusive and also bearbrick vinyl toys and statue designers, they have also expanded into electronics, selling PS5 and the new gadgets and phones like iPhone pros, extensive luxury accessories, designer shoes, branded bags and clothes and exclusive watches too, it doesn't stop There, they also provide bag and shoe cleaning services to their customers.

Lastly, I also asked, is the line up of shoes online and in stores the same? they answered, on the web there are signs that only web, web and store, and store only. and if you need to look for shoes, they can also PO.

One stop shop is Hypequarter. So don't miss this place to come and check out the cool stuff they have!

this is the snap picture documentation on the second day, check it out guys!!!

(Klik "read more " to see more of the dokumentasion)

Special thanks:  to Ivan , Eko and the team that day for giving me access totake pictures at your store. thank you so much !!!

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