Thursday 29 August 2024



Address :  Plasa Senayan, Level 3, Jakarta pusat

Bahasa Indonesia
Melanjutkan artikel Support Store lokal, kali ini saya mendokumentasikan toko yang baru pindah dan membikin toko baru di mall laiin. kalian sudah tau nama brand seek, yang dulunya berada di Pacific place. sekarang mereka melebarkan sayap dan me rebrand bentuk store mereka ke lebih level high end. ngak cuma barang barang mereka sangat keren, design tokonya juga berubah menjadi lebih besar, megah,  terbuka ,  edgy design. tidak aseperti toko jualan sepatu biasanya yang rak sepatu sebagai main view.

saya kenal Bro Yudhi pas saya membangung invincible, karena toko seek dulu di Pacific Place seperti yang saya infokan tadi dan setelah itu kita keep contact as friends. pas pembukaan saya tidak bisa hadir, tapi selagi saya sekarang ada waktu , saya bisa dokumentasikan untuk tertulis di history.
Toko yang baru ini ada di Plasa Senayan lantain 3 , deket entrence Metro. pas saya datang banyak client pada di dalam toko sedang berinteraksi bersama product untuk beli , dan sedang di bantu sama Assisten store yag baik dan membantu..
Seek memegang banyak brand  international , dan local coming up brand juga.

dari brand sepatu seperti Nike, Asics, Adidas , suicoke, wonder and many more, they have good apparell brand. like Dickies, Carhartt WIP, Adidas , Berwin & the heartbreakers, drunken dad, gramicci, lost management city this is never that, and banyak lagi  dan local brand juga keren keren seperti orbit gear, deva state , pleasures.banyak juga accessories seperti tas, cleaning kit, socks, parfume, vynil toys dan accessories - accessories lain.
menurut gue tokonya keren dan salah satu toko yang harus di datengin untuk check barang - barang apa yang baru, karena mereka sangtat update . 

check out full photo documentasi toko ini 
(Klik "read more" untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Language English
Continuing the local Store Support article, this time I am documenting a shop that has just moved and created a new shop in another mall. You already know the name of the Seek brand, which used to be in Pacific Place. Now they are spreading their wings and rebranding their store to a more high end level. Not only are their goods very cool, the shop design has also changed to a bigger, grander, more open, edgy design. unlike shoe shops which usually have shoe racks as the main view.

I knew Bro Yudhi when I built Invincible, because the Seek shop was at Pacific Place as I mentioned earlier and after that we kept in contact as friends. At the opening I couldn't attend, but while I have time, I can document it to be written in history.
This new shop is on Plasa Senayan, 3rd floor, near the Metro entrance. When I arrived, there were many clients inside the shop who were interacting with products to buy, and were being helped by the store assistant who was kind and helpful...
Seek holds many international brands, and local upcoming brands too.

from shoe brands such as Nike, Asics, Adidas, Suicoke, Wonder and many more, they have good apparel brands. like Dickies, Carhartt WIP, Adidas, Berwin & the heartbreakers, drunken dad, gramicci, lost management city this is never that, and many more and local brands are also cool like orbit gear, deva state, pleasures. There are also many accessories such as bags, cleaning kit, socks, perfume, vinyl toys and other accessories.
I think the shop is cool and one of the shops you have to go to to check out what's new, because they are very updated. 

Check out the full photo documentation for this  cool shop
 ( click on "read more " to see more documentation photos )

*** Special Thanks: Brother Yudhi and the team of Seek  for  giving me access  and allowing me to take picture of the store and put it in the blog !

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