Thursday, 28 November 2024

CERAMIX STUDIO BTS - DAY : 12 nov 2024


DAY :  12 Nov 2024

Bahasa Indonesia / English
BTS photos Ceramix studio,
 meeting.... meeting.... meeting ! & arisan ....arisan.... arisan !
Mulai dengan ARISAN !



Monday, 25 November 2024


Location : Ceramix Studio  ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Di Episode ketiga, kita focus ke History Foot Locker dan sepatu yang baru release dari Nike.
Nama sepatunya C1ty. sepatu yang bisa di bilang di pakai buat semua style occasions.
dari lifestyle urban, classy sporty, semi formal , atau sampai formal juga bisa .
kalo penasaran. check out the  video at Ceramix Studio youtube channel.

SPECIAL THANKS: Foot Locker ! 

In the third episode, we focus on the history of Foot Locker and the newly released shoes from Nike.
The name of the shoe is C1ty. shoes that can be said to be worn for all styles of occasions.
from urban lifestyle, classy sporty, semi-formal, or even formal.
if you're curious. check out the video at Ceramix Studio youtube channel.


Saturday, 23 November 2024

DOCUMENTATION : Mizuno activasion at Ageless Galaxy store.

DOCUMENTATION :  Mizuno activasion at Ageless Galaxy store. 

Location : Bangka Raya, Jakarta 

Bahasa Indonesia
Kemarin Iam-ran Di undang untuk menghadiri Mizuno activation yang di adakan di toko
ageless galaxym di daerah bangka. acara intimate , ageless mengundang para temen teman dan customer mereka untuk melihat product terbaru Mizuno.  ada enak SKU sepatu di display di tengah- tengah toko yang sangat prominent, tamu bisa lihat , memegang sepatu tersebut untuk mengenal lebih baik brand tersebut. semakin malem semakin ramai orang- orang datang , tamu di sediakan minuman - minuman coctail , dan donut sebagai snack. acaranya seru dan seru saya liat orang pada ngobrol dan networking selagi ngelihat display Sepatu Mizuno  
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.

(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Yesterday Iam-ran was invited to attend a Mizuno activation held at the store
ageless galaxym in the bangka area. intimate event, ageless invited their friends and customers to see Mizuno's newest products.  There is a nice SKU of shoes on display in the middle of the shop which is very prominent, guests can see and hold the shoes to get to know the brand better. As the evening went on, more and more people came, guests were provided with cocktails and donuts as snacks. The event was fun and exciting, I saw people chatting and networking while looking at the Mizuno Shoes display  
 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " It wont fail because of me " Tom Sachs design.


IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " It wont fail because of me "  Tom Sachs design.    

Bahasa Indonesia 
Meneruskan conceptual artwork dalam patch design yang bertema Tom Sachs. 
saya teruskan dengan quotation  "it wont fail because of me ".saya mengambar dengan tema crew pekerja buat patch kedua. 
mau lihat  dokumnetasi step by step lebih lanjut  silahkan check it out ! 

Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
Continuing the conceptual artwork in the patch design with a Tom Sachs theme. 
I continued with the quote "it won't fail because of me". I drew a worker crew theme for the second patch. 
If you want to see further step by step documentation, please check it out!

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Friday, 22 November 2024

DOCUMENTATION : Vans Store Opening - 21 Nov 2024

DOCUMENTATION :  Vans Store Opening - 21 Nov 2024

Location : Grand Indonesia ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia

Iam-ran di undang untuk menghadiri acara Vans yang bernama Thursday blast.
concept acara tersebut lebih ke mengundang teman-teman vans untuk  menunjukan concept instalasi vans collaborasi bersama local artist. acaranya sangat intim dan santai dimana mural / instalasi ini ada di pilar store Vans, yang berada di lantai 3 Grand Indonesia.Seniman yang terilih adalah  Dwiky KA, asal yogya . sebelom istalasi ini, dia sudah pernah collaborasi dengan vans di tahun 2021.
keren sih menurut gue artwork and instalasinya, gue bangga ada anak Indonesia bisa sampai di kenal or di anggap untuk bisa berkolaborasi. acaranya seru dan santai, tamu di tunjukin toko baru dan display line up, dari sepatu2 yang pro skateboard performance, area collabs south asia , ada MTE collection, womens line up, general release, you name it - they got it ! yang keren juga ngak cuma sepatu, area apparell and accessories keren dan lucu2 barangnya. yang menurut gue top it off...
ada baju official Vans Indonesia. Selagi berjalanya acara, ada Dj2 yang ngeset vibe acara dengan lagu2 asik hiphop. Tamu juga di sajikan refreshment moctail enak- enak dari "Karukku".  Ada silk screen process yang custom setiap pembelian dengan add on gambar dwiki, artist yang berkolaborasi yang paling lucu dan keren, Vans menyediakan  "Gulali ". parahnya nih, shapenya sepatu Vans dan tema2 gulali masa kita dulu ! parah deh attention to detail kalo team vans lagi bikin acara selalu. salah satu contekan buat other brand pasti. Karena setiap mereka bikin, selalu bagus dan ngk setengah check out dokumentasi gue di acara ini

check out documentasi Vans  
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam-ran was invited to attend a Vans event called Thursday blast.
The concept of the event was more about inviting Vans friends to show the concept of a Vans collaboration installation with local artists. The event was very intimate and relaxed where this mural/installation was on the pillar of the Vans store, which is on the 3rd floor of Grand Indonesia. The artist chosen was Dwiky KA, from Yogya. Before this installation, he had collaborated with Vans in 2021.
I think the artwork and installation are cool, I'm proud that Indonesian children can be recognized or considered to be able to collaborate. the event was fun and relaxed, guests were shown the new shop and display line up, from pro skateboard performance shoes, South Asia collabs area, there was MTE collection, womens line up, general release, you name it - they got it! It's not just the shoes that are cool, the apparel and accessories area has cool and cute items. which in my opinion tops it off...
there are Vans Indonesia clothes. While the event was going on, there were DJs who set the vibe of the event with cool songs. Guests were also served a delicious refreshment mocktail from "Karukku". the funniest and coolest, Vans provides "Candy Candy". What's worse is the shape of Vans shoes and the cotton candy themes of our past! It's really bad to pay attention to detail when the Vans team is always holding events. one cheat sheet for other brands for sure.
so check out my documentation on this event

check out the Vans documentation

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

SPECIAL THANKS  : Thank you Mike and Joe  for inviting me and  giving me access to document the event . the store looks amazing and the collection looks good , congrats on opening  the new store !

Thursday, 21 November 2024


Location : Ceramix Studio  ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Youtube video. Episode kedua, kita focus ke top 5 best collection dari host Dimas Indro.
Jangan Lupa like, Comment , Subscribe  Guys!  - HAHAHAHAHAH
 click to seee Video Episode 02

Continuing YouTube videos. The second episode, we focus on the top 5 best collections from host Dimas Indro.
so don't forget to like, comment, subscribe!  - HAHAHAHAHAHAH
 click to see  Video Episode 02

Monday, 18 November 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Artist are Athlete's " Tom Sachs design.

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept Illustrator " Artist are Athlete's "  Tom Sachs design.  

Bahasa Indonesia 
Saya dokumentasikan process cara saya illustrasi. Ini adalah step by step , saya menajamkan belajar menggambar illustration skill saya. kalian sudah liat tema Patch saya, yang bersubject, BMX dan skateboard. sekarang saya akan mulai lagi tapi balik lagi ketema Tom Sachs. buat design pertama saya mengikuti slogan " Artist are Athletes ". 
mau lihat  dokumnetasi step by step lebih lanjut  silahkan check it out ! 

Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
I documented the process of how I illustrated. This is step by step, I sharpened my learning to draw illustration skills. You have seen my patch theme, which has the subject, BMX and skateboarding. Now I'll start again but back to the Tom Sachs theme. For my first design I followed the slogan "Artists are Athletes". If you want to see further step by step documentation, please check it out!

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike or Tom Sachs Studio, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Saturday, 16 November 2024



DAY : 07 Nov 2024

Bahasa Indonesia
BTS photos Ceramix studio, merekan  Video perdana dan buat episode, berikutnya.
Top 5 Sneakers menurut para Host Ceramix Studio.

BTS photos Ceramix studio, recording the first video and making the next episode.
Top 5 Sneakers according to Ceramix Studio Hosts.

 BTS Discussion on the  new Projects' welcoming Okky behind the CameraCeramix Studio shootsPolos' top 5 moments Dimas Indros' top 5 moments +  Some crazy Collections of Vans from Indros lineup ! 

My top 5 collections

DOCUMENTATION : Opening of New Balance Store at Senayan City

  DOCUMENTATION :  Opening of  New Balance Store at Senayan City

Location : Senayan City ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya dan team Ceramix Studio di undang  ke acara pembukaan New Balance Store di Senayan City. selalu bersyukur diundang ke acara. dan sebagai kontribusi terhadap budaya dan orang-orang yang mengundang saya, saya selalu berusaha mendokumentasikan adegan tersebut.
acaranya sangat pagi jam 10am, pas saya di sana, saya speechless karena sangat amat Ramai. store interiornya sangat bagus dan collesction sepatu yang di display atau apparel- apparelnya new balance bisa di bilang keren sih. dari lifestyle sampai performance ada .
di acara ini ada food and beverage tersedia buat tamu hadir, dan ada Dj juga yang membuat vibenya makin seru.ada Juga area photoshoot buat para tamu untuk mengcapture moment pembukaan ini.
acara pembukaan ini di bagi 2 session. sessi pertama lebiih formal pembukaan yang di hadiri sama regional New Balance. ini moment yang saya datangin sama team Ceramix Studio. Sesi kedua lebih ada acara tanya jawab dan raffle sepatu NB x WTAPS.

check out documentasi opening toko baru Clarks  
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

The Ceramix Studio team and I were invited to the New Balance Store opening event in Senayan City. always grateful to be invited to events. and as a contribution to the culture and people who invited me, I always try to document the scene.
The event was very early at 10am, when I was there, I was speechless because it was very busy. The store interior is very nice and the collection of shoes on display or the New Balance apparel can be said to be cool. from lifestyle to performance there.
At this event there is food and beverage available for guests attending, and there is also a DJ who makes the vibe even more exciting. There is also a photoshoot area for guests to capture the opening moment.
This opening event was divided into 2 sessions. The first session was a more formal opening which was attended by the New Balance region. This is the moment I attended with the Ceramix Studio team. The second session included a question and answer session and an NB x WTAPS shoe raffle

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Thank you Reggie for inviting me and  giving me access to document the event . the store looks amazing and the collection looks good , congrats on opening  the new store !