Friday, 8 November 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Concept "PATCH " illustration - BMX Theme Nike

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Concept  "PATCH " illustration  - BMX Theme Nike  

Bahasa Indonesia
 Anda mungkin tahu bahwa akhir-akhir ini saya suka mengasah keterampilan ilustrator saya. 
sebagai orang yang kreatif, saya mencoba untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang menarik, dan saya percaya sebagaimana saya melihat trennya, patch adalah sesuatu yang keren untuk dijadikan oleh-oleh atau gimmick, karena Anda dapat menambahkannya ke dalam pakaian atau aksesoris Anda. saya juga liat artist kesukaan saya Tom Sachs sering sekali bikin Patch sebagai accessories yang di jual di store dia. 
setiap dia ada movement tertentu, dia bikin patch.
Akhir-akhir ini saya melihat tren BMX kembali hadir di dunia sebagai gerakan bawah tanah, mereka berkendara di negaranya sendiri antar mobil. Nike memang mendorong Nigel Silvestre sebagai KOL. dia juga membuat konten bagus untuk merek swoosh di halaman youtube-nya. Dengan inspirasi itu dan saya menyukai video Nigel, saya mengambil karya seni saya berikutnya dengan konsep BMX. 
saya akan mencoba mendesain Patch sebagai basis konsep. terima kasih khusus untuk Lucky, teman lamaku yang mengendarai BMX dan seorang chef terkenal yang keren. dia membantu saya memberikan terminologi dan beberapa gimik BMX

Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
You probably know that lately i love sharping my illustrator skills. 
as im a creative person, i try to create something intresting, and i believe as well as i see the trend, patch is something cool to get as a souvenir or gimmick, cause you can add them to your apparell or accessories. I also see that my favorite artist, Tom Sachs, often makes patches as accessories that are sold in his store. Every time he has a certain movement, he makes a patch.
 lately i see the trend of BMX is coming back in the world as an underground movement, they ride in their own country between cars.Nike do push Nigel Silvestre as the KOL. he does good content too for the swoosh brand in his youtube page.
with that inspiration and me liking Nigels video, i take my next artwork  with the BMX concept. 
i will try design Patches as a concept base . special thanks to Lucky, my old friend who ride BMX and a well known cool chef. he help me give termiinology and some BMX gimics  

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime
Sketch on Illustrator
🍀 Lucky
is it cool with numbers to full fll this area?
Better with BIKE and Swoosh bigger ? 
Better with BMX and Swoosh smaller ? 


using FONT  : Futura Koyu Italics & Go Boom 


using FONT  : Futura Koyu Italics & Go Boom 

SPECIAL THANKS to Lucky for inspiring me and giving me the inside terminologys around BMX . i design this one for you with your BMX color and lucky number OO

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