Monday, 4 November 2024

DOCUMENTATION : Sepatu Compass X Darbotz

DOCUMENTATION :  Sepatu Compass X Darbotz

Location : URBAN FOREST ( Cipete ),Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya diundang untuk menghadiri kolaborasi Sepatu Compass dengan Darbotz
seperti yang kalian tahu mereka merilisnya di USS minggu lalu. tapi untuk drop kali ini, mereka mempunyai tampilan yang berbeda dan sangat limited.
acaranya sendiri adalah privet dimana teman dan keluarga Compass diundang untuk merasakan kolaborasi Artisan dari sudut pandang Seni. acara tersebut diadakan di gedung modular Sepatu Compass di Hutan Kota. Tamu harus mendaftar untuk menghadiri acara tersebut. ketika saya masuk, ada banyak orang yang menikmati momen itu, ada banyak makanan, minuman, minuman beralkohol, dan hidangan penutup. Sebagai pembuka acara Aji Handoko (gonjel) dan Darbotz, orang-orang yang mewujudkannya diperkenalkan.  Saat pembukaan sudah, area interaksi di buka.  kita bisa liat ada bola2 dengan karakter Monsternya darbotz ada di lapangan , dari size medium dan besar. VIP diizinkan membeli sepatu dan Jersey, dan semua orang bersenang-senang!

Catatan : maaf jika beberapa fotonya kurang bagus, kamera saya mengalami masalah sensor dan baru tau pas lagi upload ke computer, beberapa file mengalami kesalahan. untungnya sebagian besar dari mereka baik-baik saja.

selamat kepada 2 kreatif, Aji dan Darbotz atas kolaborasinya. menurut saya produknya sangat detail dan tampak luar biasa.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


  I was Invited to attend Sepatu Compass collaboration with Darbotz

as you guys know they did release at USS last week. but for this drop , they had a different look and had limited release.

the event itself is privet where friend and family of Compass were invited to experience the Artisan  collaboration from the view of Art perspective. the event was held in the Sepatu Compass modular building at Urban Forest. Guest had to register to attend the event. as i enter there were lot of people enjoying the moment, there were lots of food, drinks , spirits and dessert. As the event start Aji Handoko ( gonjel) and Darbotz , the people that make it happend were introduce. 

As the rope drop, the interaction area were open . you can see the ballon ball with Monster, character that were develop by the artist Darbotz were there , from medium to big size. i see as well VIP were allowed to buy the shoes and Jersey, and everyone were having fun !

Note :  sorry if some of them photos are not as good, my camera had some sensor problem, i notice it while i upoaded it to the computer, somehow some of the files have errors. luckely most of them are still ok.

congrats to the the 2 creative, Aji and Darbotz for their collaboration. i think the product are well detailed and looks amazing.

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

*Special Thanks : 

 Topan + Aji Handoko for inviting me to this cool event and allowing me to document the scene..

Congrats Darbots for going all out on this crazy collabs! your works always amazing!! 
Congrats to My Brother Aji Handoko for killing the Game once again in 2024!  each year your making your marks and as always, As visionaries  we always do  our thing and evolving the culture to a new status !

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