Review : Ardiles - VOLSTOG
Bahasa Indonesia
Article kali ini adalah article review sepatu , sepatu yang akan saya review adalah kiriman package dari merk locak Ardiles. dulu brand ini yang saya ingat adalah sendal ardiles di era 90an. keliatanya mereka sudah evolusi dan design sepatu. di era sekarang trend bikin sepatu lokal sudah mulai develop and banyak brand lokal yang bisa di bilang berkreasi dengan focus untuk mengasih expressi mereka untuk menutupi market yang sangat besar.kemarin di JSD saya lihat booth mereka sangat besar dan banyak peminat melihat bran dan produk tersebut, tidak cuma itu mereka juga mengadakan activasi di setiap hari JSD untuk memarketkan / edukasi brand mereka.
hari ini saya kekiriman salah satu sepatu buatan mereka. Jujur saya sangat surprise saya dapat.
Saya akan share pendapat saya dari first view sepatu yang di kirim dan early weartesting sepatu ini , seperti rasa di kaki seperti apa dan pendapat saya.
click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
This article is a shoe review article, the shoes I will review are a package sent from the Locak Ardiles brand. In the past, I remember this brand as Ardiles sandals in the 90s. It seems they have evolved shoe designs. In the current era, the trend of making local shoes has started to develop and many local brands can be said to be creative with a focus on giving their expression to cover a very large market. Yesterday at JSD I saw that their booth was very large and many people were interested in seeing the brand and products, not only that, they also held activations every day at JSD to market/educate their brand.
Today I was sent one of their shoes. To be honest it was surprising I got it.
I will share my opinion from the first view of the shoes that were sent and early wear testing of these shoes, such as what the feeling on the feet is like and my opinion.
Click further for complete documentation.
(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)
SPECIAL THANKS: Richard Pahi + Jeff dan team Ardiles for sending this package for me to review