Bahasa Indonesia
Article kali ini adalah article review sepatu , sepatu yang akan saya review adalah kiriman package dari merk locak Ardiles. dulu brand ini yang saya ingat adalah sendal ardiles di era 90an. keliatanya mereka sudah evolusi dan design sepatu. di era sekarang trend bikin sepatu lokal sudah mulai develop and banyak brand lokal yang bisa di bilang berkreasi dengan focus untuk mengasih expressi mereka untuk menutupi market yang sangat besar.kemarin di JSD saya lihat booth mereka sangat besar dan banyak peminat melihat bran dan produk tersebut, tidak cuma itu mereka juga mengadakan activasi di setiap hari JSD untuk memarketkan / edukasi brand mereka.
hari ini saya kekiriman salah satu sepatu buatan mereka. Jujur saya sangat surprise saya dapat.
Saya akan share pendapat saya dari first view sepatu yang di kirim dan early weartesting sepatu ini , seperti rasa di kaki seperti apa dan pendapat saya.
click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
This article is a shoe review article, the shoes I will review are a package sent from the Locak Ardiles brand. In the past, I remember this brand as Ardiles sandals in the 90s. It seems they have evolved shoe designs. In the current era, the trend of making local shoes has started to develop and many local brands can be said to be creative with a focus on giving their expression to cover a very large market. Yesterday at JSD I saw that their booth was very large and many people were interested in seeing the brand and products, not only that, they also held activations every day at JSD to market/educate their brand.
Today I was sent one of their shoes. To be honest it was surprising I got it.
I will share my opinion from the first view of the shoes that were sent and early wear testing of these shoes, such as what the feeling on the feet is like and my opinion.
Click further for complete documentation.
(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)
Bahasa Indonesia
Di dalam Box sepatu tersebut bisa di lihat ada sepatu dari Ardiles.packagingnya simple demgan Shoe paper
Di dalam Box sepatu tersebut bisa di lihat ada sepatu dari Ardiles.packagingnya simple demgan Shoe paper

Bahasa Indonesia
Dari pengelihatan pertama, menurut saya yang sangat stand out adalah tebelnya midsole sepatu ini, kedua menurut saya adalah pannel design upper yang bisa di bilang simlpe dan bagus , shape organic dan modern. Saya juga suka Gum sole
From the first glance, in my opinion what really stands out is the thickness of the midsole of this shoe, secondly in my opinion is the panel upper design which can be said to be simple and nice, the shape is organic and modern. I also like Gum sole
From the first glance, in my opinion what really stands out is the thickness of the midsole of this shoe, secondly in my opinion is the panel upper design which can be said to be simple and nice, the shape is organic and modern. I also like Gum sole

Bahasa Indonesia
Saya suka sih bentuknya, shape nya kayak tipe dad shoes atau mirip sepatu brand New Balance.
Dari angle ini uppernya nukik shape uppernya.
Dari angle ini uppernya nukik shape uppernya.
I really like the shape, the shape is like a dad shoe type or similar to New Balance brand shoes.
From this angle, the upper shape dips.
Bahasa Indonesia
Design tapak Sepatunya, sangat simple tetapi tractionnya ok. jujur saya agak kaget lebarnya sole sepatu ini, buat proportion bisa di bilang sepatu ini midsole dan sole sangat lebar. Sangat stabil.
the tread design of the shoe is very simple but the traction is okay on the outsole. To be honest, I was a bit surprised at the width of the sole on this shoe, in terms of proportions you could say that this shoe has a very wide midsole and sole. Very stable.
the tread design of the shoe is very simple but the traction is okay on the outsole. To be honest, I was a bit surprised at the width of the sole on this shoe, in terms of proportions you could say that this shoe has a very wide midsole and sole. Very stable.

Bahasa Indonesia
Memakai heel counter dengan meterial plastic. biasanya sepatu yang memakai technology ini untuk memegang bagian kaki dan untuk stabilasi pas heel menyentuh tanah
Use a heel counter with plastic material. Usually shoes use this technology to hold the foot and for stability when the heel touches the ground
Use a heel counter with plastic material. Usually shoes use this technology to hold the foot and for stability when the heel touches the ground
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini Insole sepatu yang di dapatkan di dalam sepatu, bisa di bilang tipis dengan cussionning medium
This is the shoe insole that is found inside the shoe, you could say it is thin with medium cushioning
This is the shoe insole that is found inside the shoe, you could say it is thin with medium cushioning

Bahasa Indonesia
Pertama tama saya sangat surprise barang datang dengan size 44, tetapi pas saya confirmasi ke Richard Pahim dapat info bahwa sizing sepatu Adriles ini naik setengah size. Bilaman kalian mau beli, coba di samakan di "Centi meter ". Pas saya cobain, tidak taunya bener, harus naik 1 size. karena saya biasanya pakai size 43 di Nike.
First of all, I was very surprised that the item arrived in size 44, but when I confirmed with Richard Pahim, I received information that the Adriles shoe size had gone up half a size. If you want to buy, try to equate it to "centimeters". When I tried it on, I didn't know if it was right, I had to go up 1 size. because I usually wear size 43 in Nike.

Bahasa Indonesia
Bantalan bagian midsol terasa sangat empuk, bisa dibilang seperti Nike react rasanya saat saya remas. cukup lembut dan ada dorongan ke belakang juga.
The mid soles cussioning feel soft, i can actually say it feels like Nike react when i squeeze it. quite soft and have a push back as well .
The mid soles cussioning feel soft, i can actually say it feels like Nike react when i squeeze it. quite soft and have a push back as well .
Bahasa Indonesia
Detail tag nama merknya, dan saat dibalik ada nama sepatunya. menurut saya design detail kayak gini menunjukan mereka memikirkan design sepatu yang baik
Details of the brand name tag, and on the reverse there is the name of the shoe. In my opinion, detailed designs like this show that they are thinking about good shoe designs
Bahasa Indonesia
Mereka menggunakan kertas di uwel uwel untuk mengisi toe area and semacam straw keras untuk menahan bentuk sepatu untuk keperluan transportasi
Bahasa Indonesia
Melihat Detail Jait dan material, gue bisa lihat jaitannya sangat bagus dan lurus, tidak di kerjakan asal asal. Material yang dia pakai, bisa di bilang bukan premium yeah, seperti synthetic leather , sama synthetic suede. pemikiran saya dengan harga semurah di bawah 400.000 pasti akan memakai material yang akan menutupi cost tersebut. Market indonesia biarpun bisa bayar, kita lihat bisa beli sepatu di atas rata- rata buat sepatu brand papan atas, tetapi belom siap bayar harga a+ untuk produk lokal karena marketnya masih developing, dan belom develop. Sebagai over all, menurut saya sepatunya bagus buat price point seharga di bawah Rp400.000
Looking at the sewing details and materials, I can see that the knitting is very good and straight , they produce in factory and not home industry. The material he uses, you could say it's not premium, yeah, like synthetic leather and synthetic suede. In my opinion, with a price as cheap as under 400,000, you will definitely use materials that will cover these costs. Even though the Indonesian market can pay, we can see that it can buy above average shoes for top brand shoes, but it is not ready to pay A+ prices for local products because the market is still developing, and has not yet developed. Overall, I think the shoes are good for a price point of under Rp. 400,000
Looking at the sewing details and materials, I can see that the knitting is very good and straight , they produce in factory and not home industry. The material he uses, you could say it's not premium, yeah, like synthetic leather and synthetic suede. In my opinion, with a price as cheap as under 400,000, you will definitely use materials that will cover these costs. Even though the Indonesian market can pay, we can see that it can buy above average shoes for top brand shoes, but it is not ready to pay A+ prices for local products because the market is still developing, and has not yet developed. Overall, I think the shoes are good for a price point of under Rp. 400,000

Bahasa Indonesia / English
the shoe on feet looks chunky / dad shoes look.
Bahasa Indonesia / English
Front viewBahasa Indonesia
Salah satu tes yang saya lakukan pada sepatu, dimana saya menekan bagian ujung sepatu sambil mendorong tanpa kaos kaki untuk tau kesalahan dari design sepatu. Bentuk sepatu saat saya buat, lihat lipatan sepatunya, hasil tes ini kalau bagus tidak melukai kaki anda. jika desainnya buruk, bahan panneling akan melukai dengan merasa lecet atau gesekan di kaki Anda.
dalam design ini panel ini tidak menyakiti atau ada rasa gesekan. tumitnytidak menusuk, lidah sepatunya sedikit menyentuh pergelangan kakiku tetapi tidak menusuk keras.
One of the tests I did was on shoes, where I pressed the toe of the shoe while pushing without socks to find out what was wrong with the shoe design. The shape of the shoe when I make it, look at the folds of the shoe, the test results are good if it doesn't hurt your feet. If the design is poor, the panneling material will hurt by feeling abrasive or rubbing on your feet.
In this design, this panel does not hurt or cause friction. The heel didn't dig in, the tongue of the shoe touched my ankle slightly but didn't dig in hard.
Bahasa Indonesia
Menurut saya buat overall, sepatu ini sangat bagus. bilamana kalian tanya kenapa ?, sepatu ini di design dengan baik dan ergonomic, dan juga anestheticnya bisa di bilang ok buat kalangan anak muda atau buat lebih tua. sepatu ini terlihat agak chunky, dan bisa terlihat agak berat, tetapi menurut saya masih di tahap normal karena design ini lebih buat lifestyle dan less performance. menurut saya bagian dalem sepatu terasa lebar seperti sepatu new balance biarpun bentuk dari atas agak terlihat narrow / pipih..
bilamana kalian berjalan , bisa merasakan cusshioning factornya dan setiap langkah bisa terasa stabil karena midsole sepatu ini memakai cushionning empuk dan design yang lebar .
kalo ngomongin kendala, may be dalam pemilihan material, menurut saya material yang mereka pakai bisa di bilang material cost effective, synthetic leather, synthetic nubuck dan mash tipe tertentu yang bisa di bilang standard. Tetapi market general Indonesia masih belom bisa appresiasi material materiala a++ buat sepatu lokal brand. Jadi buat saya Ardiles tidak salah bilamana mereka masih memakai meterial synthetic. may be buat mereka cukup untuk menyenangkan market dengan harga dibawah Rp400.000 tetapi looks good dan comfort yang bagus.
buat saya kedepannya bilamana mereka sudah lihat market mulai develop, bisa edukasi lebih dalam lagi dengan evolusi material . well done Ardiles untuk merelase silhouette ini dan semoga kaliain bisa marketing produk mereka di market, supaya evolusinya/ edukasi menjadi lebih baik kedepannya.
In my opinion overall, these shoes are very good. If you ask why?, these shoes are well designed and ergonomic, and also the aesthetics can be said to be ok for young people or for older people. These shoes look a bit chunky, and can look a bit heavy, but in my opinion they are still at the normal level because this design is more for lifestyle and less performance. In my opinion, the inside of the shoe feels wide like New Balance shoes even though the shape from the top looks a bit narrow / flat...
When you walk, you can feel the cushioning factor and every step can feel stable because the midsole of this shoe uses soft cushioning and a wide design.
If we talk about obstacles, it might be in selecting materials, in my opinion the materials they use can be called cost effective materials, synthetic leather, synthetic nubuck and still certain types which can be said to be standard. However, the Indonesian general market still cannot appreciate the Materiala A++ material for local brand shoes. So for me Ardiles is not wrong if they still use synthetic material. maybe they are enough to please the market with a price under Rp. 400,000 but looks good and has good comfort.
For me, in the future, when they see the market starting to develop, they can educate them more deeply about the evolution of materials. well done Ardiles for releasing this silhouette and hopefully you guys can market their products on the market, so that evolution/education will be better in the future.
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