Sunday, 2 March 2025

Review : New Balance1906 R

Review : New Balance1906 R
Bahasa Indonesia
Review article kali ini adalah, Sepatu yang lagi di gemari sama anak anak Jakarta. New Balance 1906R. New balance sudah bukan awam di jalan sekarang, dan sepatu ini bukan cuma karena trendy , tapi lebih karena new Balance sebagai keseluruhan sangat enak untuk di pakai dan sangat cocok buat daily beater. Silhouette 1906  di New Balance adalah origin buat  silhouette 2002R. 
Saya akan mereview dari pandangan pertama sepatu ini dan on feetnya juga.  

 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

This review article is, Shoes that are popular among Jakarta children. New Balance 1906R. New Balance is no longer common on the streets now, and this shoe is not just because it is trendy, but more because New Balance as a whole is very comfortable to wear and very suitable for daily beaters. The Silhouette 1906 at New Balance is the origin for the Silhouette 2002R. 
I will review these shoes from a first glance and on feet too.

 Click further for complete documentation.
(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

SPECIAL THANKS: Reggie from New Balance Indonesia for giving me the shoe and allowing me to review it.HERES A CLOSER LOOK OF THE SHOES IN THE PACKAGE
Bahasa Indonesia 
Ini adalah detail tag sepatu yang tertera di box sepatu
This is the detail of the shoe tag that is printed on the shoe box
Bahasa Indonesia 
Sepatu di sarungi oleh shoe paper dengan printing  Logo dan nama brand New Balance 
The shoes are covered in shoe paper with the New Balance logo and brand name printed on them

Bahasa Indonesia 
yang saya dapetin dari view pertama melihat sepatu ini , saya mendapatkan vibe yang Strong and well design, dimana pannel pannel di sepatu sangat tipis materialnya  dan menjadi kesatuan yang membuat silhouette yang kuat. Material yang di pakai juga ngak setengah - setengah. dimana material nubuck bukan synthetic. mash yang di pakaisangat soft dan breathable   
What I got from the first view of these shoes, I got a strong and well designed vibe, where the panel panels on the shoe are very thin in material and form a single unit that creates a strong silhouette. The materials used are also not half-hearted. where the nubuck material is not synthetic. The mash used is very soft and breathable
Bahasa Indonesia 
Dari view atas, shape pannel toebo dan quarter pannel bisa di liat sangat dikit dan tipis compare sepatu 2 yang biasa kita lihat. sepatu brand lain bisa di bilang pannel design sepatu lebih besar dan lebar dibandingkan dengan sepatu ini. Sangat keren sih. Dengan adanya pannel sepatu designya tipis seperti ini dan panjang panjang, akan membuat gerakan kaki akan lebih flexible.
kita juga bisa lihat sepatu tipe wide foot . New Balance terkenal memang dengan design sepatu sepatu buat kaki wide.   
From the top view, the shape of the toebo pannel and quarter pannel can be seen to be very small and thin compared to the two shoes we usually see. Other brands of shoes can be said to have a bigger and wider shoe panel design compared to these shoes. It's really cool. With thin design shoe panels like this and a long length, it will make foot movements more flexible.
We can also see wide foot type shoes. New Balance is famous for designing shoes for wide feet.
Bahasa Indonesia 
View dari Lateral side, design sangat modern dan futuristic, menurut saya keren sih, upper sama midsole , bisa di bilang banyak intrik intrik kecil , tetapi sebagai kesatuan , terlihat keren dan cocok.  
Viewing from the lateral side, the design is very modern and futuristic, I think it's cool, the upper and midsole, you could say there are a lot of small intrigues, but as a whole, it looks cool and suitable.
Bahasa Indonesia 
Heel counter yang sangat prominan. designya memang sangat di pikirkan. terbuat dari plastic , dan designya terbuka, jadi shape heelcounter tidak gamblang satu plastic besar, di break down dengan lines, shape dan level,
Very prominent heel counter. The design is really thought out. made of plastic, and the design is open, so the shape of the heel counter is not clearly one big piece of plastic, broken down with lines, shapes and levels,
Bahasa Indonesia 
design outsole sepatu ini juga sama seperti bagian sepatu sepatu lain, sangat intrik dan detail, kita juga bisa lihat plastik balance buat stability kaki, seperti tortion system 
The outsole design of this shoe is also the same as the other shoe parts, very interesting and detailed, we can also see the plastic balance for foot stability, such as the torsion system
Bahasa Indonesia 
Medial side dengan design yang sangat prominan, ukiran di midsole menyambungkan upper yang designya juga sangat strong. 
Sisi medial dengan design yang sangat prominan, ukiran di midsole menyambungkan upper yang designya juga sangat kuat.

Bahasa Indonesia 
Keren, Detail logo new balance di masukin di heel counter sepatu tersebut
Cool, the New Balance logo detail is included on the heel counter of the shoe
Bahasa Indonesia 
Logo Nnya menurut saya keren, ngak cuma sekedar leather di cut dengan huruf N, tetapi dimasukan dengan design locking lace system di haris vertical huruf " N " nya, dan di namain Nlock
I think the N logo is cool, it's not just leather cut with the letter N, but is included with a locking lace system design on the vertical line of the letter "N", and is called Nlock
Bahasa Indonesia 
Gue suka banget sih paneh di Toe area ini, biarpun sedikit dan kecil tapi mengikat shape bentuk sepatu dan layeringnya bagus banget
I really like the curves in this toe area, even though they are small and small, they tie the shape of the shoe and the layering is really good
Bahasa Indonesia 
Detail di bagian tongue sepatu ada Logo NB dan tulisan Running
The details on the tongue of the shoe have the NB logo and the words Running
Bahasa Indonesia 
Detail di outsole depan ada huruf  " N "
Details on the front outsole have the letter "N"
Bahasa Indonesia 
Sepatu ini memakai technology ortholite di insole sepatunya
These shoes use ortholite technology in the shoe insole
Bahasa Indonesia 
bagian lace lock sudah termasuk di dalam design sepatunya
The lace lock section is included in the shoe design
Bahasa Indonesia 
Nama sepatu ini , " 1906R"  terlihat di bagian antara quarter pannel dan heel area.
midsole technology yang mereka pakai adalan N-ergy 
The name of this shoe, "1906R" can be seen in the part between the quarter pannel and heel area.
The midsole technology they use is N-ergy
Bahasa Indonesia 
Stabilizer web adalaha nama design technology stabilizer di sepatu ini bisa terlihat jelas di area outsole. terbuat dari plastic.  
Web stabilizer is the name of the stabilizer technology design in these shoes which can be clearly seen in the outsole area. made of plastic.

Bahasa Indonesia 
Shape sepatunya cantik banget menurut gue  si 1906R ini. silhouette New Balance emang selalu mempunya dad shoes look , dan ngak salah, modern dan classic bisa nyambug di waktu yang sama. 
The shape of the shoe is really beautiful, in my opinion, the 1906R. New Balance silhouettes always have a dad shoe look, and there's no mistake, modern and classic can be combined at the same time.
Bahasa Indonesia 
View ari depan bisa terilhat sepatu ini mempunya wide foot shape, dan agak vibe semi 90s sport shoes
From the front view, you can see that these shoes have a wide foot shape, and have a bit of a semi-90s sports shoe vibe
Bahasa Indonesia 
Dari view belakang heel counter sangat terlihat jelas dan sangat sporty
From the rear view the heel counter is very clear and very sporty
Bahasa Indonesia 
Sepatu ini memang sangat bagus shapenya , sporty, classy dan  punya vibe yang  keren. the dad shoes sih masuk banget ini. Dengan color gray yang sangat terkenal di New Balance , buat style apa aja bisa masuk.
These shoes really have a really nice shape, sporty, classy and have a cool vibe. The dad shoes really come in. With the very famous gray color of New Balance, any style can fit.

Video First Look and on feet : New Balance1906 R

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