Saturday, 22 February 2025

Quick Review : GUMI FIrst hand + Trying review at the booth.

Quick Review : GUMI  First see + trying review at the booth at JSD.

Bahasa Indonesia
Selagi gue Jalan Jalan di JSD. gue ketemu booth brand Gumi. gue agak sedikit penasaran dan pengen tau apakah brand ini?. setelah gue masuk boothnya tidak taunya gue di sapa sama Veronica. Dulu saya pernah ketemu dia dan ngobrol pas dia kerja di Ardiles. di acara event lain. setelah menyapa dia suruh saya check product dari Gomi dan untuk coba test first look and feel sepatu tersebut. 
Jujur saya bukan pelari ,tetapi saya akan coba review dari sisi sneakers perspective general.
ini adalah review mengenai dua silhouette sepatu dan comparasinya.
 click lebih lanjut untuk full documentationnya.
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

While I was walking in JSD. I found the Gomi brand booth. I'm a little curious and want to know what this brand is? After I entered the booth, I didn't know that I was greeted by Veronica. I once met him and chatted when he worked at Ardiles. at other events. After greeting him he told me to check the product from Gomi and to try the first look and feel of the shoes. 
Honestly, I'm not a runner, but I will try to review it from a general sneaker perspective.
This is a review of two shoe silhouettes and their comparison.

 Click further for full documentation.
(click on " read more " to see more documentation photo)

Special Thanks : Veronica resa liei for giving me a chance to try the  shoes !




Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
Were at the studio in the morning , preparing to go to the event.
having a look at products on hand , Compass x CrossOver and Khanki X Staple Collabs 
Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
OTW  to Footlocker Mall Puri Mall 
Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
Footlocker Mall Puri Mall 
Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
Thanks for the Gifts Foot Locker Indonesia 
Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
After the event we have lunch 
Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
Ngaffee sebentar.
Bahasa Indonesia
Selagi gue sama Ceramix Studio team di Mall Puri Indah 01 ngeliput, temen kita Ditto menginformasikan untuk drop by Giordano Bazar. pas kita liat dalamnya sepatu2 dan apparel Nike. barang2nya gila2 semua ! bilamana kalian di daerah sana, kalian harus check out . Gokil nih barangnya
While I and the Ceramix Studio team at Mall Puri Indah 01 were reporting, our friend Ditto informed us to drop by Giordano Bazar. when we saw Nike shoes and apparel inside. the stuff is all crazy! if you are in the area, you have to check out. This stuff is crazy