Wednesday 16 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Nike dunk Low Pro " DUNKY "

IF I EVER DESIGN : Nike dunk Low Pro " DUNKY "

Bahasa Indonesia

Meneruskan creativity , saya coba bermain dengan kata-kata. subject hari ini adalah sepatu dunk. dan saya liat history dunk dimana ,dulunya sepatu air jordan adalah salah satu sepatu yang di gemari oleh para skater di waktu lalu. dam akhirnya nike membuat silhouette dan membikin nama dunk SB.
movement para skater di jaman dulu adalah outcast dan kadang di lihat not cool kayak jaman sekarang.
dan setelah saya bermain dengan kata-kata, saya akhirnya memilih kata "dunky ".
arti dunky : Kikuk, canggung dalam gerak, tingkah laku
dari kata, kikuk, cangung dan aneh saya bikin concept color code yang berbeda dan stand out . saya bikin juga concept sketch seperti anak kecil di kinder garden dengan tema perbuatan bandel.   

Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
Continuing my creativity, I tried playing with words. Today's subject is dunk shoes. and I looked at the history of the dunk, where Air Jordan shoes used to be one of the shoes that was popular with skaters in the past. And finally Nike made a silhouette and created the name Dunk SB.
The movements of skaters in the past were outcast and sometimes seen as not cool like today.
and after I played with words, I finally chose the word "dunky".
dunky meaning: Clumsy, awkward in movement, behavior
from the words, clumsy, awkward and strange, I made a different color code concept and stood out. I also made a concept sketch like a child in a kinder garden with the theme of naughty actions.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Tuesday 8 October 2024



Bahasa Indonesia
saya kreatif, saya suka platform air max 1, ia memiliki tampilan klasik dan sederhana seperti sepatu lari klasik namun tetap terlihat futuristik pada saat yang bersamaan. karena saya punya waktu luang, saya ingin mendesain ulang warnanya
karena seperti yang saya lihat, sebagian besar air max 1 lama memiliki pemblokiran warna yang indah, yang sekarang ini, mereka melakukannya secara berlebihan hanya untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka dapat membuatnya untuk tujuan mereka sendiri dan bukan untuk pelanggan. dan itulah mengapa saya ingin mendesain, mewarnai ulang dari sudut pandang saya. 
Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
me being creative, I like the air max 1 platform, it has a certain classic and simple look of a running classic shoes and yet looks futuristic at the same tiime. as i have spare time, i wanna re-design the color
cause as i see, most of the old air max 1 have this beautiful color blockiing, in which now days, they over do it just to show they can make it for their own purpose and not for the customer. and thats why i wanna design , recolor from my perspective. 
I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime
 Bahasa Indonesia 
oval gelap, abu-abu dan hitam dengan midsole putih dan bagian bawah karet.
jenis kode warna ini menurut saya merupakan pendekatan yang halus namun berkelas
saya mengambil inspirasi gambar luar ruangan berupa hutan lebat

Dengan desain seperti ini, pasar Eropa dan Asia pasti akan tergila-gila dengan sepatu ini, karena karakter mereka dalam membeli barang dan warna tone tertentu seperti ini akan sangat menggoda dan enak dipandang.

the dark oval , gray and black with a white midsole and gum bottom .
this type of color code i think is a suttle and yet classy approach
i took the inspiration of a outdoor image of a deep forest

With this design, Europeans and Asians market will definitely be crazy about these shoes, because their character in buying goods and specifict tone colors like this will be very tempting and pleasing to their eyes.

 Bahasa Indonesia 
design color tertentu akan mengiurkan orang untuk membeli, dan design kedua ini , saya membawa warna luxury dan outdoor. bisa di lihat di nike sepatu ACG punya warna2 seperti ini.
seperti brown leather, deep purple and olive brown. 

Certain color designs will tempt people to buy, and in this second design, I brought luxurious and outdoor colors. You can see that Nike ACG shoes have colors like this.
such as brown skin, dark purple and olive brown.

 Bahasa Indonesia 
design ke tiga, saya lagi berpikir dengan midsole color terlihat Aged apakah lebih bagus buat terlihat aesteticnya ? seinget saya, nike pernah tuh mengeluarkan sepatu2 air max dengan warna kekuningan di midlose area, dan setau gue agak drop penjualannya, tetapi di design terlihat ok sih 
menurut kalian gimana ? 
The third design, I'm thinking, with the midsole color looking aged, is it better for the aesthetic appearance? As far as I remember, Nike once released Air Max shoes with a yellowish color in the midlose area, and as far as I know, sales dropped a bit, but the design looks okay. 
what do you think?

 Bahasa Indonesia  / English 
im gonna continue brainstorming and conceptualizing what is in my head


Monday 7 October 2024




Bahasa Indonesia
Berikut adalah beberapa gambaran saya sedang melakukan penelitian pada produk tertentu, saya suka melihat desain, material, dan cara mereka menghasilkan suatu produk. Saya sedang berjalan-jalan di sekitar setiabudi dan mereka memiliki toko keren yang memiliki beberapa merek yang saya suka. Jika Anda bertanya mengapa saya melakukan penelitian, saya melakukannya untuk pengetahuan dan jika ada proyek masa depan yang berkaitan dengan desain.

here are some picture of me doing research on certain product, i love looking at design , material, and how they produce a product. i was walking around the setiabudi one area and they have this cool store that have a few lineup  brand that i like. if u ask why i do my research, i do it for knowledge and  if there are future project that related to design.  

English / Bahasa Indonesia
look how they mix material, i think its amazing. corduroy / mash / pattern and colors 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
the printing on the cap have a cool look
English / Bahasa Indonesia
so many variety of brand and design 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
This pants have a good material which is very light and breathable, and simple font play
English / Bahasa Indonesia
in my opinion , solomon have the best vest for comfort and functions + purpose
English / Bahasa Indonesia
you guys know im a succer for shoes.

Sunday 6 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02) - RE DESIGN !!

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike  Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02) - RE DESIGN !!

Bahasa Indonesia
Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard.
setelah saya pikir2, design desert agak tidak cocok dan concept designnya terlalu cepet di exekusi tanpa bener bener di  pikirkan dengan baik. setelah saya mendesign part 03, saya liat tema design part 02 ngak cocok dan harus di re-design. jadi saya brainstorm ulang yang cocok dengan tema ke jepang-jepangan. ini outcomenya 
semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
Bilama kalian mau iat detail full (click on " read more " untuk liat detail designya )

Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard.
After I thought about it, the desert design was a bit unsuitable and the concept design was executed too quickly without really thinking it through. After I designed part 03, I saw that the design theme for part 02 was not suitable and had to be re-designed. So I re-brainstormed something that would suit the Japanese theme. this is the outcome

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
if you wanna see the full detail  (click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Thursday 3 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

Bahasa Indonesia
Instalasi terakhir untuk proyek ini, saya mengambil warna akhir dan sekali lagi mencoba membuat nuansa hitam dengan tema urban Jepang. Jepang memiliki garis perkotaan yang presisi, rapi, dan memiliki citra modern yang terstruktur dengan baik. namun mereka memiliki budaya tradisional yang organik dan indah
di mata generasi muda, gimik budaya mobil JDM sudah mendunia, jadi saya mencoba mewakili di gambar ini sebagai budaya urban. Pola lain yang mewakili tema urban modern adalah zebra cross. desainnya pattern yang bagus, memiliki struktur, garis, serta pola dan bentuk yang sederhana dan sangat modern. buat tradisi Jepang yang saya ambil sebagai representasinya adalah boneka Daruma. memiliki simbol, tradisi dan semangat pola pikir lama.

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Final Instalment for this project, i took the final color and try to make the black vibe with urban Japanese theme once again. Japan has this urban lines that are precise, clean cut, well structure modern image. and yet they have their traditional culture that are organic and beautiful
in the eyes of young generation, the gimic of JDM car culture are big world wide, so i try to represent that urban culture. another pattern that represent modern urban theme, is zebra cross. its well design, has  structure, lines and simple pattern and shapes. a cool japanese tradition that i took as a representative is Daruma dolls. it has tradition and spirit of the old mindset.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Monday 30 September 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike  Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02)
(PART 02)

Bahasa Indonesia
Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard. kali ini kita meneruskan concept illustration tetapi ganti  dengan tema desert. bilamana kalian nanya kenapa desert ?
menurut saya warna di footscape magma design  menunjukan warna sand di mata saya. Sepatu ini juga menurut saya ada silhouete outdoor boots kayak timberland dari warnanya, Sacai membuat design Footscape + ACG Magma, jadi saya liatnya sebagai sepatu  outdoor / tracking + traveling. 
selagi saya brand storm, di pikiran saya keluar  image , desert sand dune, cactus, rattle snake, tumble weed. Jadi saya design di dan menambahkan sebagai vibe di gambar tersebut

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard. This time we continue the concept illustration but replace it with a desert theme. When you ask why desert?
In my opinion, the colors in the magma design footscape show the color of sand to my eyes. In my opinion, these shoes also have an outdoor boots silhouette like Timberland from the color, Sacai made the Footscape + ACG Magma design, so I see them as outdoor / tracking + traveling shoes. 
while I brand storm, in my mind images come out, desert sand dune, cactus, rattle snake, tumble weed. So I designed it and added it as a vibe to the image

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Sunday 29 September 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 01)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard
(PART 01)

Bahasa Indonesia
 meneruskan concept artwork, menurut saya platform poster sudah mulai agak jarang, specially buat culture sneakers. biasanya  dulu sneakers poster adalah advertising buat di kasih kepada client di acara special event release sepatu. Makanya saya merasa harus di angkat lagi culture tersebut dan menurut saya keren. Poster / postcard kali ini saya akan membuat beberapa poster concept  Sacai x Nike Footscape.
kalo di tanya kenapa sepatu ini, menurut saya sepatu ini sangat keren sih , tapi sayangnya tidak ke expose dengan advertisingnya di Jakarta lebih dan akhirnya tidak terlihat ada traksinya mengenai penjualan ini dan product di kaki orang2 pengemar sepatu( collector).  

buat poster / postcard pertama conceptnya saya akan bikin segmen yang merepresentasikan Jepang. kenapa saya pilih tema jepang, karena brand Sacai sendiri adalah brand dari Jepang. kalian bisa lihat sendiri subject matternya tema jepang seperti Japanese lanterm, pattern geometri jepang, interpretasi bonsai, sama  rock temple.

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Continuing the concept artwork, in my opinion poster/ postcard platforms are starting to become a bit rare, especially in the sneaker culture. Usually in the past sneaker posters were advertising to give to clients at special shoe release events. That's why I feel that this culture should be brought up again and I think it's cool and people love it actually. This time I will make several Sacai x Nike Footscape concept posters/ postcard. If you ask me why these specifict shoes, I think these shoes is really cool, but unfortunately they weren't exposed to more advertising in Jakarta and in the end there wasn't any traction regarding the sales of this and the product didnt get absorbed to the feet of shoe fans (collectors).  
For the first concept art  poster. postcard, I will make a segment that represents Japan. Why did I choose a Japanese theme, because the Sacai brand itself is a Japanese brand.You can see for yourself the subject matter has Japanese themes such as Japanese lanterns, Japanese geometric patterns, interpretations of bonsai, and rock temples.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Saturday 28 September 2024



Location : Agora Mall, thamrin ,Jakararta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.ran selalu senang diundang menghadiri suatu acara, sehingga bisa kami dokumentasikan di blog kami. kali ini undangan pribadi dari Brightspot Future perfect.
seperti yang kalian tahu, aku suka acara brightspot dan aku berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk mendokumentasikannya. meskipun acaranya tidak 100% sneaker, ini adalah platform budaya yang wajib dikunjungi, karena selalu menampilkan apa yang baru dan apa yang sedang dilakukan generasi muda juga dalam kreativitas. Kali ini diadakan di mall yang belum dibangun bernama Agora, di Thamrin. Saat saya masuk, kami melihat banyak orang mencoba masuk dan menghadiri acara tersebut, dan saya melihat ada banyak pembantu berjas lab putih yang membantu menunjukkan kepada orang-orang, mengarahkan ke acara tersebut.
kali ini acaranya sendiri adalah undangan privet, sebelum pembukaan sebenarnya untuk umum datang dan menyaksikannya di akhir pekan ini. Acara yang bagus dan banyak orang yang diundang mendukung acara keren ini. Anda bisa melihat banyak sekali anak anak muda produsen pakaian lokal berbakat dan brand  FnB dengan makanan dan tampilan bagus, menyajikan produk mereka. Hal baiknya juga adalah, menurut saya, itu adalah kelompok yang tepat. tidak terlalu privat sehingga sulit bagi saya untuk mengambil fotonya, saya perlu memotret orang, dan tidak banyak orang dan banyak ruang negatif menurut saya juga tidak bagus untuk film dokumenter. tapi acara privet ini baik-baik saja. Namun untungnya jumlahnya tidak terlalu banyak juga, sehingga kami tidak bisa berkeliling dan memeriksa produk dengan nyaman. Biasanya selalu acara brightspot padat lalu lintas, khususnya hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Jadi di undang di acara awal adalah suasana yang menyenangkan.

secara keseluruhan itu adalah acara yang bagus dan saya anggap seru. jika kamu punya waktu, kalian pasti harus mampir kali ini dan jangan sampai di lewatkan sih. saya memberi nilai 9/10 pada skala acara brightspot kali ijo, semuanya baik-baik saja. brand yang dipilih oleh tim bright spot sangat luar biasa dan mereka membawakan produk yang bagus, mulai dari apparel, aksesoris, produk, pembuat sepatu kets, mereka luar biasa dan banyak penjual makanan juga, sehingga orang tidak hanya mendapatkan pakaian atau aksesoris, mereka juga bisa bersantai dan makan banyak makanan lezat.

 saya berharap tim BrightSpot sukses lagi acaranya, dan terima kasih telah mengundang saya !!

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Iam.ran always happy to be invited to attend an event, so we can document it in our blog.

this time its the privet invitation of Brightspot Future perfect.

as you guys know, i love brightspot event and ive tryed my best documenting it.. even tough its not 100% sneaker event, its a culture platform that must go to, cause it  always showing whats new  and what the young generation are up too in creativity. This time it is held in this not yet build mall name Agora, in Thamrin. As i came in, we see many people try to come in and attend it, and i notice there are many  helper in white lab coat helping out showing people where to go to the event. 

this time the event its self is a privet invitation, before the actual opening for the public to came and check it out  this weekend. it was a nice event and many people  who got invited support this cool event. you can see there are many  youg talented local clothing producer and FnB brand with good food and  display, presenting their product. the good thing too is, it was just the right crowd in my opinion. not too privet  that  its hard for me to take photos of , i need to take picture of people, and  not many people and lots of negative space is never good in my opinion for documentary. but this privet event was ok. And yet not to many, so we can't walk around and check the product comfortably. Usually brightspot event are heavy in traffict, specially Saturday and sunday. so early entery was a nice vibe.

over all it was a good event and i had a good time

if u have the time , you guys have to drop by for sure for this time. 

i give a 9/10 on the bright spot event scale,everything was good. 

the brand that the bright spot team choose was amazing and they brought good product, from apparel, accessories , product, sneaker makers, they are amzing and  many Food vendors too, so people not only get clothings or accessories, they can chill and eat lots of yummie food.

 i wish the BrightSpot team for another succes event, and thanks for inviting me !!!

 check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

*Special Thanks : Kevin Kepong and the bright spot team for inviting me to the privet invitation and giving me access to document the event.  

Sunday 22 September 2024

DOCUMENTATION : 50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 02) - Activation by Nike x Local Stranger Workshop


DOCUMENTATION :  50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 02) -  Activation by Nike x Local Stranger Workshop 

Location : Senayan City Mall , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Dokumentasi 50th Anniversary Foot Locker, dokumentasi kali ini saya akan menceritakan mengenai experience saya di salah satu activasi yang berada di acara tersebut.
Activasi yang saya ikuti adalah aktivasi di booth Nike, dimana Nike berkolaborasi dengan international brand  Local Stranger Workshop. sedikit background mengenai LSW, mereka adalah brand creative craftmen yang membuat beautiful  hand crafted product. sangking creative dan bagus, sampai brand seperti Nike bisa berkolaborasi.
Saya ikut di Spot session pertama , dari Team LWS, ada Niks dan Hibs yang mengarahkan, ngeajarkan  dan mengeducate cara membuat product Lanyard Handphone yang kita akan bikin di session ini.
dari introduksi brand mereka, saya usdah bisa lihat, mereka punya vibe yang sangat cool dan seperti mentor yang akan seru . mereka menunjukan  step by step cara membikin, dan be part of it, ngak cuma liat atau  bisa beli saja. tamu yang di pilih di slot pertama sangat limited, karena space yang ada per sesi juga di batasin,saya sangat untuk bisa masuk dan ikut serta. saya suka bekerja dengan tangan, jadi menurut saya saya akan suka sekali activasi seperti ini.
kita harus berpartisipasi, seperti mengetok pin alumunium yang akan memegang shape buat D-ring, belajar mengikat  banyak beda bertali (knot) dan memasang parts dan me assemblesampai lanyard itu jadi!. mentor2 juga baik dan sangat menolng, membantu setiap tamu menyelesaikan sampai selesai.
i got a good vibe from them. such a cool experience and if u had the chance to do it, harus cobain sihhh!!
di akhir, ngak cuma kita dapet lanyardnya kita dapet knowledge dan experience seru.menutup acara session 01 kita photo session di akhir acara ! saya liat semua orang yang mengikutinya have a big smile on their face and want to take picture with them.

check out Local Strange Workshop( LSW) guys on IG, and follow them + check their website.      

check my photo documentation saya buat full dokumentasinya

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Continuing the Foot Locker 50th Anniversary Documentation, this time I will tell you about my experience at one of the activities at the event.
The activation that I participated in was an activation at the Nike booth, where Nike collaborated with the international brand Local Stranger Workshop. A little background about LSW, they are a creative craftsman brand that makes beautiful hand crafted products. so creative and good, that brands like Nike can collaborate.
I took part in the first Spot session, from the LWS Team, there were Niks and Hibs who directed, taught and educated how to make the cellphone lanyard product that we will make in this session.
From their brand introduction, I can already see, they have a very cool vibe and are like mentors who will be fun. they show you step by step how to make it, and be part of it, not just look at it or just buy it. The guests selected for the first slot were very limited, because the space available per session was also limited, I really wanted to be able to enter and take part. I like working with my hands, so I think I would really like this kind of activation.
we have to participate, such as tapping the aluminum pins that will hold the shape for the D-ring, learning to tie many different ropes (knots) and installing parts and assembling them until the lanyard is finished! The mentors are also kind and very helpful, helping each guest finish to completion.
i got a good vibe from them. such a cool experience and if you have the chance to do it, you have to try it!!
At the end, not only did we get the lanyard, we got exciting knowledge and experience. Closing session 01, we had a photo session at the end of the event! I see everyone who follows it has a big smile on their face and wants to take a picture with them.

check out Local Strange Workshop ( LSW) guys on IG, and follow them + check their website

 check my photo documentation for more information about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Special Thanks: Vitra for giving me access to documennt this Activation

Saturday 21 September 2024

DOCUMENTATION : 50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 01)

DOCUMENTATION :  50 th Anniversary of Foot locker - part 01

Location : SENAYAN CITY , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang untuk menghadiri acara 50 tahun Footlocker.
Acara Footlocker ini di adakan di hall Mall Senayan City, Lantai 6. Saya datang jam12an , dan tidak taunya acaranya sangat seru. tamu di terima oleh team baju hitam putih di depan  untuk digital registeration. dan setelah itu di arahkan ke hall dimana ada print dan digital video orang- orang yang memjadi muka campagne 50th Footlocker. setelah melewati hall of picture, di area pertama bisa terlihat display2 barang2 Brand seperti Nike, Adidas, Puma, Asics  , New balance yang di  jual di Footlocker . Dii event ini brand sangat suppportif dan membuka activasi di area - area yang di sediakan. Seperti New Balance membuka coffee  area hang out, Nike mengisi 2 activasi, satu adalah area 3 on 3 Basketball dan dua adalah activasi bikin landyard  handphone yang berkolaborasi dengan international brand Local  stranger workshop yang base di singapore (part 02 documentation), brand Adidas membuat gelang, brand Asics memblock  area di tengah2 hall dengan concept Break Dance, brand Converse juga mengadakan area arcade games yang sangat seru,Brand puma mengadakan game loncat nempel snicker.
selain brand - brand ternama, ada juga booth sponsor Crep Protect yang menyediaan cuci sepatu gratis dan main dingdong dapat sepatu. di  eket entrence di dalam hall ,salah satu sisi dinding juga terisi oleh group IST  (pecinta sneakers ) mendisplay colection para collector yang bertema black and white, sepatu sepatu yang bisa di bilang di incar oleh para sneaker collector seluruh dunia.
Ada juga stage besar  yang sangat megah, stage iini di sediakan untu tamu international Mathew Wealthy dari media complex yang sudah di kenal oleh para sneakers heads  salah satu Mc di acara Complex sneakers, dia di interview di stage bersama local culture creator Michael Kilian untuk membahas mengenai landscape dan culture dan bagaimana dia bekerja di media complex.Setelah interview  ini selesai, stage besar di isi oleh artis - artis penyanyi seperti saykoji , teddy Aditya dan talent talent lokal lain untuk menutupi acara event.
Menurut saya Acara Footlocker ini sangat jorjoran, dan bisa di bilang all out !, dari display, dari tempat activasi yang bertema black and white , menurut saya sangat keren dan hebat. banyak influecer2 sneakers , beauty dan fashion , snaker enthusiast(collector ) culture creator dantang menyambut dan  menghadiri acara tersebut. over all menurut saya acaranya sangat di kelola dengan bagus dan saya sangat berterima kasih sekali di undang untuk  bisa datang.Congrat to Footlocker for 50th, semoga makin berjaya dan success di Indonesia dan gue doain umurnya makin panjang dan bikin2 acara keren lagi seperti acara ini 

Special Thanks :  Kepada Vitra telah mengundang saya personaly dan mengasih full access untuk saya  meliput. Thanks brother !!! 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam.Ran was invited to attend the 50th anniversary of Footlocker.
This Footlocker event was held in the Senayan City Mall hall, Floor 6. I came at 12, and I didn't know the event was so exciting. Guests were received by a team in black and white clothes at the front for digital registration. and after that we were directed to the hall where there were print and digital videos of the people who were the faces of the 50th Footlocker campaign. After passing through the hall of pictures, in the first area you can see displays of brand goods such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Asics, New Balance which are sold at Footlocker. At this event the brand was very supportive and opened up activities in the areas provided. Like New Balance opening a coffee hang out area, Nike fills 2 activities, one is the 3 on 3 Basketball area and two is an activity to make cellphone landyards in collaboration with international brand Local stranger workshop based in Singapore (part 02 documentation), the Adidas brand makes bracelets , the Asics brand blocked the area in the middle of the hall with the Break Dance concept, the Converse brand also held a very exciting arcade games area, the Puma brand held a snicker jumping game.
Apart from well-known brands, there is also a Crep Protect sponsor booth which provides free shoe washing and playing dingdong to get shoes. At the entrance in the hall, one side of the wall was also filled with the IST group (sneaker lovers) displaying collectors' collections with a black and white theme, shoes that could be said to be sought after by sneaker collectors all over the world.
There is also a big stage which is very magnificent, this stage is reserved for international guests Mathew Wealthy from Media Complex who is already known to sneaker heads, he is one of the MCs at the Complex sneakers event, he was interviewed on stage with local culture creator Michael Kilian, talking about the landscape , the culture and how he got the job at complex  .After this interview was finished, the big stage was filled with singing artists such as Saykoji, Teddy Aditya and other local talents to cover the event.
In my opinion, this Footlocker event is very exciting, and you could say it's all out!, from the display, from the black and white themed activation area, I think it's very cool and great. Many sneakers, beauty and fashion influencers, snaker enthusiasts (collectors) culture creators and people welcomed and attended the event. Over all, in my opinion, the event was very well managed and I am very grateful for being invited to come. Congrats to Footlocker for 50th, I hope it will be more successful and successful in Indonesia and I pray that it will live longer and create more cool events like this event 

Special Thanks: To Vitra for inviting me personally and giving me full access to cover it. Thanks bro!!!

this is the snap picture documentation PART 01, check it out guys!!!

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Saturday 14 September 2024



Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan design illustrator yang bertema sneakers Tema Nike SkateBoarding. design  character ketiga ini saya tetap meneruskan inspirasi yang saya dapet dari post card Aaron Henkins kirim ke saya,
dengan gambar  " Cycloide Piazza ". 

Kali ini adalah karakter ke Empat , Nama " Maxwell ".
dia sedang menguji Grip Insole dan stabilitas balance selagi Grind   

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Continuing the illustrator's design with a sneaker theme, Nike SkateBoarding theme. For this third character design, I will continue the inspiration I got from the post card Aaron Henkins sent to me,
with the image "Cycloide Piazza". 

This time it is the fourth character, the name "Maxwell".
he was testing the Grip Insole and balance stability while Grinding

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime