Wednesday, 26 February 2025

IF I EVER DESIGN : Conceptual Illustration Evolution of Air MAx 01

Bahasa Indonesia  

Meneruskan concept  "If I EVER DESIGN SEGMENT " segment, saya akan mencoba meng evolusikan design sepatu yang iconic.
Ini adalah Air Max 1 silhouette yang iconic dan kita tau, dimana  sepatu ini di design oleh Tinker Hatfield. Dengan adanya gue sedang mengasah Illustrator, saya akan coba menumpahkan pemikiran creative saya untuk mencoba design sepatu evolusi Air Max 1, tidak merubah outline silhouette sepatu tersebut, tetapi menganti pannel saja. ini tidak akan gampang karena Air Max 1 pannel menurut saya sangat cantik dimana shape pannel yang di layer tidak terlihat di paksa / sangat organic. membuat sepatu tersebut terlihat maju ke depan and kuat. design yang saya akan keluarkan akan mempunya unsur rasa yang sama, Kasarnya evolusi Air Max 1 mengarah ke air max 90.   anggep saja concept  " Air Max 43 ".... haeheahehae. 

check out step by step cara saya membuat concept art illustrationnya  . 
Semoga kalian suka designnya 
(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

Continuing the concept of the "If I EVER DESIGN SEGMENT" segment, I will try to evolve iconic shoe designs.
This is the iconic Air Max 1 silhouette and we know, this shoe was designed by Tinker Hatfield. Since I'm honing Illustrator, I'm going to try to pour out my creative thoughts to try out the design of the Air Max 1 evolution shoe, not changing the outline silhouette of the shoe, but just changing the pannel. This won't be easy because I think the Air Max 1 pannel is very beautiful where the shape of the layered pannel doesn't look forced / very organic. makes the shoe look forward and strong. The design that I will release will have elements of the same feeling. Basically, the evolution of the Air Max 1 leads to the Air Max 90. the concept air max is air " max 43 "...... hehehehhe.

Check out step by step how I made the concept art illustration   
Hope you like the design 
(Click "read more" to see more detailed illustration )

NOTE: I dont work for Nike, im not part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and  exploring my creativity. so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things from my artwork. and Nike if u like or dont like what you see and have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime
Bahasa Indonesia  
Sedang coba coba sketch dapetin feel  garis garis pannel sepatu tersebut. 
I'm trying to sketch to get a feel for the pannel lines of the shoe. 

Bahasa Indonesia 
ditahap ini saya sedang mencoba membuat  shape yang sharp, tapi yang saya liat- terlihat berat di depan dan gendut.kalian bisa lihat line sepatu ini sangat tidak ada sambung sama pannel Air Max 1, saya memang coba membikin tanpa ada  unur cuma untuk mengasah. 
At this stage I'm trying to make a sharp shape, but what I see is that it looks heavy in the front and fat. You can see that the line of this shoe really doesn't connect with the panel of the Air Max 1, I actually tried to make it without any elements just to sharpen it.


Bahasa Indonesia  
Meneruskan sketch concept, kali ini saya mengambil unsur2 ada air max pannel tetapi lebih membikin shapena lebih lines and box, tidak seperti the Iconinc Air Max one yang pannel linesnya berbentuk organic dan cantik. 
Continuing the sketch concept, this time I took elements from the Air Max pannel but made the shape more lines and boxes, unlike the Iconinc Air Max one where the pannel lines are organic and beautiful.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Saya suka sih look sepatu ini, mulai udah ada unsur Air Max 1 vibe. bermain dengan mengecilkan dan mempercantik pannel pannelnya. yang saya belajar dari dulu sekolah, smaller and thinner akan membuat sepatu lebih feminin dan cantik.
Menurut saya hebat sih para designer sepatu, mereka bisa membikin  aestheticly pleasing dan pasti ada itungan harga material juga . 
I really like the look of these shoes, they already have elements of the Air Max 1 vibe. play by reducing and beautifying the panels. What I learned from school is that smaller and thinner will make shoes more feminine and beautiful.
In my opinion, shoe designers are great, they can make things aesthetically pleasing and of course there is a price for materials too.


Bahasa Indonesia  
Di concept 05 , saya mencoba membikin simple dan long shape, ngak  pannel pannel banyak menjadi satu,lebih excercise more simple pannel dan dikit. 
In concept 05, I tried to make a simple and long shape, not a lot of pannels in one, more exercise, more simple and few pannels.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Kita bisa lihat di design ini, memang saya buat agak aneh untuk menunjukan, bilamana kita bermain dengan pannel dan shappenya dengan cara semau2 kita aja tanpa mempikirkan, akan terlihat aneh / tidak cocok satu sama lain, akan terlihat sangat norak designnya dan ngak cantik, 
We can see in this design, indeed I made it a bit strange to show, if we play with the pannels and shappes in whatever way we like without thinking about it, it will look strange / not match each other, the design will look very tacky and not beautiful,


Bahasa Indonesia  
here is this refinement design from all the sketches i did. 
you can see i  took the lines pannels from Air Max 1, i resize and reshape them.
i did add and subtract  some shapes. the refinement design i was trying to get out of this is the interwoven between pannels to have that feeling of depth from its layering. everytime is see a Nike Air Max 1, i always admire the layering of the pannels and how organic and beautiful it is , so i try to capture that vibe with my own interpretation 
here is this refinement design from all the sketches i did. 
you can see i took the lines pannels from Air Max 1, i resized and reshaped them.
i did add and subtract some shapes. the refinement design i was trying to get out of this is the interwoven between pannels to have that feeling of depth from its layering. every time is see a Nike Air Max 1, i always admire the layering of the panels and how organic and beautiful it is , so i try to capture that vibe with my own interpretation

Bahasa Indonesia  
Ini warna yang saya pilih. accent di design menurut saya harus ada di setiap sepatu, dari material yang mereka pakai atau color statement untuk menabrak dan disrupt dengan concept .
bisa juga di bilang ini color code Iam-ran. saya emphesist swoosh color hitam karena untuk menonjolkan brandnya. saya berpikir material puttih yang di pakai adalah material mash, pannel pannel lain seperti abu abu muda , abu abu tua dan itamnya sendiri adalah nubuck material. kalo bagian kuning , saya pikir material rubber pastisol print di toe box area sampai ke samping.
This is the color I chose. In my opinion, accents in design should be in every shoe, from the material they use or the color statement to clash and disrupt the concept.
You could also say this is Iam-ran's color code. I emphasize the black Swoosh color because it emphasizes the brand. I think the white material used is mash material, other panels such as light gray, dark gray and the black itself are nubuck material. If it's the yellow part, I think the rubber pastisol material is printed on the toe box area to the side.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Bilamana mau sebagai kesatuan dan lebih plain / no statement, Saya memilih swoosh dengan color palet gray yang lebih gelap dikit dari kalar gray lainnya. 

If you want it to be unified and more plain/no statement, I choose a swoosh with a gray color palette that is a little darker than the other gray colors.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Buat refinement concept 02, saya coba lebih membuat pannel simple dan minimal, dimana pannel tersebut masih ada unsur Air Max 1 , tapi mengarah ke penggikisan pannel.  kalian bisa lihat shapenya agak besar2 di design refinement ini. Kedepannya kalo saya mau refine lebih dalem lagi bisa sih pannel sepatunya lebih di kecilkan lagi.
For refinement concept 02, I tried to make the pannels more simple and minimal, where the pannels still had elements of Air Max 1, but led to the erosion of the pannels.  You can see the shape is quite large in this refinement design. In the future, if I want to refine it further, I can make the shoe pannel even smaller.
Bahasa Indonesia  
Ini dengan color schemes seperti refinement pertama. menurut saya design refimenemt ini masih bisa di benerin , karena terlihat masih biasa saja , seperti sepatu design yang kurang baik akhirnya
This is with color schemes like the first refinement. In my opinion, this refimenemt design can still be improved, because it still looks ordinary, like a shoe design that is not good in the end
Bahasa Indonesia  
denga swoosh  color yang lebih menyatu dengan color lainnya
with more similar color on the swoosh , it looks more as a unit then if its different like the previous photo.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Inilah penyempurnaan lainnya. yang ini menurut saya sangat mirip dengan panneling Air Max 1, bentuk dan lekukannya organik, layeringnya, tampilan keseluruhannya sangat mirip.

Here is another refinement. this one in my opinion is ver close with Air Max 1 panneling, the organic shape and curve, the layering, the over all look is very similar.
Bahasa Indonesia  
Color code similar dengan design design sebelomnya. menurut saya, sekelebat ini mirip sekali Air Max 1 , cuma ada beberapa shape yang membedakan sepatu ini dari AM01.
menurut saya ini evolusi yang baik
The color code is similar to the previous design. In my opinion, at first glance, this shoe is very similar to the Air Max 1, there are only a few shapes that differentiate this shoe from the AM01.
I think this is a good evolution
Bahasa Indonesia  
Saya coba Swooshnya warna putih untuk mengimbangkan , bilamana swoosh warna hitam, feelnya sangat gelap

 tried the white Swoosh to balance it, but if the Swoosh is black, it feels very dark

Bahasa Indonesia  
Buat refinement 04, saya suka pannel dan dimana shapenya interaksi.dengan sesama, membuat line sepatunya lebih cantik dan vibe Air Max 01. dari semua, menurut saya ini design kedua refinement yang saya sukai. yang nomer satu adalah refinement 01
For Refinement 04, I like the panels and where the shapes interact with each other, making the shoe line more beautiful and the vibe of Air Max 01. Of all, I think this is the second refinement design that I like. number one is refinement 01
Bahasa Indonesia  
Dengan swoosh warna hitam, sepatu ini terlihat strong and classic, tidak terlalu standing out. buat client2 nike yang suka discrete warna seperti ini sangat cocok.
With a black swoosh, these shoes look strong and classic, not too standing out. For Nike clients who like discrete colors like this, this is very suitable.

Bahasa Indonesia  
Saya coba Swooshnya warna Kuning untuk mengemphesiskan logonya, dan dengan warna memukai, sepatu ini lebih terlihat sepatu sports
I tried the Swoosh in Yellow to emphasize the logo, and with the attractive color, these shoes look more like sports shoes


Bahasa Indonesia
Mendesign sepatu dengan aesthetic itu sangat tidak gampang. apa lagi bilamana lineup sepatu sudah  di bilang iconic. saya kasih jempol sih kepada designer designer sepatu yang bikin sepatu itu bisa iconic. 
yang saya dapetin dan pelajarannya, seperti , pannel sepatu itu ada perhitungan cost jadi design harus di pikirin dengan base tersebut., buat mendapatkan looks tertentu dan terlihat bagus tapi tidak terlihat norak  atau di paksakan itu sangat susah. kadang bisa terlihat jadi murah dan kayak sepatu biasa yang semua orang bisa bikin tapi ngak ada yang mau beli. Saya juga belajar , bilamana kita sebagai designer, philosophy philosophy / rules design yang saya belajar , memang bisa di implementasikan di semua subject. Ngak cuma sunject tertentu aja .Seperti  " less it more ", "the smaller the size more feminin dan pleasing to the eye " atau ajaran ajaran lainnya.
gimana menurut kalian ? apakah saya harus meneruskan lagi concept art evolusi ?

Designing shoes aesthetically is not easy. What's more, when the shoe lineup is said to be iconic. I give a thumbs up to the shoe designers who made these shoes iconic. 
What I learned from it was, like, shoe pannels have a cost calculation so the design has to be thought about with that base in mind, to get a certain look and look good but not look tacky or forced is very difficult. Sometimes it can look cheap and like ordinary shoes that everyone can make but no one wants to buy. I also learned that when we are designers, the philosophy / design rules that I learned can indeed be implemented in all subjects. Not just certain sunjects, such as "less it is more", "the smaller the size is more feminine and pleasing to the eye" or other teachings.
what do you think? Should I continue with the evolution concept art?

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