Wednesday 16 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Nike dunk Low Pro " DUNKY "

IF I EVER DESIGN : Nike dunk Low Pro " DUNKY "

Bahasa Indonesia

Meneruskan creativity , saya coba bermain dengan kata-kata. subject hari ini adalah sepatu dunk. dan saya liat history dunk dimana ,dulunya sepatu air jordan adalah salah satu sepatu yang di gemari oleh para skater di waktu lalu. dam akhirnya nike membuat silhouette dan membikin nama dunk SB.
movement para skater di jaman dulu adalah outcast dan kadang di lihat not cool kayak jaman sekarang.
dan setelah saya bermain dengan kata-kata, saya akhirnya memilih kata "dunky ".
arti dunky : Kikuk, canggung dalam gerak, tingkah laku
dari kata, kikuk, cangung dan aneh saya bikin concept color code yang berbeda dan stand out . saya bikin juga concept sketch seperti anak kecil di kinder garden dengan tema perbuatan bandel.   

Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
(Click "read more"  untuk melihat lebih illustrasi detail )
Continuing my creativity, I tried playing with words. Today's subject is dunk shoes. and I looked at the history of the dunk, where Air Jordan shoes used to be one of the shoes that was popular with skaters in the past. And finally Nike made a silhouette and created the name Dunk SB.
The movements of skaters in the past were outcast and sometimes seen as not cool like today.
and after I played with words, I finally chose the word "dunky".
dunky meaning: Clumsy, awkward in movement, behavior
from the words, clumsy, awkward and strange, I made a different color code concept and stood out. I also made a concept sketch like a child in a kinder garden with the theme of naughty actions.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

(Click "read more" to see more detail illustration )

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Tuesday 8 October 2024



Bahasa Indonesia
saya kreatif, saya suka platform air max 1, ia memiliki tampilan klasik dan sederhana seperti sepatu lari klasik namun tetap terlihat futuristik pada saat yang bersamaan. karena saya punya waktu luang, saya ingin mendesain ulang warnanya
karena seperti yang saya lihat, sebagian besar air max 1 lama memiliki pemblokiran warna yang indah, yang sekarang ini, mereka melakukannya secara berlebihan hanya untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka dapat membuatnya untuk tujuan mereka sendiri dan bukan untuk pelanggan. dan itulah mengapa saya ingin mendesain, mewarnai ulang dari sudut pandang saya. 
Saya harap Anda menyukai desain ilustrator karya seni saya
me being creative, I like the air max 1 platform, it has a certain classic and simple look of a running classic shoes and yet looks futuristic at the same tiime. as i have spare time, i wanna re-design the color
cause as i see, most of the old air max 1 have this beautiful color blockiing, in which now days, they over do it just to show they can make it for their own purpose and not for the customer. and thats why i wanna design , recolor from my perspective. 
I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime
 Bahasa Indonesia 
oval gelap, abu-abu dan hitam dengan midsole putih dan bagian bawah karet.
jenis kode warna ini menurut saya merupakan pendekatan yang halus namun berkelas
saya mengambil inspirasi gambar luar ruangan berupa hutan lebat

Dengan desain seperti ini, pasar Eropa dan Asia pasti akan tergila-gila dengan sepatu ini, karena karakter mereka dalam membeli barang dan warna tone tertentu seperti ini akan sangat menggoda dan enak dipandang.

the dark oval , gray and black with a white midsole and gum bottom .
this type of color code i think is a suttle and yet classy approach
i took the inspiration of a outdoor image of a deep forest

With this design, Europeans and Asians market will definitely be crazy about these shoes, because their character in buying goods and specifict tone colors like this will be very tempting and pleasing to their eyes.

 Bahasa Indonesia 
design color tertentu akan mengiurkan orang untuk membeli, dan design kedua ini , saya membawa warna luxury dan outdoor. bisa di lihat di nike sepatu ACG punya warna2 seperti ini.
seperti brown leather, deep purple and olive brown. 

Certain color designs will tempt people to buy, and in this second design, I brought luxurious and outdoor colors. You can see that Nike ACG shoes have colors like this.
such as brown skin, dark purple and olive brown.

 Bahasa Indonesia 
design ke tiga, saya lagi berpikir dengan midsole color terlihat Aged apakah lebih bagus buat terlihat aesteticnya ? seinget saya, nike pernah tuh mengeluarkan sepatu2 air max dengan warna kekuningan di midlose area, dan setau gue agak drop penjualannya, tetapi di design terlihat ok sih 
menurut kalian gimana ? 
The third design, I'm thinking, with the midsole color looking aged, is it better for the aesthetic appearance? As far as I remember, Nike once released Air Max shoes with a yellowish color in the midlose area, and as far as I know, sales dropped a bit, but the design looks okay. 
what do you think?

 Bahasa Indonesia  / English 
im gonna continue brainstorming and conceptualizing what is in my head


Monday 7 October 2024




Bahasa Indonesia
Berikut adalah beberapa gambaran saya sedang melakukan penelitian pada produk tertentu, saya suka melihat desain, material, dan cara mereka menghasilkan suatu produk. Saya sedang berjalan-jalan di sekitar setiabudi dan mereka memiliki toko keren yang memiliki beberapa merek yang saya suka. Jika Anda bertanya mengapa saya melakukan penelitian, saya melakukannya untuk pengetahuan dan jika ada proyek masa depan yang berkaitan dengan desain.

here are some picture of me doing research on certain product, i love looking at design , material, and how they produce a product. i was walking around the setiabudi one area and they have this cool store that have a few lineup  brand that i like. if u ask why i do my research, i do it for knowledge and  if there are future project that related to design.  

English / Bahasa Indonesia
look how they mix material, i think its amazing. corduroy / mash / pattern and colors 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
the printing on the cap have a cool look
English / Bahasa Indonesia
so many variety of brand and design 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
This pants have a good material which is very light and breathable, and simple font play
English / Bahasa Indonesia
in my opinion , solomon have the best vest for comfort and functions + purpose
English / Bahasa Indonesia
you guys know im a succer for shoes.

Sunday 6 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02) - RE DESIGN !!

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike  Magma - scape Poster / Postcard (PART 02) - RE DESIGN !!

Bahasa Indonesia
Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard.
setelah saya pikir2, design desert agak tidak cocok dan concept designnya terlalu cepet di exekusi tanpa bener bener di  pikirkan dengan baik. setelah saya mendesign part 03, saya liat tema design part 02 ngak cocok dan harus di re-design. jadi saya brainstorm ulang yang cocok dengan tema ke jepang-jepangan. ini outcomenya 
semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
Bilama kalian mau iat detail full (click on " read more " untuk liat detail designya )

Part 02 Illustrating Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard.
After I thought about it, the desert design was a bit unsuitable and the concept design was executed too quickly without really thinking it through. After I designed part 03, I saw that the design theme for part 02 was not suitable and had to be re-designed. So I re-brainstormed something that would suit the Japanese theme. this is the outcome

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
if you wanna see the full detail  (click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

Thursday 3 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

Bahasa Indonesia
Instalasi terakhir untuk proyek ini, saya mengambil warna akhir dan sekali lagi mencoba membuat nuansa hitam dengan tema urban Jepang. Jepang memiliki garis perkotaan yang presisi, rapi, dan memiliki citra modern yang terstruktur dengan baik. namun mereka memiliki budaya tradisional yang organik dan indah
di mata generasi muda, gimik budaya mobil JDM sudah mendunia, jadi saya mencoba mewakili di gambar ini sebagai budaya urban. Pola lain yang mewakili tema urban modern adalah zebra cross. desainnya pattern yang bagus, memiliki struktur, garis, serta pola dan bentuk yang sederhana dan sangat modern. buat tradisi Jepang yang saya ambil sebagai representasinya adalah boneka Daruma. memiliki simbol, tradisi dan semangat pola pikir lama.

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Final Instalment for this project, i took the final color and try to make the black vibe with urban Japanese theme once again. Japan has this urban lines that are precise, clean cut, well structure modern image. and yet they have their traditional culture that are organic and beautiful
in the eyes of young generation, the gimic of JDM car culture are big world wide, so i try to represent that urban culture. another pattern that represent modern urban theme, is zebra cross. its well design, has  structure, lines and simple pattern and shapes. a cool japanese tradition that i took as a representative is Daruma dolls. it has tradition and spirit of the old mindset.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime