Thursday 3 October 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of Sacai x Nike Footscape Poster / Postcard (PART 03)

Bahasa Indonesia
Instalasi terakhir untuk proyek ini, saya mengambil warna akhir dan sekali lagi mencoba membuat nuansa hitam dengan tema urban Jepang. Jepang memiliki garis perkotaan yang presisi, rapi, dan memiliki citra modern yang terstruktur dengan baik. namun mereka memiliki budaya tradisional yang organik dan indah
di mata generasi muda, gimik budaya mobil JDM sudah mendunia, jadi saya mencoba mewakili di gambar ini sebagai budaya urban. Pola lain yang mewakili tema urban modern adalah zebra cross. desainnya pattern yang bagus, memiliki struktur, garis, serta pola dan bentuk yang sederhana dan sangat modern. buat tradisi Jepang yang saya ambil sebagai representasinya adalah boneka Daruma. memiliki simbol, tradisi dan semangat pola pikir lama.

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

Final Instalment for this project, i took the final color and try to make the black vibe with urban Japanese theme once again. Japan has this urban lines that are precise, clean cut, well structure modern image. and yet they have their traditional culture that are organic and beautiful
in the eyes of young generation, the gimic of JDM car culture are big world wide, so i try to represent that urban culture. another pattern that represent modern urban theme, is zebra cross. its well design, has  structure, lines and simple pattern and shapes. a cool japanese tradition that i took as a representative is Daruma dolls. it has tradition and spirit of the old mindset.

I hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime

English / Bahasa Indonesia
Zebra Cross as pattern

English / Bahasa Indonesia
Traffic Light with Nike sign in Japanese

English / Bahasa Indonesia
Japanese Gate / Shrine

English / Bahasa Indonesia

English / Bahasa Indonesia

English / Bahasa Indonesia

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