Monday 7 October 2024




Bahasa Indonesia
Berikut adalah beberapa gambaran saya sedang melakukan penelitian pada produk tertentu, saya suka melihat desain, material, dan cara mereka menghasilkan suatu produk. Saya sedang berjalan-jalan di sekitar setiabudi dan mereka memiliki toko keren yang memiliki beberapa merek yang saya suka. Jika Anda bertanya mengapa saya melakukan penelitian, saya melakukannya untuk pengetahuan dan jika ada proyek masa depan yang berkaitan dengan desain.

here are some picture of me doing research on certain product, i love looking at design , material, and how they produce a product. i was walking around the setiabudi one area and they have this cool store that have a few lineup  brand that i like. if u ask why i do my research, i do it for knowledge and  if there are future project that related to design.  

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look how they mix material, i think its amazing. corduroy / mash / pattern and colors 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
the printing on the cap have a cool look
English / Bahasa Indonesia
so many variety of brand and design 
English / Bahasa Indonesia
This pants have a good material which is very light and breathable, and simple font play
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in my opinion , solomon have the best vest for comfort and functions + purpose
English / Bahasa Indonesia
you guys know im a succer for shoes.

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