Location : JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti Followers Iam-Ran sudah tau , Jakarta Sneakers Day (JSD ) adalah event yang harus di datengin untuk melihat perkembangan sneaker scene dan skena culturenya.
Acara di adakan di Jakarta Conventional Central (JCC) di tengah tengah ibu kota Jakarta.
Tahun ini saya di undang untuk meliput 3 hari acara tersebut dan ini adalah documentari hari pertama di sana.
Saya hadir di jam 1an siang , di hari jumat setelah sholat jumat saya langsukg ke JCC. menurut saya saya datang kepagian, dan bisa di bilang acara sudah mulai dan traffic bisa saya anggap medium belom full capacity, karena orang masih sibuk dengan kerja dan lain, tetapi saya memang plan untuk hadir lebih pagi untuk mengambil stock photo supaya bilamana ramai, saya akan sangat susah, ketutup untuk photo barang- barang tersebut dikarenakan orang akan ada transaksi dan coba menawar dll.
Siang ke Anjak Sore, ada hujan besar yang membuat saya pikir orang bisa berpikir "apa saya datang besok saja ", tetapi di jam 6 -7 sore ke malem orang mulai hadir dan membuat acara seru karena terlihat orang sangat anthusias mensupport acara ini.
Banyak anak2 Sneakers hadir buat networking dan liat acara dan apa yang bisa di offer, brand juga menjual product stock mereka dengan harga terjangkau dan bisa di biang di bawah rata rata. acara sangat seru menurut saya , banyak activasi seperti lelang , raffle dan ada gimic gimic lain juga untuk menghibur acara di hari pertama , dan music selalu ada , seperti DJ mengeluarkan lagu lagu asik buat teman teman yang datang.
Selagi saya research , banyak juga brand local producer sepatu ikut menghadiri dan buka booth mereka untuk menunjukan sepatu product mereka dengan technology dan design yang menawan. Brand Luar Seperti Atmos dan Vans, juga hadir buka booth besar untuk mengeluarkan stock mereka yang saya kira bisa juga over stock di gudang mereka. Ada beberapa tenant baju dan accessories juga ikut menyertai JSD tahu ini, seperti Locus, DRX, Cosmonout dan banyak lagi. saya juga tanya ke para tenant menurut mereka seperti apa kira-kira, jawaban mereka ada yang pesimis tetapi kebanyakan sangat optimis dan mengharapkan sneaker scene di Jakarta berkembang dan membuat Culture Sneakers ini tetap dan bukan cuma trand yang datang dan pergi. tetapi ada beberapa yang menyeletuk dan cerita , memang agak lemah beberapa tahun ini karena brand luar masuk dan membanjiri market kita dan di global juga agak lemah marketnya, jadi buat para reseller agak berpikir dua kali,tetapi terlihat ada aja orang masih intrested untuk membeli, memang tidak seperti dulu yang sangat mengejar era hype. Saya terus bertanya "brand yang kuat kira2 apa tahun ini " jawaban yang sangat serempak saya dapatkan adalan "On Cloud Running ". pasaran Reselling masing tinggi dibandingkan kepada giant brand yang kita kenal semua. Salah satu trand yang terlihat sangat bagus di dalam sales tahun ini adalah sepatu performance tech for running, seperti Nike Alpha , Adidas adios 3 dan yang mirip2 di brand lain , seperti product hokka dan asics. ini dikarenakan Indonesia lagi dalam trand running + marathon
evolusi sepatu sangat terlihat function sekarang di anggap dan tidak cuma lifestyle.
selagi acara seru berjalan saya berputar untuk melihat technology apa yang bisa di kembangkan di sepatu dll, seperti brand ortus eight - produksi locak sudah mendevelop sepatu carbon plate untuk market indonesia dan ada juga brand baju DRX yang menempelkan chip di baju jersey bola untuk dijadikan commodity di gitial era sekarang ini.
acara sangat seru dan sayang kalau kalian tidak daeng untuk check.
Bilamana ada acara JSD, jangan lupa datang untuk check whhat is cool in the scene !
special thanks to Dimas / Alex / Andre / Angga dan Catur yang mengundang saya untuk hadir dan mengasihkan kartu VIS untuk meliput acara ini hope you like it and see my day 02 + 03 documentation
check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)
EnglishAs Iam-Ran's followers already know, Jakarta Sneakers Day (JSD) is an event that must be attended to see the development of the sneaker scene and its culture scene.
The event was held at the Jakarta Conventional Central (JCC) in the middle of the capital city of Jakarta.
This year I was invited to cover the 3 day event and this is a documentary of the first day there.
I was there at 1pm, on Friday after Friday prayers I went straight to the JCC. In my opinion, I came early in the morning, and you could say the event had already started and I could assume that the traffic was not yet at full capacity, because people were still busy with work and other things, but I did plan to be there early to take stock photos so that if it was busy, I would It's very difficult, it's difficult to take photos of the items because people will be making transactions and trying to bargain, etc.
Afternoon to Afternoon, there was heavy rain which made me think people might think "should I just come tomorrow", but from 6-7pm to evening people started to show up and make it an exciting event because it looked like people were very enthusiastic about supporting this event.
Many Sneakers kids are there to network and see the event and what can be offered, brands also sell their stock products at affordable prices and can be priced below average. In my opinion, the event was very exciting, there were lots of activities such as auctions, raffles and other gimmicks to entertain the event on the first day, and there was always music, such as the DJ releasing cool songs for the friends who came.
While I was researching, many local brand shoe producers also attended and opened their booths to show their shoe products with attractive technology and designs. Foreign brands such as Atmos and Vans, were also present and opened large booths to release their stock which I thought could also be over stock in their warehouse. There are several clothing and accessories tenants who also join JSD, such as Locus, DRX, Cosmonout and many more. I also asked the tenants what they thought it would be like, some of their answers were pessimistic but most were very optimistic and hoped that the sneaker scene in Jakarta would develop and make this Sneakers Culture permanent and not just a trend that came and went. but there are some who talk and tell stories, it's been a bit weak in recent years because foreign brands have entered and flooded our market and globally the market is also quite weak, so resellers are thinking twice, but it seems like there are people who are still interested in buying, indeed not like before which really chased the hype era. I kept asking "what are the strong brands this year?" The answer I got in unison was "On Cloud Running". The reselling market is higher compared to the giant brands that we all know. One trend that looks very good in sales this year is performance tech shoes for running, such as the Nike Alpha, Adidas Adios 3 and similar ones in other brands, such as Hokka and Asics products. This is because Indonesia is currently in the running + marathon trend
The evolution of shoes is very visible, function is now considered and not just lifestyle.
While the exciting event was going on, I turned around to see what technology could be developed in shoes, etc., such as the Ortus Eight brand - Locak Production has developed carbon plate shoes for the Indonesian market and there is also a DRX clothing brand that attaches chips to football jerseys to be made into commodities in digital era today.
The event is very exciting and it would be a shame if you didn't come to check it out.
Whenever there is a JSD event, don't forget to come to check what is cool in the scene!
check my photo documentation for more about this event
(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)