Monday 8 July 2024



Location : JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Hari kedua di Jakarta Sneakers Day, mulai dengan ujan agak deras yang tidak berenti sampai sore, tetapi orang - orang sangat anthusias untuk coba dateng meramaikan acara tersebut.
buat brand yang hadir mengisi sebagai tenant, mereka mengadakan activation gila gilaan raffle berturut turut, auction , free gift  dan lain. acaranya seru deh di hari Sabtu. seling raffle dll, ada juga talk show dan music hiphop dan dj yang menghibur orang - orang yang hadir . semakin sore acara semakin ramai 

ini adalah snap picture documentation di hari keduam, check it out guys !!! 
 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)


Continuing the second day of Jakarta Sneakers Day, it started with quite slow with heavy rain which didn't stop until the afternoon, but people were very enthusiastic about trying to come and enliven the event.

For the brands that were present to fill in as tenants, held crazy activations each hours, consecutive raffles, auctions, free gifts and so on. the event were exciting on Saturday. 

interspersed with raffle etc., there were also talk shows and hip-hop music and DJs who entertained the people who attended. As the evening progresses, the event gets busier and more fun

lots of the sneaker collector came and check the event out

this is the snap picture documentation on the second day, check it out guys!!! 

check my photo documentation for more about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

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