Tuesday 2 July 2024

IF I EVER DESIGN : NiKE Concept activation graphic for AIR MAX DAY / VALENTINES DAY - ( PART 01)

IF I EVER DESIGN :  NiKE Concept activation graphic for AIR MAX DAY / VALENTINES DAY  - ( PART 01)  

Bahasa Indonesia
Karena saya punya waktu luang, biasanya saya tidak ingin menyia-nyiakannya, jadi saya membuat konsep seni ini, di mana saya mendesain sesuatu untuk mengasah keterampilan dan kreativitas Illustrator saya. Jika Anda pengikut Saya, saya biasanya memposting sesuatu artwork  di IG / media sosial. 
Kali ini saya membuat konsep Nike Activation Graphic.
Temanya adalah  "Nike Air  "dengan sentuhan elegan dan berkelas dengan perpaduan Street. Seperti yang selalu saya lihat, Nike selalu kreatif dan mendobrak batasan dalam apa yang mereka lakukan, dan semua yang mereka lakukan, mereka desain dengan pemikiran yang sangat baik.
jadi saya mencoba menangkapnya dan menafsirkannya dari desain & kreativitas saya.
Setiap hari Air Max Day ,selalu Nike mempunyai tema. 
dan saya melakukan brainstorming dan menghasilkan konsep Air, 
Aku meneliti kata apa yang ada kata "AIR" di dalamnya, dan dari situ yang paling menarik perhatianku adalah "AFFAIR" menurut ku, jadi saya bermain dengan konsep itu dan keluarlah  tema " LOVE AFF-AIR " . terdengar seperti "LOVE OF AIR", 
ada concept yang lalu aku menganggap dan coba juga dimana  LOVERS bisa di mainkan suraranya juga sebagai sebuah kata,  selain lovers di ubahnya menjadi "LOVE-AIR"

Saya bermain dengan font kali ini dan lebih sedikit grafis, karena saya tahu saya tidak pandai menggunakan design font dan ingin menantang diri menggunakan font tulisan tangan sebagai dasar, kemudian mendesain ulang + menambahkan sesuatu ke dalam campuran untuk hasilnya.
karena Nike berorientasi pada anak muda, saya juga bermain dengan konsep jalanan.
Jadi aaya datang dengan konsep elegan namun memberontak dengan mix Street, yaitu ketika saya keluar dengan sticker bombing untuk bagian " AIR " pada Font yang elegan, 
dan font script untuk mewakili keanggunannya. 
lihat seni konsep saya dan harap Anda menyukainya 

NOTE: saya tidak bekerja untuk Nike, saya tidak mendapatkan pasangan dan bagian dari sistem mereka. Aku di sini membuat sketsa dan konsep demi mengasah keterampilan dan kreativitasku, jadi jangan datang mengetuk pintu mereka dan menanyakan banyak hal. dan Nike jika Anda menyukai apa yang Anda lihat atau ada keluhan, Anda dapat menghubungi saya kapan saja..

(click on " read more " to see more documentation)

As I have spare time , usually i dont want to waste it, so i come up with this concept art, where i design things to sharpen my Illustrator skills and creativity. if ur a follower of  Me, i usually post things on IG  / social media. 
This time i create a concept Nike Activation Graphic.
the theme is Nike Air with a twist of elegent and classiness with a mix of street.as i always see Nike always being creative and pushing bounderies in what they do, and everything they do, they design.
so i try to capture that and interpret them from my on design & creativity.
each air max day always have a theme.and i did brainstorm and come out with the concept of Air, 
i research what words that have the word " air " iin it, and from then the one that caught my eye the most is " AFFAIR ", so i play with that concept and come out with " LOVE AFF -AIR " . sound like " LOVE OF AIR ", and then i did consider LOVERS as a word , but change it to "LOVE-AIR "

i play with font this time and less graphic, cause i know im not good with it and want to challange that  using hand writting font as base and then re design them and adding things to the mix for the outcome.
as Nike are youth oriented, i play with the concept of street too, in the mix.
i came with the concept of elegent  but rebeled by the street, that when i come out with sticker bombing for the " AIR " part on an elegent Font, and the script font  to represent its elegent. 
check out my concept art and hope you like it 

NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems,  you  guys can contact me anytime 

(click on " read more " to see more documentation)
Bahasa Indonesia
Mulai dengan  Idea dan concept , 
brainstorming adalah cara terbaik untuk mengeluarkan idea di kepala. bisa di liat di sini saya mulai dengan kata  " air "  brand nike  sangat dekat dengan kata tersebut. di waktu saya brainstorm, saya coba mencari kata apa yang ada "air " , dan dari kata tersebut gimic apa yang bisa di pakai buat menjadikanmarketing concept.
idea yang keluar dari brain storm ini adalah  
"Love Aff-AIR "
" Love of AIR "
" LoveAIR s ( LOVERS ) "  
bisa di pakai buat Nike Air Project seperti Nike Air Max day  atau Nike Air new Release buat marketing

Start with an idea and concept, 
Brainstorming is the best way to get ideas out of your head. You can see here that I started with the word "air" the Nike brand is very close to that word. When I was brainstorming, I tried to find the word "water" in it, and from that word what gimmicks could be used to make a marketing concept
the final idea that did come out from this is 
"Love Aff-AIR "
" Love of AIR "
" LoveAIR s ( LOVERS ) "  
this can be use for example , Nike Air Max Day of  new Nike Release Shoes for marketing,
Bahasa Indonesia
Dari Concept sketch Raw brainstorm, Saya Push ke Illustrator untuk memperjelas design 

From the Concept sketch Raw brainstorm, I pushed to Illustrator to clarify the design
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini detail design concept yang saya bikin dengan  cara pemikiran saya

Here are the design detail of each concept sketch  with my toughts
Bahasa Indonesia
Saya suka fontnya dimana bentuk sangat feminin dan classy script . kalo kalian bisa liat, logo nike swoosh saya pakai buat shape alphabeth sebagai detail dan " Air "  seperti sticker bomb, seperti orang menempelkan di advertising 

I like the font where the shapes are very feminine and classy script. If you can see, I used the Nike Swoosh logo to make an alphabet shape as a detail and "Air" is like a sticker bomb, like people put on advertising.
Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti design kedua , saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoowh sebagai font dan Stickerbomb 
dengan font berbeda 
saya suka simplicity fontnya seperti tulisan orang 

Seperti design kedua , saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoowh sebagai font dan Stickerbomb with different font
i love the simplicity that the font is 
Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti design kedua , saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoowh tapi anglenya berbeda sebagai font dan Stickerbomb "AIR" dengan font berbeda 
saya suka dengan beberapa angle nike swooshnya , serasa kuat dan sporty

Like the second design, I continued the Nike Swoowh logo concept but with a different angle as a font and the "AIR" Stickerbomb with a different font, 
i love the turn out of the angle Nike Swoosh , if feels a bit strong and sporty 
Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti design ketiga dengan font berbeda, saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  "A "dan saya kasih hidden nike swoosh logo di huruf  "L "+  Stickerbomb "AIR"
saya agak ngak suka dengan fontnya , agak kurang baik sih menurut saya   

Like the third design with a different font, I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as the font. can be seen on the letter "A" and I gave the hidden Nike Swoosh logo on the letter "L" + Stickerbomb "AIR"
I don't like the font, it's a bit not good in my opinion
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design keempat ,dengan font berbeda. saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  "A " Hidden nike swoosh logo +  Stickerbomb "AIR"  
menurut saya sangat cantik sih designnya, sangat elegant fontnya 

Continuing from the fourth design, with a different font. I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. can be seen on the Letter "A" Hidden nike swoosh logo + Stickerbomb "AIR"  
I think the design is very beautiful, the font is very elegant
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design kelima ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  "A " Hidden nike swoosh logo tapi lebih kecil dan ngak terlalu keliatan +  Stickerbomb "AIR"  
saya suka sih logo swoosh mengantikan huruf " V" dan menurut saya cocok di font ini

Continuing from the fifth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. can be seen in the Letter "A" Hidden nike swoosh logo but smaller and less visible + Stickerbomb "AIR"  
I like the swoosh logo replacing the letter "V" and I think it suits this font
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design keenam ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  "A " Hidden nike swoosh logo tapi lebih kecil dan ngak terlalu keliatan +  Stickerbomb "AIR"  
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  mengemphesis dan di huruf  "A"

Continuing from the fifth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. can be seen in the Letter "A" Hidden nike swoosh logo but smaller and less visible + Stickerbomb "AIR"  
I think adding the Nike Swoosh logo makes the detail on the letter "L" impressive and on the letter"A" 
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ketujuh ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  "A " Hidden nike swoosh logo tapi lebih kecil dan ngak terlalu keliatan +  Stickerbomb "AIR"  
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  mengemphesis dan di huruf  "A"

Continuing from the fifth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. can be seen in the Letter "A" Hidden nike swoosh logo but smaller and less visible + Stickerbomb "AIR"  
I think adding the Nike Swoosh logo makes the detail on the letter "L" impressive and on the letter "A "
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design kedelapan ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  " L" swoosh logo memulai words love
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  seperti kurang cocok, karena terlihat swooshnya kegedean, saya kecilkan di yang  "lovers" di bawah kanan dan lebih terlihat baik 

Continuing from the eighth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. You can see in the letter "L" the swoosh logo starts the words love
In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "L" doesn't seem suitable, because the swoosh looks too big, I made it smaller on the "lovers" at the bottom right and it looks better 
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design kesembilan ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai font . bisa di lihat di Huruf  " L" swoosh logo memulai words love
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  seperti kurang cocok, karena terlihat swooshnya kegedean. 

Continuing from the eighth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as a font. You can see in the letter "L" the swoosh logo starts the words love
In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "L" doesn't seem suitable, because the swoosh looks too big  
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design kesepuuh ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai accent .
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  seperti kurang cocok, agak berat karena terlihat swooshnya kegedean. , saya juga bermain logo swoosh di artwork  "AIR "

 Continuing from the tenth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as an accent.In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "L" doesn't seem appropriate, it's a bit heavy because the Swoosh looks too big. , I also played with the swoosh logo in the "AIR" artwork
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design k esebelas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai accent .
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L"  seperti kurang cocok, agak berat karena terlihat swooshnya kegedean. 

 Continuing from the tenth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as an accent.In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "L" doesn't seem appropriate, it's a bit heavy because the Swoosh looks too big.
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai accent  ddi font lagi.
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "A" dan huruf "O "  menurut saya sangat cocok , kali orang akan kelewatan dan ngak notice, tetapi kali diliat lebih dekat dengan detail, ada logo Nike Swoosh kecil

 Continuing from the twelfth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as an accent in the font again.
In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "A" and the letter "O" I think is very suitable, sometimes people will miss it and not notice, but if you look closely at the detail, there is a small Nike Swoosh logo
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke tiga belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai accent di font lagi.
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh nike buat detail di huruf "L" dengan dua size berbeda. dengan sekala kecil menurut saya sangat cocok (di atas kiri) , dan size besar diliat sebagai accesnt detail design juga. lucunya logo nike di yang besar masih cocok buat font tersebut, karena huruf scriptnya agak tebel 

Continuing from the thirteenth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as an accent in the font again.
In my opinion, adding the Nike Swoosh logo for detail on the letter "L" in two different sizes. In my opinion, the small scale is very suitable (above left), and the large size is seen as an access detail design too. The funny thing is that the large Nike logo is still suitable for this font, because the script letters are a bit thick
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design keempat belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya teruskan concept logo Nike Swoooh sebagai accent di font lagi.
menurut saya menambahkan logo swoosh  kecil nike buat detail di huruf "L". dengan sekala kecil menurut saya sangat cocok dan saya juga coba main "AIR" logo di tambahkan Nike Swoosh 

Continuing from the fourteenth design, with a different font.
 I continued the Nike Swoooh logo concept as an accent in the font again.
I think adding a small Nike swoosh logo creates detail on the letter "L". On a small scale, I think it's very suitable and I also tried playing with the "AIR" logo with the Nike Swoosh added
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke lima belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya Arahkan design memakai logo "AIR " dan "SWOOSH ", karena menurut saya lebih cocok dan bilamana saya tambahkan gimic swoosh akan merusak font yang menurut saya lucu dan bagus. 

Continuing from the fourteenth design, with a different font.
 I design  by useing the "AIR" and "SWOOSH" logos, because I think it is more suitable and if I add a gimic swoosh it will ruin the font which I think is cute and nice.
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke enam belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya Arahkan design memakai logo "SWOOSH " di font lagi karena menurut saya fontnya bisa di tambahkan , karena menurut saya lebih cocok dan bilamana saya tambahkan gimic swoosh akan  tidak merusak font yang menurut saya lucu dan bagus. 

Continuing from the sixteenth design, with a different font.
 I directed the design to use the "SWOOSH" logo in the font again because I think the font can be added, because I think it is more suitable and if I add a gimic swoosh it won't damage the font which I think is cute and nice
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke tujuh belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya Arahkan design memakai logo "SWOOSH " di font lagi karena menurut saya fontnya bisa di tambahkan , karena menurut saya lebih cocok dan bilamana saya tambahkan gimic swoosh akan  tidak merusak font yang menurut saya lucu dan bagus.  sering saya passang effect di huruf " L" atau huruf "A", tetapi sekarang saya coba di huruf  " F "

Continuing from the sixteenth design, with a different font.
 I directed the design to use the "SWOOSH" logo in the font again because I think the font can be added, because I think it is more suitable and if I add a gimic swoosh it won't ruin the font which I think is cute and nice.  I often put the effect on the letter "L" or the letter "A", but now I tried it on the letter "F"
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke delapan belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 saya Arahkan design memakai logo " AIR " dan " SWOOOSH" tanpa menambahkan accent karena font scriptnya udah bagus

Continuing from the eighteenth design, with a different font.
 I directed the design to use the "AIR" and "SWOOOSH" logos without adding accents because the script font was already good 
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke sembilan belas ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya arahkan design memakai logo " AIR " dan  accent" SWOOOSH" untuk menambahkan accent karena font scriptnya udah bagus tapi perlu sedikit supaya ada sentuhan logo swoosh

Continuing from the nineteenth design, with a different font.
 I directed the design to use the "AIR" logo and the "SWOOOSH" accent to add an accent because the script font is already good but it needs a little bit so that there is a touch of the swoosh logo
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua puluh ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya  anggap fontnya sudah bagus sekali dan  saya bermain juga dengan design memakai logo " AIR " dan  accent" SWOOOSH" untuk menambahkan accent karena font scriptnya udah bagus tapi perlu sedikit detail

Continuing from the twentieth design, with a different font.
 I think the font is very good and I also played with the design using the "AIR" logo and the "SWOOOSH" accent to add an accent because the script font is already good but needs a little detail
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua puluh satu ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya  anggaap design ini paling tidak cocok , font menurut saya agak datar dan di tambahkan accent masih kurang cukup 

Continuing from the twenty-first design, with a different font.
 I think this design is the least suitable, in my opinion the font is a bit flat and the added accents are still not enough
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua puluh dua ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya  sekali ;agi bermain dengan design accent Swoosh logo di taro di font, Saya kira designnya lucu , apakah berlebihan ?... hmmmmm,menurut saya sedikit, tetapi masih bagus  :P

Continuing from the twenty-second design, with a different font.
 I'm playing with the Swoosh logo accent design in the font, I think the design is cute, is it too much?... hmmmmm, I think it's a little, but it's still good
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua puluh tiga ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya lihat font scriptnya agak aggresive, saya pikir tidak perlu accentm tetapi setelah saya pikir2 saya tambhain Swoosh logo ,dan menurut saya cocok tanpa mau menunjukan., saya juga bermain dengan logo " AIR " dan " SWOOSH "

Continuing from the twenty-third design, with a different font.
 I saw that the script font was a bit aggressive, I thought it didn't need accents, but after I thought about it I added a Swoosh logo, and I thought it was suitable without wanting to show it. I also played with the "AIR" and "SWOOSH" logos.
Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan  dari design ke dua puluh empat ,dengan font berbeda.
 Saya lihat font scriptnya panjang dan feminin, saya pikir perlu accentm makanya sahya tambahin Swoosh logo di huruf  "V"  atau di "L",dan menurut saya cocok tanpa mau menunjukan., saya juga bermain dengan logo " AIR " dan " SWOOSH "

Continuing from the twenty-fourth design, with a different font.
 I saw that the script font was long and feminine, I thought it needed an accent, so I added the Swoosh logo in the letter "V" or in the "L", and I thought it was suitable without wanting to show it. I also played with the "AIR" and "SWOOSH" logos.

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