Tuesday 9 July 2024



Location : JCC, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Hari terakhir Jakarta Sneakers Day 2024, di Hari minggu ini terlihat vibenya sangat berbeda. 
selama dua hari kemarin ada faktor alam alias ujan. selama di hari minggu, cucah sangat cerah dan menurut saya merubah persepsi membuat orang jadi lebih positive dan mau bergerak.

kalai kalian liat photo2 di dua hari kemarin, traffic terlihat banyak, tetapi tidalk sebanyak di hari minggu. seperti di kali 8 , orang yang hadir di acara tersebut. Banyak sekali acara- acara activasi dan terlihat seru sekali di mana orang yang hadir ikut-ikutan  bidding dan jadi makin seru. biasa juga di akhir hari, banyak deal discount yang menawan dan mengiurkan membuat sepatu impian bisa under retail or harga miring.
karena sangat ramai, setiap saya lewatin gang, acrea gang tertutup dengan banyak orang. Untung kemarin - kemarin saya sudah photo banyak ,seperti produk dan booth. karena kalo saya kerjain di hari minggu akan susah. jadi di hari ketiga saya lebih focus ke vibe sama crowd.

Jujur, ada waktu selama dua hari, saya agak sedikit negative berpikir bahwa saya kira sneaker culture sudah slow down, tetapu di JSD  hari terakhir menemukan authusiasme masih besar, 
jadi cuma karena factor X , hujan besar, hari pertama dan kedua terlihat tidak seramai semustinya.

Saya mau berterima kasih sekali lagi kepada Andre , Dimas , Alex dan team JSD sudah mengasih saya access untuk bisa photo2 di 3 hari kemarin. acara seru dan fun. 

hope to see you again on the next JSD !!!

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

The last day of Jakarta Sneakers Day 2024, this Sunday looks like the vibe is very different. 
For the past two days there have been natural factors, aka rain. During Sundays, the weather is very bright and I think changing perceptions makes people more positive and willing to move.

If you look at the photos from the last two days, the traffic looks a lot, but not as much as on Sunday. as in times 8 , the people present at the event. There were lots of activation events and they looked really exciting where people who attended took part in the bidding and it became even more exciting. Usually at the end of the day, there are lots of interesting and attractive discount deals so that your dream shoes can be sold at under retail or at low prices.
because it was very busy, fortunately yesterday I took lots of photos, such as products and booths. because if I work on Sundays it will be difficult. So on the third day I focused more on the vibe and crowd.

Honestly, there was a time for two days, I was a little negative thinking that I thought sneaker culture was slowing down, but on the last day of JSD I found enthusiasm was still great, 
So just because of the X factor, heavy rain, the first and second days didn't seem as busy as they should be.

I want to thank Andre, Dimas, Alex and the JSD team once again for giving me access to take photos in the past 3 days. exciting and fun event. 

hope to see you again on the next JSD!!!

this is the snap picture documentation on the second day, check it out guys!!!

(Klik "read more " to see more of the dokumentasion)

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