I.S.R.U : adalah terminology yang di pakai oleh NASA, dimana Mereka harus benerin brang mereka yang rusak dengan apa yang ada di sekeliling mereka.Tema ini sering di pakai oleh Tom Sachs sebagai activation dengan concept artwork dia. karena saya suka concept I.S.R.U : dan tomsach, dan sepatu nike.
I.S.R.U : is the terminology used by NASA, where they have to repair their damaged parts with what is around them. This theme is often used by Tom Sachs as an activation with his concept artwork. because I like concept ISRU and tomsach, and Nike shoes.
For the first I.S.R.U :, I will fix the pull tab on my Nike GPS shoe which was damaged yesterday due to violent pulling. The correction is by re-stitching. For your information, I have never sewn. so this will be the first time I will try sewing. This is the documentation for my first project fixing shoes.Bahasa Indonesia
Alat yang akan di pakai untuk membenarkan rusaknya pull tab.
Gunting / Needle / Red treds.
The tool that will be used to repair damaged pull tabs.Scissors / Needle / Red treds.Bahasa Indonesia / ENGLISH
Sawing is not easy.. as this is my first time
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