Saturday 21 September 2024

DOCUMENTATION : 50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 01)

DOCUMENTATION :  50 th Anniversary of Foot locker - part 01

Location : SENAYAN CITY , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Iam.Ran di undang untuk menghadiri acara 50 tahun Footlocker.
Acara Footlocker ini di adakan di hall Mall Senayan City, Lantai 6. Saya datang jam12an , dan tidak taunya acaranya sangat seru. tamu di terima oleh team baju hitam putih di depan  untuk digital registeration. dan setelah itu di arahkan ke hall dimana ada print dan digital video orang- orang yang memjadi muka campagne 50th Footlocker. setelah melewati hall of picture, di area pertama bisa terlihat display2 barang2 Brand seperti Nike, Adidas, Puma, Asics  , New balance yang di  jual di Footlocker . Dii event ini brand sangat suppportif dan membuka activasi di area - area yang di sediakan. Seperti New Balance membuka coffee  area hang out, Nike mengisi 2 activasi, satu adalah area 3 on 3 Basketball dan dua adalah activasi bikin landyard  handphone yang berkolaborasi dengan international brand Local  stranger workshop yang base di singapore (part 02 documentation), brand Adidas membuat gelang, brand Asics memblock  area di tengah2 hall dengan concept Break Dance, brand Converse juga mengadakan area arcade games yang sangat seru,Brand puma mengadakan game loncat nempel snicker.
selain brand - brand ternama, ada juga booth sponsor Crep Protect yang menyediaan cuci sepatu gratis dan main dingdong dapat sepatu. di  eket entrence di dalam hall ,salah satu sisi dinding juga terisi oleh group IST  (pecinta sneakers ) mendisplay colection para collector yang bertema black and white, sepatu sepatu yang bisa di bilang di incar oleh para sneaker collector seluruh dunia.
Ada juga stage besar  yang sangat megah, stage iini di sediakan untu tamu international Mathew Wealthy dari media complex yang sudah di kenal oleh para sneakers heads  salah satu Mc di acara Complex sneakers, dia di interview di stage bersama local culture creator Michael Kilian untuk membahas mengenai landscape dan culture dan bagaimana dia bekerja di media complex.Setelah interview  ini selesai, stage besar di isi oleh artis - artis penyanyi seperti saykoji , teddy Aditya dan talent talent lokal lain untuk menutupi acara event.
Menurut saya Acara Footlocker ini sangat jorjoran, dan bisa di bilang all out !, dari display, dari tempat activasi yang bertema black and white , menurut saya sangat keren dan hebat. banyak influecer2 sneakers , beauty dan fashion , snaker enthusiast(collector ) culture creator dantang menyambut dan  menghadiri acara tersebut. over all menurut saya acaranya sangat di kelola dengan bagus dan saya sangat berterima kasih sekali di undang untuk  bisa datang.Congrat to Footlocker for 50th, semoga makin berjaya dan success di Indonesia dan gue doain umurnya makin panjang dan bikin2 acara keren lagi seperti acara ini 

Special Thanks :  Kepada Vitra telah mengundang saya personaly dan mengasih full access untuk saya  meliput. Thanks brother !!! 

 check dokumentasi photo2 saya untuk lebih lanjut mengenai acara ini
(Klik "read more " untuk melihat lebih banyak foto dokumentasi)

Iam.Ran was invited to attend the 50th anniversary of Footlocker.
This Footlocker event was held in the Senayan City Mall hall, Floor 6. I came at 12, and I didn't know the event was so exciting. Guests were received by a team in black and white clothes at the front for digital registration. and after that we were directed to the hall where there were print and digital videos of the people who were the faces of the 50th Footlocker campaign. After passing through the hall of pictures, in the first area you can see displays of brand goods such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Asics, New Balance which are sold at Footlocker. At this event the brand was very supportive and opened up activities in the areas provided. Like New Balance opening a coffee hang out area, Nike fills 2 activities, one is the 3 on 3 Basketball area and two is an activity to make cellphone landyards in collaboration with international brand Local stranger workshop based in Singapore (part 02 documentation), the Adidas brand makes bracelets , the Asics brand blocked the area in the middle of the hall with the Break Dance concept, the Converse brand also held a very exciting arcade games area, the Puma brand held a snicker jumping game.
Apart from well-known brands, there is also a Crep Protect sponsor booth which provides free shoe washing and playing dingdong to get shoes. At the entrance in the hall, one side of the wall was also filled with the IST group (sneaker lovers) displaying collectors' collections with a black and white theme, shoes that could be said to be sought after by sneaker collectors all over the world.
There is also a big stage which is very magnificent, this stage is reserved for international guests Mathew Wealthy from Media Complex who is already known to sneaker heads, he is one of the MCs at the Complex sneakers event, he was interviewed on stage with local culture creator Michael Kilian, talking about the landscape , the culture and how he got the job at complex  .After this interview was finished, the big stage was filled with singing artists such as Saykoji, Teddy Aditya and other local talents to cover the event.
In my opinion, this Footlocker event is very exciting, and you could say it's all out!, from the display, from the black and white themed activation area, I think it's very cool and great. Many sneakers, beauty and fashion influencers, snaker enthusiasts (collectors) culture creators and people welcomed and attended the event. Over all, in my opinion, the event was very well managed and I am very grateful for being invited to come. Congrats to Footlocker for 50th, I hope it will be more successful and successful in Indonesia and I pray that it will live longer and create more cool events like this event 

Special Thanks: To Vitra for inviting me personally and giving me full access to cover it. Thanks bro!!!

this is the snap picture documentation PART 01, check it out guys!!!

(Klik "read more " to see more of the dokumentasion)

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