Wednesday 4 September 2024

My Past life : FIXED GEAR RIDER x Graffiti

My Past life  : FIXED GEAR RIDER  x Graffiti 

Bahasa Indonesia
Selagi saya membereskan photo - photo lama, saya menemukan selagi saya sedang di dalam acara Fixed gear Art. satu malam dimana ara riders Fixed gear membuat art di area - area tertentu buat mengexpresikan culture Fixed gear. beberapa memasang artwork mereka dengan lem paste, beberapa sticker bom dan beberapa membuat graffiti juga. saya membuat stancil art design , gambar sepedah fixed gear dengan  blakang ban di isikan hati !
acaranya sangat seru , cross culture art dan fixed gear menurut saya sangat creative. 
 check photo - photo lama saya di era fixed gear 

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

While I was cleaning up old photos, I found it while I was at the Fixed Gear Art event. one night where Fixed gear riders made art in certain areas to express Fixed gear culture. some put up their artwork with glue paste, some bomb stickers and some make graffiti too. I made a stancil art design, a picture of a fixed gear bicycle with a heart filled in on the back of the tire!
the event was very exciting, in my opinion cross culture art and fixed gear were very creative.

check my old photos from the fixed gear era

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)  
Saya sedang mempersiapkan stencil buat acara Fixed gear city bomb  , saya bikinnya dengan cardboard dengan gambar sepedah fixed gear dan hati di roda belakang.
I'm preparing a stencil for the Fixed Gear City Bomb event, I made it using cardboard with a picture of a fixed gear bicycle and a heart on the rear wheel.

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