Sunday 22 September 2024

DOCUMENTATION : 50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 02) - Activation by Nike x Local Stranger Workshop


DOCUMENTATION :  50 th Anniversary of Foot Locker ( Part 02) -  Activation by Nike x Local Stranger Workshop 

Location : Senayan City Mall , Jakarta, Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
Meneruskan Dokumentasi 50th Anniversary Foot Locker, dokumentasi kali ini saya akan menceritakan mengenai experience saya di salah satu activasi yang berada di acara tersebut.
Activasi yang saya ikuti adalah aktivasi di booth Nike, dimana Nike berkolaborasi dengan international brand  Local Stranger Workshop. sedikit background mengenai LSW, mereka adalah brand creative craftmen yang membuat beautiful  hand crafted product. sangking creative dan bagus, sampai brand seperti Nike bisa berkolaborasi.
Saya ikut di Spot session pertama , dari Team LWS, ada Niks dan Hibs yang mengarahkan, ngeajarkan  dan mengeducate cara membuat product Lanyard Handphone yang kita akan bikin di session ini.
dari introduksi brand mereka, saya usdah bisa lihat, mereka punya vibe yang sangat cool dan seperti mentor yang akan seru . mereka menunjukan  step by step cara membikin, dan be part of it, ngak cuma liat atau  bisa beli saja. tamu yang di pilih di slot pertama sangat limited, karena space yang ada per sesi juga di batasin,saya sangat untuk bisa masuk dan ikut serta. saya suka bekerja dengan tangan, jadi menurut saya saya akan suka sekali activasi seperti ini.
kita harus berpartisipasi, seperti mengetok pin alumunium yang akan memegang shape buat D-ring, belajar mengikat  banyak beda bertali (knot) dan memasang parts dan me assemblesampai lanyard itu jadi!. mentor2 juga baik dan sangat menolng, membantu setiap tamu menyelesaikan sampai selesai.
i got a good vibe from them. such a cool experience and if u had the chance to do it, harus cobain sihhh!!
di akhir, ngak cuma kita dapet lanyardnya kita dapet knowledge dan experience seru.menutup acara session 01 kita photo session di akhir acara ! saya liat semua orang yang mengikutinya have a big smile on their face and want to take picture with them.

check out Local Strange Workshop( LSW) guys on IG, and follow them + check their website.      

check my photo documentation saya buat full dokumentasinya

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Continuing the Foot Locker 50th Anniversary Documentation, this time I will tell you about my experience at one of the activities at the event.
The activation that I participated in was an activation at the Nike booth, where Nike collaborated with the international brand Local Stranger Workshop. A little background about LSW, they are a creative craftsman brand that makes beautiful hand crafted products. so creative and good, that brands like Nike can collaborate.
I took part in the first Spot session, from the LWS Team, there were Niks and Hibs who directed, taught and educated how to make the cellphone lanyard product that we will make in this session.
From their brand introduction, I can already see, they have a very cool vibe and are like mentors who will be fun. they show you step by step how to make it, and be part of it, not just look at it or just buy it. The guests selected for the first slot were very limited, because the space available per session was also limited, I really wanted to be able to enter and take part. I like working with my hands, so I think I would really like this kind of activation.
we have to participate, such as tapping the aluminum pins that will hold the shape for the D-ring, learning to tie many different ropes (knots) and installing parts and assembling them until the lanyard is finished! The mentors are also kind and very helpful, helping each guest finish to completion.
i got a good vibe from them. such a cool experience and if you have the chance to do it, you have to try it!!
At the end, not only did we get the lanyard, we got exciting knowledge and experience. Closing session 01, we had a photo session at the end of the event! I see everyone who follows it has a big smile on their face and wants to take a picture with them.

check out Local Strange Workshop ( LSW) guys on IG, and follow them + check their website

 check my photo documentation for more information about this event

(Click "read more" to see more documentation photos)

Special Thanks: Vitra for giving me access to documennt this Activation

special thanks to Niks + Hibs for the cool experience, i wish u guys more success personaly and for the company LSW, i think you guys are amazing and please keep that craftmenship and creativity alive, cause you guys make cool stuff !!

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