Wednesday 4 September 2024


IF I EVER DESIGN :  Illustrator art of WEARTESTERS

Bahasa Indonesia
Seperti yang kalian ketahui, akhir-akhir ini saya sedang menggambar karakter dan karya seni di ilustrator.
menurutku aku akan membuat koleksi baru atau WEARTESTING ART.

ini adalah karakter pertama, Nama "Ben".
dia sedang menguji bantalan dan kenyamanan sepatu.

semoga kalian suka illustrator saya dan check my art work.  
(click on " read more " untuk liat detail design )

as you guys know, lately ive been drawing character and artwork on illustrator.
i think im gonna make a new collections or WEARTESTING ART.

this is the first character, Name  "Ben ".
he is testing the cushion and the comfortability on a shoes. 

i hope u like the illustrator design of my artwork
(click on "read more" to see design details)
NOTE: i dont work for Nike, i dont get pair and part of their system. im here doing sketch and concept for the sake of sharpening my skills and creativity, so dont come knocking in their door and ask them things. and Nike if u like what u see or u have problems, you  guys can contact me anytime
Head design with shadow details
Bahasa Indonesia
Design kepalanya dengan detail bayangan
Body design with accessories with shadow details
Bahasa Indonesia
Design Badan dengan accessories' dengan detail bayangan

Shoes design with weartesting technology with shadow details
Bahasa Indonesia
Desain sepatu dengan teknologi teruji dengan detail bayangan

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